
Mendicant__ t1_j4o2imh wrote

If you pull out their rates of assault where they don't die, the job starts sounding a lot more dangerous, even if a lot of those "assaults" are bullshit.

Being a cop is genuinely dangerous, and the fact that it's not in the top ten most fatal jobs doesn't make it safe any more than Scottie Pippen not being one of the top ten greatest basketball players of all time makes him a mediocre player.


Mendicant__ t1_ir54lmf wrote

People here are definitely claiming exactly that--that yields aren't really higher, we're just charging more for food.

Leaving that aside, crop yields, by weight, have doubled or tripled for a bunch of food staples in the time frame of this chart, and this chart also shows land used for agriculture going up for most of the run.