
RailRoad_Candy t1_je9td1f wrote

It means we get less for our tax dollars is what it means. But given the conversations I've had on reddit the past couple of weeks, Boston residents would be fucking psyched to pay more in taxes cuz greater good n' shit.

This also means MA is more economically attractive, meaning prices are only going to increase, and our experience with inflation locally will be greater than what the rest of the country experiences.

TLDR: It's about to become even more expensive to live around here.


RailRoad_Candy t1_je6nmad wrote

Ah yes, no one in Public Education has never lost their position for not embracing the white know it all new-speak. Sure thing.

Dear lord, take a vacation to any Spanish speaking nation and come hard with the Latinx, when they look at you with disgust or confusion, remember you're white, and you know better.


RailRoad_Candy t1_je6keq3 wrote

"Latin" would have worked. Latinx was likely used because words are now viewed through what? A lense of gender...while at the same time demeaning/ignoring/condemning languages that are gender specific? So the author picks Latinx instead of Latin because the author is afraid of not recognizing the new acceptable white people terms?

So again, it's a word white people created to impart on other races and cultures because white people know better. You make my point for me.

>The push for us to adopt Latinx came from that community, not us white teachers.

Really?! It wasn't because people wanted to keep their jobs? Sure thing. It all comes back to White People know better for everyone. It's fucking gross.


RailRoad_Candy t1_je5z81x wrote

Yes, it's absolutely shocking that white people know so much more about other cultures and races. How they're oppressed and misrepresented and assure those cultures and races that they indeed do know better, while having zero to limited exposure to those races and cultures. Of course it's not racism and prejudice of the highest order, the white people just know better. /s


RailRoad_Candy t1_je5tu7m wrote

I think I'm most offended at the use of the term "Latinx". Like WTF white people. Make a brown friend, it's ok to learn and respect their language. No need to be offended for them, then shit on their language.

Other than that, I hope no one tells this group of dipshits from VA about California...or the NAACP for that matter. Dear lord...