
Underdogger t1_iwn5t3g wrote

If people knowing the truth about something is being an underdog, then yeah, I stand by my username. I honestly believe that everybody should be as informed as possible when making any decision in their life whatsoever and if you disagree with that, I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

I'm all for people promoting themselves and being successful but go about it in an honest way. This guy reposting the same art for years on end while simultaneously trying to use it for current promoting is not honest, because he hasn't shown that the art he's done recently is anywhere near this quality.

You insulting me about how "little I must know about the industry" while simultaneously taking the side of someone dwelling on past accomplishments rather than further improving themselves tells me that you think purely with emotion rather than logic and aren't worth arguing with, "so this is gonna be my last reply to ya".


Underdogger t1_iwmxg2n wrote

That's the equivalent of a musician making a single song and reposting it for multiple years rather than honing his craft and making bigger, better pieces of art. Why dwell on past accomplishments when you could instead improve upon them. Is this the best this guy has to offer? Why should anybody commission art based on what this guy did a few years ago?

I didn't make the original comment because this guy "hurt" me, obviously I couldn't give a fuck if this is a repost because, Reddit duh. But I feel people have a right to know that this guy, who it seems hasn't posted an original piece of art in over a year, and that a commissioned piece would likely just be a reprint from the trend shown here.

As for a "weakly veiled ad", that's exactly what this is. A plea for someone to notice his art and commission something from him despite this being multiple years old.


Underdogger t1_iwmv9lp wrote

No, what's crazy is not only has this person gotten into the habit of reposting a handful of drawings he's done for multiple years, probably adding up over a thousand times, just for internet clout, but that someone like you comes in to suck the dick of a random stranger over the internet because someone pointed out a pattern he's noticed and backed it up with a statistic.