
Dhorlin t1_j6y1phh wrote

Absolutely agree, OP. I've read all three and loved each one.

I tried The Charity Shop Detective Agency by Peter Boland and it was...OK. I've just got the second book in The Marlow Murder Club by Robert Thorogood (of Death in Paradise fame) and I'm looking forward to that.

Eta: Forgot to mention Murder Before Evensong by Reverend Richard Coles. That wasn't too bad for a first try.


Dhorlin OP t1_iu9dedg wrote

You're absolutely correct, of course. My bad. I didn't fact check the blurb that came with the image. Lesson learned. Thanks for the heads-up. Oh, and great Elvis knowledge.

"He had made a splashy comeback in a widely acclaimed NBC special in December 1968. But he hadn't performed live onstage in more than eight years. So when he opened in Las Vegas on July 31, 1969 — the start of a four-week engagement at the brand new International Hotel".