
NoButThanks t1_je50qpp wrote

It's the only way to attract talent. Many arguments are: "just get European rail heads to come and fix it since the trains are so great there.". We can't afford them. Their salaries are higher. Pay trash and get trash. This seems like a good middle ground of getting an experienced rail manager with direct experience of turning a system around. He's still fucked here, but it's a start.


NoButThanks t1_isxdkmw wrote

Also, just to add on while thinking about it more: we know Healey's stance on white supremacy because of the office she currently holds and boy does she hate it. Diehl on the other hand: (there is a Boston Globe article about this, but it's paywalled). 100% the next governor of Massachusetts is going to have to deal with white supremacists. I think under Diehl they will fly their Nazi flags openly and feel emboldened to be more in the open too, so his campaign should step up more on it. It would be a good debate question. Just some added small flavor on the issue:


NoButThanks t1_isx8k4i wrote

Reflects poorly on your neighbor. If Healey was buddies with your neighbor and knew about the n word stuff and continued to hang out, it would reflect poorly on her. Yeah, it's a one off unknown interaction for Diehl. Diehl could just address it but chooses not to. In this particular case, because of Diehl's political views and that Diehl doesn't address it or condemn it, it's almost silent support.


NoButThanks t1_irjjyed wrote

Anna's donuts in West Roxbury. Twin Donut in Allston. Both are traditional. Country Kitchen in Walpole as well for that style. I'd rather eat a week old dunkies hoola hooped by the Dunkin' rat than chomp a blackbird, but I understand the appeal of overpaying for a hyped up piece of trash to join a club.