
Mangoinmysushi t1_j1t783c wrote

She can get help. There’s multiple resources in Manchester where she could get the help she needs, even an abortion. But she has to actually do something. Nobody can force her to do any of this.

A lot of these homeless addicts don’t want any of this assistance and they don’t want help. She doesn’t get a free pass because she’s an addict.

It’s insane that you have more sympathy for a homeless addict then an infant left for dead. Y’all are sick lol


Mangoinmysushi t1_j1t5klb wrote

Give me a break. Are you really turning this into a pro-lifer rant? This woman is a fucking drug addict. What kind of nut case defends this type of crap? She left an infant for dead in the middle of the woods.

She could have gone to the hospital and received care. They have to help her.
