
ElizaMelina t1_iy8xuxm wrote

Agree. But there are a lot of vegans who don't touch meat or any utensils that have touched meat for no good reason, not even religious purposes. They claim they protect animals but they would never eat lab grown meat, which has been lately cleared for consumption and apparently tastes like meat, to protect animals or bring about a change. For these people, it's not love for animals that compels them to go vegan but their egos.


ElizaMelina t1_ixvonpk wrote

But they absolutely don't use them right. Everywhere, 70% of all jobs or applications for universities are reserved for people who don't even need to score 20% to get selected. And the actual bright minds have no proper place. Then the government wails and complains of brain drain but people cannot criticize the reservation thing because the benifiter's great great great great grandfather was treated horribly so they absolutely need to run the country into the ground and hurt people who have nothing to do with them. And the worst thing? These unqualified people who don't know a word about the things they should be knowing, are getting into jobs such as doctoring and so , innocent patients have to suffer for it. And these people , generally aren't even poor as they get the upper hand in everything career related, but for some reason they are stereotyped as still being poor and mistreated .

Source: i live in India. A cousin of mine scored 97.5% in an exam and couldnt get into her dream University.
