THROWAWAYHELLLLL OP t1_ivr9jj9 wrote

I was thinking of switching my savings though, I heard about Ally. There are just none that I know of near me, and I like having one close by just in case I need it (even though I literally do everything online). The best one at my current back is for people who have REALLY HIGH balances, and it has a high minimum. The other options are CDs but I don't want to lock my savings away in case of an emergency. I love my bank, been banking with them since 17, so it's a tough choice. But I really want to maximize.


THROWAWAYHELLLLL OP t1_ivr92w9 wrote

I had no idea! I'll look up those surveys immediately, could help put a little more away each time. I budget a lot, because I have this goal so I am covered in that. Thank you so I much for the optimism! It's so incredible to hear positive things instead of the usual pessimism for the housing market I see on this sub. I love the community and seeing all the pictures but sometimes it weighs on you lol.


THROWAWAYHELLLLL OP t1_ivr8lzw wrote

Oh I live in Jersey, just buying the home part with the market and my salary with the market and savings is the main obstacle. That's why I wanna live here, because I love it here.

I do need to eat healthier, it is my biggest obstacle. At the moment my health is clean besides my weight. I plan on going to the gym. I had an instant pot but it broke when I dropped it during my move so I need to get another one.


THROWAWAYHELLLLL OP t1_ivr85yj wrote

Oooo ok, I did hear about the credit hit but I assumed it would fall off rather quickly. So stupid that paying off your loan makes you look worse. I will keep that in mind. Hopefully I'll be at that rate in a few years. I have savings, and with that in mind, I could pay it down to that amount, and have enough to put towards a down payment. That actually shortens my potential wait time by a bit! Thank you!


THROWAWAYHELLLLL OP t1_ivr7ekb wrote

That is perfect thank you! I think there is a ShopRite in Gloucester somewhere, I went there a few times but it's been a while. Better to travel a bit then shop at the small owned convenience stores where milk is like 67 dollars (I love small businesses but Jesus I can't).

I save as much as possible, I average about 150-200 a month though I deff have gone over my budget a few times to compensate. I budget regularly, and minister my finances every day because I can't stand being surprised in finances. Everything is monitored and tracked using budget apps and my online banking, which also has a built in finance tracker.

Any help is appreciated! I don't need a modern home much, as long as it is livable, has power and won't fall over in a month I'll love it forever. I will deff take any advice to make that happen before I turn 75 lol. I appreciate your expertise in this.


THROWAWAYHELLLLL OP t1_ivr4tdz wrote

The only thing I have problems with is take out because buying groceries is tougher on paper then it is eating a $1 meal in McDonalds, but I'm working on curbing that.

It really is nice to hear that people who are way off worse can buy a house here, I've seen so much in this sub saying it was impossible and I kinda felt dejected. I love my state and I want to build a life here, so hearing this from an actual realtor gives me a bit of hope. Saving as much as I can, hopefully I can put more down then 3.5% when it finally comes time to it. My goal is homeowner ship, I want to have a place I call my own, without fear. It's my one dream.

Kinda sappy I know that my only big dream is to have my own little home but whatever lol. Thank you so much!