
HenryJamesTheMaster t1_j518c1j wrote

There were plenty of Irish mobsters in Connecticut, too. Just one example: In New Haven area in the late 1960's, Edmund Devlin put together a crew of Italian and Irish toughs who became one of the nation’s most successful bank robbery gangs up to that time. The gang stole an estimated $500,000 to $1 million (worth $3-$6 million today), most of which was never recovered.


HenryJamesTheMaster t1_iw7a9bc wrote

All the CSU's will admit you as long as you have a C average. I am a long-time community college professor in CT, and let me tell you: those grades aren't half bad. You can pull them up as you continue, and MANY 4 yrs will happily admit you because most of them are desperate for warm bodies.

But even if you only maintain a C average, the four CSUs will all happily accept you. Pick the CSU of your choice, and start talking to a transfer advisor soon. And at the same time think about other 4yrs.

You have plenty of options, dear Zoomer.