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iluvios t1_j1oh95x wrote

Well, there is a reason the price has not increased... They are incompetent.


inconvenientnews t1_j1oia02 wrote

Their incompetency in policies even affects life expectancy:

>with an average life expectancy of about 74.6 years, which would put it 93rd in the world, right between Lithuania and Mauritius, and behind Honduras, Morocco, Tunisia and Vietnam. Mississippi, Oklahoma and South Carolina rank only slightly better.


LavaWorldstar t1_j1pjq01 wrote

The above snippet is referring to West Virginia, not Mississippi (for anoyone else that was confused)


BandsAndCommas t1_j1qxir1 wrote

you compared the poorest part of America to entire countries with their own economies 🤦🏽 now compare Mississippi to the poorest part of Vietnam/Morocco/Honduras


BobRussRelick t1_j1p0eb4 wrote

and there's a reason DC price increased the most


Caimthehero t1_j1r33mv wrote

Yeah trying to price out most of the black people has it's costs, tell that to politicians and they say shit like "we need more affordable housing" and whisper "but not where I live"


BobRussRelick t1_j1r5bbt wrote

sure, people want to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars extra on their mortgage to pawn the blacks
