
FiascoBarbie t1_j9hts1t wrote

Some pathogens produce pyrogens and some are produces by the immune system.

Pathogen load is not a major factor per se in many of these. There are always exceptions. Some viruses produce high fevers and some bacterial infections low or none, but as a general rule viruses don’t really activate the arm that produces high fevers they same way and extra cellular invaders. Also as a general rule, it doesnt follow the life cycle of the organism, Also with some notable exceptions, malaria being one of them.


FiascoBarbie t1_j960udv wrote

A very high fever can kill you in a fairly short amount of time in pretty nasty ways. You can go for weeks without eating. If you are staying hydrated and have no antibiotics or antihelmetics or anti malarials etc the slight increased calories (really, did you do the math?) is a no brainer against whatever immune benefits you get from killing off what is likely the major source of death until recent times (infections). This is very much forward momentum in the survival game.


FiascoBarbie t1_j95yhai wrote

It is worth noting that not all fevers are cyclical.

It is also worth noting that not all fevers are related to viruses, In fact, as much as you can generalize, viruses are less pyrogenic than bacteria or other parasites.

It is also worth thing that while chills and sweats may cycle, this is not related to core body temp in any consistent way.

One of the reasons why chills and sweats alternate is that pyrogens alter the actual temp set point in hypothalamus . So it is more akin to setting your thermostat on your central heating to 80 and setting your AC to be at 80 also.

It is also worth noting that in many bacterial infections that cause fevers, some or most of the pyrogens are released by your own immune system , these are not really related to bacterial reproductive cycles in many cases in any functional way.

So a lot of people here are explaining phenomena that don’t really occur are are not occurring the way they describe.

Malaria has truly cyclical fevers that are related to the blood levels of parasites .

However, people who survive malaria and have cleared infections often have periodic fevers.

Before antibiotics, many people who once had some kind of fever and survive, often had periodic fevers for most of the rest of their lives, in a way that would also be unrelated to cycles of parasite reproduction the way people are talking about it here. The biographies and autobiographies of the colonial era explorers and geographers and botanists are useful in this regard.


FiascoBarbie t1_j89b5us wrote

Meta-analysis (one of many)

Obviously not only airborne infections.

And just for the heck of it

Review of the efficacy of masks in general

And for kicks and giggles some of the other studies. (You can pick which of these you think have be “de bunked”, although I can pretty much bet this is the last we will hear from you)


FiascoBarbie t1_j890h0z wrote

Yeah, a fear of infectious diesease in a hospital where there are bunch of sick and immunocompromised persons with complicated problems. That is totally nuts.

It is like asking someone in food prep to wash their hands after going to the bathroom even when there is no longer a hepatitis outbreak. Like , freaking insane, am I right ?


FiascoBarbie t1_j6ecwsm wrote

For many drugs if you knew the route of administration (orally for example) and the time, you could get a pretty good feeling of the dose.

The pharmacokinetics of drugs give you a curve or a line of some kind and it is possible to back calculate.

There are certain caveats. For some things , the original drug is labile and the metabolite in stable, so you would just measure that. But this is a technical thing, like measuring an oxidized version rather than not. Some things are in bound and free forms and it is technically difficult to get both. Some things have endogenous versions that make it hard to tell what you ate vs what you had (erythropoietin , testosterone) because they are indistinguishable. Some things have such a long or short half life that it becomes complicated. Some things that are stored in fat are tricky to figure out doses of. And all sorts of other little quirks. But , a qualified yes is really the answer.


FiascoBarbie t1_iwzo7k0 wrote

It is personal and police vehicles, they block the sidewalk and double park, it often takes up more than right in front of the precinct , they block bike lanes and make it impossible for people in wheelchairs, with strollers, or any mobility devices to get through, including blocking the cut outs on curbs.

Fuck the police.


FiascoBarbie t1_iw43vel wrote

For some things. Rodents with Parkinson’s like syndromes have most of the same stuff as humans. Linguistic aphasia’s not so much.

What particular neurological disorders do you think are not well modeled in rodents and what would the better alternative be ?