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Wooden-Importance t1_j0wgdpp wrote

You guys/gals rock!

Thank you for all that you do for us in terrible/dangerous conditions.

Hate the company, love the workers.


tall-lanky-skanky t1_j0wgvdj wrote

Thank you for the kind words, it’s nice to hear that


Wooden-Importance t1_j0whm9q wrote

Stay safe friend.

Enjoy that OT pay.

I do have a question though. Are the amount of hours that you can work (without a going home for a rest period) regulated/limited?


tall-lanky-skanky t1_j0whzrs wrote

Yup! So in an “emergency” we are allowed to work 24 hours for the first day, followed by 7 hours of rest. After that we work 17 hour days and have 7 hours of rest until everybody has power. It’s government mandated. Canada works 16 on, 8 off I believe.


Wooden-Importance t1_j0wj1nn wrote

Wow, that's still a shit ton of hours.

I would think that someone who has been working 23 hours straight has no business being around HV lines. It's good that there are some regulations to try to keep you safe.

Like I said before, stay safe friend and thank you for everything that you folks do to keep our heat and lights on.


tall-lanky-skanky t1_j0wjog2 wrote

Lots of training, lots of safety devices, lots of communication and regulations keep things safe. Thank you kindly though, means a lot


Metal_Worldly t1_j0wlj9d wrote

Of course we work 1 more hour then our brothers up north haha. Keep safe and thanks for all you do. Drove through the crap in VT day and the lineman were at the hotel I stayed at the night before just waiting and preparing.


Guygan t1_j0wh575 wrote

What’s your favorite song, and why is it Wichita Lineman by Glenn Campbell?


tall-lanky-skanky t1_j0whhvl wrote

HAHAHAHA that’s hilarious. We were actually blasting that earlier today if you could believe that


jumpypapayacat t1_j0wm24w wrote

First off - THANK YOU!

Question - I heard a rumor that some delays from the recent storms were due to lack of staff at CMP. Any truth to this?

Stay safe!!


Kramer3608 t1_j0wl61u wrote

What's the fastest way to get CMP to look at a tree that should be cut?


Mainah888 t1_j0wo2hz wrote

What do you guys/gals ACTUALLY think about this Pine Tree Power thing?
You're all union, right?


Antnee83 t1_j0wl1o6 wrote

You ever had to pee so bad and had to hold it so long that when you finally got to pee, it didn't even feel all that great?


Lerch737 t1_j0won7b wrote

As someone who is 6'10 and listens to ska I love your user name

Also I work In the augusta office :)


CoastalSailing t1_j0wpple wrote

Bro you shoulda been in the NBA


Lerch737 t1_j0wra22 wrote

My buddy always rags on me

"If I had a time machine I'd teach lerch how to play basketball"


dghah t1_j0wj1g5 wrote

how far did you travel to get to your current work spot?

We were driving from western maine back to Boston yesterday down I-95 and saw the expected long caravan of electrical trucks driving north - I'm guessing a bunch of out of state resources are rolling in?


tall-lanky-skanky t1_j0wk52r wrote

I work for CMP, so I’m in my home district. We have crews from all over. In my district we have tons of crews from Canada helping out


theeibok1 t1_j0wmn6x wrote

Did a cmp truck make my internet come back or was it just good timing? I woke up Saturday with power and internet. At about 9:30am I heard a very loud bang outside and after that the internet was down. Sometime Sunday afternoon and cmp truck showed up a few minutes later the internet was back. I wasn’t sure if it was just a coincidence.


tall-lanky-skanky t1_j0wn0hg wrote

I’d say good timing or good coordination with the telecom guys. We don’t touch internet or phone equipment


lantech t1_j0wolwj wrote

A lot of times the internet (cable based anyway) is boosted by repeaters. They're the green boxes you see mounted up high on poles here and there with a green light on one side. When the power goes down, the repeaters have batteries that keep them running a little while but then they die. Power comes back and repeaters power up and you have your internet - assuming there was no break in the cable itself.