
Lightwalker666 t1_j70dgof wrote

Hmmmm. I suck at math so I'm good there. There's more there, though. You realize this right? like: Dude dies. Haunts your sister, starts talking interdimensional math and reality and shit, then suddenly "disappears" when you tell her you believe her? I recommend talking to allllllll the theoretical physicists and relativity and whatever else math people you can get to plus allllll the supernatural experts you can find. Creep or not (fk him for perving on a kid btw) it sounds like he found... something


Lightwalker666 t1_j6eqmuz wrote

Trust but verify. Seek more knowledge. Learn about these Harbringers. If you study anything, you know Harbringer means herald of something. What does it mean that you happen to find one. Need more information. Also Next time, skip the info dump. Sorry. I'm glad we know what Henri's connection to your friend is... but there are more pressing questions imo: What doom do these Harbringers tell of? You also have some connection here. Not a coincidence that all this happens then you get dropped off. Not to mention, why do these dangerous/deadly "evil" creatures want to help you? You need more info


Lightwalker666 t1_j5dfs4c wrote

I mean everyone else has said a lot. So without too much gushing, I wanna say it was a 9/10 for me. The only reason it didn't go full 10/10 for me was simply because I think you could have scratched the whole trifled line and said "Good. Then you understand." or "Good. The you understand I was the best of the best."