
Mob1lis_in_mobil1 t1_j9mu0ve wrote

Isn’t immigration from Africa basically inevitable due to the amount of corruption/mismanagement/wealth disparities mean that in many places they simply aren’t going to support the sheer number of people being born…?

Just like Latin America: very high birth rates and people leaving for better opportunities elsewhere.


Mob1lis_in_mobil1 t1_j200cbz wrote

They may be running low compared to pre-conflict stockpile levels, and they totally could be scouring countries like NK and Belarus for ammunition; but to pretend they aren’t capable of pumping out more is foolish.

Russia has a large defense industry, they have been selling (and giving) weapons to other countries for decades.

Unless the munitions factories themselves are hit, waiting for Russia to run out of ammo is foolish.


Mob1lis_in_mobil1 t1_iuenoh2 wrote

In the US they just started having women on subs in the last 10 years or so I think….

Either the punishment for fraternization needs to be harsher, or they need to do a better job of weeding out predators.

Although it also needs to be a two way street: women on submarines should be discouraged from fraternization as well, it causes morale issues (and can spread STDs), and “unintended pregnancies” among enlisted servicewomen is higher than for civilians.

The navy shouldn’t short-change itself by not allowing trained women to serve on ships, but at the same turn both parties (servicemen and women) shouldn’t be fraternizing when the consequences means losing a trained crew member (pregnant women are not allowed aboard service vessels).


Mob1lis_in_mobil1 t1_iuehbgi wrote

> Every week, about a thousand migrants reach Switzerland’s eastern border at Buchs, canton St Gallen. They are mostly young Afghans who do not apply for asylum but want to travel on to France or Germany.

> “We formally allow them to continue their journey,” St Gallen cantonal police confirmed to the NZZ am Sonntag newspaper on Sunday. However, this practice has sparked criticism in Germany.

Switzerland won’t allow them to stay, but is a giving them a free pass to Western Europe….

They’re kind of in a shitty spot: sending afghan people back to that terror camp would be a mistake, but so would letting them stay in Switzerland.

Letting people into Europe which have strong religious inclinations/sympathies is a mistake, especially in an area that’s been moving towards secularism for the past 400 years.