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recovering_spaz t1_iwlscli wrote

Love it.

Can you do another one of Rob Zombie next to him also painting?


langleyeffect OP t1_iwltksg wrote

Thank you! And hey, I'm always up for commissions.


DianneQuinn t1_iwm7xw7 wrote

Is the signature "Langley"? I want to show this to some friends but I don't like not crediting the artist!


langleyeffect OP t1_iwmb4ps wrote

Yup! That's Langley, and that's me!


DianneQuinn t1_iwmbiwz wrote

Thanks! Showing to some artist teens I know who love a style like that :)


recovering_spaz t1_iwms133 wrote

Apologies, I wasn't expecting you to do it for me, I though I'd offer inspiration for a future project.


ginnisrules t1_iwmsnvt wrote

What if I give you a shout on IG? I have dozens of followers. Think of the exposure.


TheArmoredKitten t1_iwnssd0 wrote

In the infinitely slim chance that it would be affordable, I want you to tell me and the world a crude estimate for what that miracle of comedy would cost.


Mister_Brevity t1_iwnujy8 wrote

This is what crowdsourcing is for. We all donate a dollar and op makes bank when he posts the image that just gets him more followers. Genius!


TheArmoredKitten t1_iwocdz1 wrote

I would absolutely pledge 3 dollars to the Rob Zombie/Zombie Bob Ross painting project


LTVOLT t1_iwlumxo wrote

he should be playing guitar though


Underdogger t1_iwm97hf wrote

It's crazy how many times you've reposted this.


BadlyGeneratedHuman t1_iwmbznr wrote

Not really. I've seen other accounts repost their shit literally in the thousands. This guy did it 4 times.


Underdogger t1_iwmctq6 wrote

Go to his account and sort for top posts of all time. It's been quite a few times.


BadlyGeneratedHuman t1_iwmdq23 wrote

Nah it's not that many, I am on mobile though so I might not be able to see all of them


Underdogger t1_iwmf972 wrote

I counted 66 before I started getting into the posts with <30 upvotes, and there's quite a few of those so I stopped scrolling.


BadlyGeneratedHuman t1_iwmfjbb wrote

Holy hell ok I stand corrected.


Underdogger t1_iwmfo9h wrote

Yeah, I think the guy has maaaaaybe 10 pieces of art that he's reposted each probably hundreds of times.


DarkStar140 t1_iwna8o2 wrote

I noticed he's only replied to the compliment comments, too. I knew I've seen this before. Glad someone else said something.


Axe-puff t1_iwok0l5 wrote

A grand total of 88 times, if you include all 3 versions


Underdogger t1_iwok9bx wrote

Thank you for doing the dirty work, I got tired of scrolling.


CloudiusWhite t1_iwmuvyk wrote

What crazy is that you felt so strongly about it to go dig through their post history to declare this in the first place. You'd do well to mind your business.


Underdogger t1_iwmv9lp wrote

No, what's crazy is not only has this person gotten into the habit of reposting a handful of drawings he's done for multiple years, probably adding up over a thousand times, just for internet clout, but that someone like you comes in to suck the dick of a random stranger over the internet because someone pointed out a pattern he's noticed and backed it up with a statistic.


CloudiusWhite t1_iwmwhr0 wrote

First time I saw his art and I enjoyed the picture, which was the point of him posting it lol. Whining like a child about reposting on a platform that has it happen millions of times a week is like pissing on your face and complaining you got pissed on. Be glad its not someone pushing an weakly veiled ad, which is what the majority of reposts are. Even if they're looking for clout, how exactly does that hurt you? Theyre artists, just like musicians who have to get their music out however possible before they blow up, artists have to put their art out there so people can commission them, and just maybe, if theyre skilled enough, blow up to become a big name in the art industry.


Underdogger t1_iwmxg2n wrote

That's the equivalent of a musician making a single song and reposting it for multiple years rather than honing his craft and making bigger, better pieces of art. Why dwell on past accomplishments when you could instead improve upon them. Is this the best this guy has to offer? Why should anybody commission art based on what this guy did a few years ago?

I didn't make the original comment because this guy "hurt" me, obviously I couldn't give a fuck if this is a repost because, Reddit duh. But I feel people have a right to know that this guy, who it seems hasn't posted an original piece of art in over a year, and that a commissioned piece would likely just be a reprint from the trend shown here.

As for a "weakly veiled ad", that's exactly what this is. A plea for someone to notice his art and commission something from him despite this being multiple years old.


CloudiusWhite t1_iwmyrbq wrote

"The people have a right to know" jesus you must take your username seriously lmao

If a musician has one really good song and it happens to get their name out there then yeah theyre gonna put that song out there as their demo. Thats how self promotion works. It doesn't mean they dont have other songs or maybe even better songs that one could be their personal favorite.

A commissioned piece would be whatever the person commissioning it wants, it wouldnt be a reprint. Thats called buying a print. You seem to know nothing about art, music, or how either industry works, so this is gonna be my last reply to ya.


ice_barrier t1_iwn286w wrote

“You are uneducated and uncultured, therefore I shan’t waste my time conversing with your kind”

This is how you come across


Underdogger t1_iwn5t3g wrote

If people knowing the truth about something is being an underdog, then yeah, I stand by my username. I honestly believe that everybody should be as informed as possible when making any decision in their life whatsoever and if you disagree with that, I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

I'm all for people promoting themselves and being successful but go about it in an honest way. This guy reposting the same art for years on end while simultaneously trying to use it for current promoting is not honest, because he hasn't shown that the art he's done recently is anywhere near this quality.

You insulting me about how "little I must know about the industry" while simultaneously taking the side of someone dwelling on past accomplishments rather than further improving themselves tells me that you think purely with emotion rather than logic and aren't worth arguing with, "so this is gonna be my last reply to ya".


ice_barrier t1_iwn12xc wrote

Stating an opinion and backing it up with reasoning when grilled about it is not whining like a child.


CloudiusWhite t1_iwn30ft wrote

Maybe youre posting this on the wrong post, but there was no opinion stated by the person I was conversing with before, they stated a fact. If you'd like to engage in this discussion too then get your opening statement right at least.

You know what I do when I see a repost I've seen before? I pass it up.


Muscalp t1_iwm7csl wrote

And for you, lil uzi, we have a bob zombie poster



PM_Me_ChoGath_R34 t1_iwmn0z4 wrote

Little bit of useless trivia. There was a comedian that performed (As far as I know) exclusively at the Renaissance Festival that went by the name Ded Bob. He was a ventriloquist in an old-timey executioner costume with a dressed up skeleton puppet; He's since retired and let others take up the mantle.

He often did skits requiring people form the audience, who he would 'Bobnotize' them with his eye sockets. 'Bobnotized' audience members were 'Bob Zombies'


Juncti t1_iwm81n9 wrote

Feel like it should have some happy little brains.


shifter2000 t1_iwmltry wrote

It's like a Garbage Pail Kids portrait.


Boreol t1_iwmov08 wrote

"Now we'll just paint some happy little limbs...... Like so. Now just a dash of Van Dead Brown...... You don't have to make the arms super straight, they can be as curvy as you want, depending if it was broken or not"


Animegx43 t1_iwooro7 wrote

Let's be honest. Even as a zombie, he would make us feel relaxed.


denimpowell t1_iwmjzv0 wrote

Obviously the arm is OP's, as Bob is angry at their use of acrylic instead of firm oil based Joy of Painting-brand paints


elmaki2014 t1_iwmt7hj wrote

the worst thing is he's just so positve about the painting!!

Love it!!


Beat2death t1_iwn9kcs wrote

Happy little braaaaaaaaains.


LMminemagician t1_iwnful6 wrote

"just add some happy little corpses"


Concerted t1_iwnm8uw wrote

We're gonna add just a few drops of blood.....


Sh0nZ13 t1_iwoqpm7 wrote

"That's a dead little bush."


kittytoes21 t1_iwoztnm wrote

Wow! And it looks like a watercolor


langleyeffect OP t1_iwpl9nz wrote

It's almost watercolor. I diluted some acrylic paints.


Mommapoa t1_iwmcotf wrote



spotpea t1_iwmp9vv wrote

I wanted to upvote but had to stop myself with that that count


Top_Professional402 t1_iwmqeln wrote

I feel like Bob would have liked this. Nice!


krawm t1_iwppus9 wrote

Now that is a happy looking fella...

I miss bob


Strange_Unicorn t1_iwnxy6a wrote

As a t-shirt connoisseur, this design should absolutely be on one


langleyeffect OP t1_iwny22i wrote

This design is absolutely already on one. to DM me, I''ll link ya.


Dead_Purple t1_iwogvdv wrote

I have an old friend that did a drawing of Bob Ross as a skeleton.


Yanoshank t1_iwojjb1 wrote

Titanium Hwight I hope.


Siphtrex t1_iwopd20 wrote

Missed opportunity to call him Bob Rot


uglyduckling81 t1_iwp2n7n wrote

Should be putting a tree into the front of an already complete picture.


Skyerocket t1_iwp7vmr wrote

Oh, this? Just a happy little snaccident


TGBDalton t1_iwpdv90 wrote

Should have been called "The Joy of Painting with Bob Rot"


systemofaDON t1_iwpdzdi wrote

Looks like Marve from Hone Alone 2 when he gets electrocuted and they flash his skeleton.


BeefSupremeTA t1_iwpua7h wrote

Well, that's both fantastically done and fucking horrifying at the same time.


shadesjackson t1_iwpwim9 wrote

Reminds me of marvel zombies comic covers


diegoplus t1_iwm5wi2 wrote

Still wholesome somehow


Bean_Juice_Brew t1_iwobswc wrote

Assumed this was a repost for karma. Nope! Reverse image search brought me to their Etsy. Nice work, u/langleyeffect!


93902 t1_ixnvuqf wrote

I almost thought it was stolen but it’s just a repost of your good art


KreeepyKrawler t1_iwod7sb wrote

Hey, OP, could you edit the title to, "Bob Rots," please?


langleyeffect OP t1_iwplpgy wrote

You know, I've had a ton of great title suggestions. It's had this same title since I painted it back in 2019, but I've had a lot of "Dammit, I should have thought of that" moments.


its10pm t1_iwmfe85 wrote

Why do you want to ruin my childhood!? Kidding. Good painting.


langleyeffect OP t1_iwmfk81 wrote

I want to ruin EVERYONE'S childhood.

Also, thank you. :)