
Couldbeworseright668 t1_j7j10mt wrote

I have a Fujitsu. It was operating fine for the cold weekend- except there was a small instance right when it hit around a -35 (windchill) I saw a red light blink for a few minutes on the wall mount then it went away. I have no idea what it meant, but my home stayed warm. Kept it at 72 from Thursday to Sunday. I haven’t seen the red light since. I do have baseboard as a back up, but I use my mini split only. Anyone know what Fujitsu is temp rates at? It’s an older model (at least 4 years old) is all I know about it


Couldbeworseright668 t1_j1si3a8 wrote

An aggressive dog is an aggressive dog, regardless of breed. Unfortunately my most recent situation it happened to be a pit variety. My dog has been attacked a few times, and the breeds varied from a golden retriever, to a pointer and some small terrier breed. My dogs best dog friend was a pitbull growing up. And my dog was actually the dominating dog in the pairing.


Couldbeworseright668 t1_j1qa358 wrote

A few months back my dog and I were accosted by a loose pitbull dog. At first it was fine but it escalated quickly and the pitbull was showing signs he was out for blood to my dog. But we were trapped between a deck so I didn’t think letting my dog loose as a previous poster would be safe since he had no where to run to(would it have been better)? I clutched the leashed with my right hand and after it started snarling is when I started yelling and acting crazy to defend us. The dog had no interest when I offered my forearm (in lieu of it biting my dog) I tried to kick it, I threw whatever I saw around and was able to get my dog to safety because after my dog was out of the picture it ran off. It was definitely scary and I can see how if a dog was both human and dog aggressive how people die. It was seriously the longest probably 2 minutes of my life. And I was lucky it didn’t bite my arm because it would have torn it to shreds. But I was ready and preparing if it latched on to my dog what I would need to do to save my dog. Any and all means necessary.


Couldbeworseright668 t1_iyas5q5 wrote

Sonny’s in Dover have fantastic and crunchy chicken tenders.

The shell station on the Newfield/Newmarket town line has some good fried chicken. Not super crunchy, but great price and good flavor.

Sweet chix was meh, and more meh because it’s $$$ and portions were small. It was crispy though.

The fried chicken sandwiches at Hop n Grind in Durham are fun with lots of variety.