
SuperDuperSkateCrew t1_j1qyj1k wrote

Well like you said It pulls up the creative results after we’ve feed it the data we want it to pull from, which is reactive to our needs.. the data will get more complex due to us being able to feed it the results of other AI (which will likely be automated for most cases) but I don’t think an AI will organically find answers to obscure or specific questions without human input.


SuperDuperSkateCrew t1_j1quvjm wrote

AI is simply just another tool for us to use, we’d still need to make the discoveries and have the want to find out new innovations and AI will drastically accelerate the rate at which we can do it.

Example, AI isn’t going to find out what compounds are best for a next generation of car tire without humans first having a want or a need for them. It will always be reactive to human needs in my opinion.


SuperDuperSkateCrew t1_j1i30cv wrote

VR/AR will undoubtedly be the future of video games. We’ll probably see the beginning stages of mass adoption but the VR “revolution” likely won’t happen in our lifetime (think of cellphones in the late 80’s vs where they’re at now).

This technology is going to take over a lot of industries beyond consumer entertainment.