
BobRussRelick t1_j8v362v wrote

sorry to burst your bubble but this data is dated 2019

The global consumption of single-use plastics has increased by up to 300% since the pandemic, according to a 2021 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development report

An estimated 1.6 billion disposable masks wound up in the ocean in 2020 alone, creating a vast pile of floating plastic waste and threatening marine life across the planet.

Researchers from Visual Capitalist found that 3 per cent of the 52 billion disposable single-use masks produced to curb the Covid-19 pandemic found their way into the sea.

The throwaway masks sent 5500 metric tonnes of plastic into the oceans, which will take up to 450 years to biodegrade, the group said.

in 2021 University of Southern Denmark reported:
Recent studies estimate that we use an astounding 129 billion face masks globally every month -- that is 3 million a minute. Most of them are disposable face masks made from plastic microfibers.


BobRussRelick t1_j5f6zuf wrote


BobRussRelick t1_j5f6vb9 wrote

that is not true, the mandates were mostly at schools, universities and workplaces not statewide. and plenty in those states.

and please explain the increase in excess deaths if not from the vaccine, and also this- I'd love to see someone post this to dataisbeautiful but I know they won't


BobRussRelick t1_j5f6fh8 wrote

the vaccine did not reduce viral load when delta became prevalent, this was mainstream news in August of 2021

and yes there are literally millions of instances where they claimed it reduced infection


BobRussRelick t1_j5az8ki wrote

what's missing from this conversation as per usual is the discussion of widely disparate covid risks among various groups

when combined with the fact that it was made public in August of 2021 (when delta became prevalent) that the vaccine no longer prevented infection, and soon after that it was seen that the partial protection waned quickly, yet the vaccine was still mandated to young healthy groups who had practically no risk from covid, and for children had greater risk from the vax side effects than from covid. as a result, the excess death data from actuaries shows a huge spike at over 200% in excess deaths among young people in fall of 2021 right when the mandates came out compared to elevated background excess deaths of around 130% at the time.
