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BoyTitan t1_iy94acd wrote

Bruh we not about act like democrats aren't also pedos. Theres a dude that knocked up his under age assistant, married them at 18 and is still on office. Known the girl since 15. Dude got sentenced and stayed in office. Actually not only did mr child grommer stay in office he got reelected and bragged about fucking the girl on his office table before getting charged. Probably more examples from the democratic party but it does not get worse than fucking someone underage, bragging about it. Then still getting reelected.


RIPBenTramer t1_iy95gkq wrote

Have a name to go with all that world salad?


InterlocutorX t1_iy9pr0w wrote

He's talking about Mel Reynolds, a disgraced politician from the early 90s. He's also wrong about what happened, as Reynolds resigned after he was convicted and then went to prison.

Dude had to go back three decades and still got it wrong.


PitterPatterMatt t1_iya4knx wrote

I thought he was talking about Joe Morrissey, though got some of the details I remember off.


Mouldycolt t1_iy9dlyf wrote

"There's a dude", and "probably more examples", as a response to a wall of individual cases is a laughable response. I personally believe ALL people in power are corrupt, but you're going to need to make some sort of point with some form of evidence before anyone would in their right mind take you seriously.


PointlessGiant t1_iy9wnhe wrote

Dude, you had to go back 30 years to dig something up and still got it wrong.