WebAPI t1_jdqo2u2 wrote

I think Fetterman is not fully recovered, but is in his way to be. Even if he doesn't regain his previous strength, stamina, etc. I think he has enough ability to serve in the Senate capacity.


He's already done stuff like working the bill on train regulation, which he cosponsored with an Ohio senator.

Some senators who have decent health and not hospitalized actually do nothing except vote against bills that will genuinely help their constituents, by choice. So I don't think Fetterman is doing any better or worse as compared to other senators. Many others are so aged that I think they don't want to spend time doing much besides fundraising anyway.

If Congress actually worked like it is meant to be, with robust debate and many bills to consider and unconstrained bipartisanship, then I might fear he could miss out on forming policies important to PA. But unfortunately due to party polarization, and few bills ever going for a vote, there's not really that much for him to do.

I'm curious, what do you think a day in the life of a regular senator is actually like?