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njc121 t1_j1qwvb1 wrote

Kinda, but not really. We can feed the right prompts to AI, but it pulls up creative results on its own from there. At best, it's a collaborative effort, but most of the time we won't need to engage any further in the process.


SuperDuperSkateCrew t1_j1qyj1k wrote

Well like you said It pulls up the creative results after we’ve feed it the data we want it to pull from, which is reactive to our needs.. the data will get more complex due to us being able to feed it the results of other AI (which will likely be automated for most cases) but I don’t think an AI will organically find answers to obscure or specific questions without human input.


njc121 t1_j1qz3l4 wrote

I'm not sold on equating the expression of a desire with the process of coming up with a solution.