
SaltyNewEnglandCop t1_jd2in1j wrote


Probably shouldn’t have arrested the person that the judge signed off on the arrest warrant for.

Or the person who admitted to the sexual contact with the victim but said it was consensual where as the victim claimed it wasn’t.

Totally never should have believed the victim or kid.

People like you give the #MeToo movement a bad name.


SaltyNewEnglandCop t1_jd132qg wrote

Academy: probably 1,200-1,400 full pages of hand written notes from start to finish, which I somehow still have in my closet. 4-5,000 pages of material read and tested on weekly.

College: my major involved math so I lucked out, didn’t have to read Beowulf or some women’s studies book.

I’m also talking about the average student, not your biology major.


SaltyNewEnglandCop t1_jd10udu wrote

Seeing as how I’ve gone to college and done an academy, I can speak to both.

If you put in 36 hours of school work into your week during your sophomore year of college, you had a hard time at school.

And seeing as how the academy was none stop from 6:00am until 4:00pm every day with 5 minute breaks every hour between courses, I do believe a college student could obtain a degree in their major, minus the required courses the universities make you take, in a year.

Big difference between a lackadaisical “Short Stories 101” where there’s maybe 30 minutes of actual true instruction and criminal procedure being taught for 55 minutes by an AAG.

I’ll die on this hill.


SaltyNewEnglandCop t1_jd0yn1c wrote

Because a three credit course on average will meet three times a week for an hour long course, so your one course will be three hours of instruction per week.

If you are taking four 3 credit courses, that’s an average of 12 hours of classroom time per week.

Most 4 credit classes include your one hour of lab instruction into.

As for the very high up courses, obviously there is more class work, but we’re talking bachelor degree’s, not post graduate courses.

So your average bachelor degree student is averaging those hours per week.

And here you go


SaltyNewEnglandCop t1_jd0g5xh wrote

Yeah so that’s about 1,000 hours or in classroom training and 500 of field training, for a total of 1,500 hours of training.

Where as a four year college is usually 12 college credits/hours per week but we can round up to 15 hours of in classroom time per week if the student is on a four year track.

15 Hours x 15 weeks per semester = 225 x 2 = 450 per year.

So your classroom time on average for a four year degree is 1,800 hours total.

1,500 hours of training in 6-8 months versus 1,800 over four years isn’t that big of a difference. Toss in that many college courses are generic fillers to make you a well rounded student versus your core major, it’s even less of a difference.

But my academy was actually 50 hours of classroom per week and 26 weeks total for a total of 1,300 hours, plus the approximate 10 hours of schoolwork at home for an additional 260 hours comes to a grand total of 1,560 hours of classroom training, followed by 500 hours of FTO for a total of 2,060 hours of training before I was allowed to be a solo cop.

Which is a lot more than my four years of education in college was so you could say my 26 week academy was more than my bachelors.


SaltyNewEnglandCop t1_jd0a7tc wrote

In what? Criminal procedure? Or court of public opinion.

Because criminal procedure, where I am trained, says he’s innocent of all crimes he has not yet been charged with and will remain not guilty until he has a trial that determines he is.

Public opinion? I couldn’t care less to even dabble in it.