
CoastalSailing OP t1_jbiqqep wrote

That point, about art, and more broadly the distance between perception and reality, is super interesting and not something that I'd consciously called out. That's the sort of thematic linkage that I hadn't unearthed, but helps me understand why it won a Pulitzer.

Thank you.

Edit and after reviewing David Copperfield's Wikipedia entry, I see it, totally.


CoastalSailing OP t1_jbi8alf wrote

If it won a Pulitzer, and I a pretty avid critical reader of literature don't see why, the safe bet is that I'm missing something.

Hence this post.

Literature isn't always about liking a text, but I've failed to find anything substantive in the themes the book ostensibly interrogates.

What did you make of it beyond just the story?

Which is to also say, hewing back to my ur-question, why did this book win a Pulitzer?
