
BoyTitan t1_j5mphl6 wrote

I think that's probably why the left is anti gun. Keeps the people who would protest over pay and against the government unarmed. Lean right keep your guns but end up protesting against the people of the left and not against your party or the government insurrection aside. Left protests government but much lower gun ownership, right protests against the left. Government never has to worry about armed united resistance due to political split. The left may protest but they will always likely be unarmed, the right will be heavily armed but will spend significantly more time counter protesting the left than ever going after the government.


BoyTitan t1_j0hvw6n wrote

I'd vote no to sending money to ny and I live here. Money in ny goes straight to politicians bank accounts, passing bills to make money, over auditing businesses, paying off debt they somehow acquire with all the money being thrown at them, and that they collect. State can buy a damn football stadium but god forbid doing something useful.


BoyTitan t1_j0hunvt wrote

Reddit when it comes to power grid just circle jerks texas, when the top ten states with the best power grid are dead even along party lines. A good power grid is about location and clean energy sources plus building nuclear energy plants. We don't have the amount of nuclear energy plants we need because everyone got overly spooked at incidents from extremely neglected nuclear facilities.


BoyTitan t1_iy94acd wrote

Bruh we not about act like democrats aren't also pedos. Theres a dude that knocked up his under age assistant, married them at 18 and is still on office. Known the girl since 15. Dude got sentenced and stayed in office. Actually not only did mr child grommer stay in office he got reelected and bragged about fucking the girl on his office table before getting charged. Probably more examples from the democratic party but it does not get worse than fucking someone underage, bragging about it. Then still getting reelected.


BoyTitan t1_ixuh0gf wrote

Depends what you get I have never had a black Friday where cpu, motherboard and ram don't cost me around 300 and I been buying computers for years. The i5 I currently got is better price to performance than what I got way back in 2014 by a lot that's pretty good price consistency. My intel core i5 4460 cost more at the time, than what I paid today for a 12400f. I have bought computers at different times 2014 was just my best year till now. Now GPU prices are absurd currently but that's the consumer fault and not all inflation. Consumers showed during the gpu shortage they are willing to pay a lot more giving scalpers triple and more for cards. So companies started charging more at base price.