
Baremegigjen t1_je2cgsa wrote

The Affordable Care Act mandated coverage for birth control to include female sterilization for private insurance as well as those purchased on the exchanges. This is from 2021 and specifically says female sterilization is covered.


Baremegigjen t1_je2ab42 wrote

Buying a house with a well in Hillsborough County and the water test came back with no issues whatsoever; everything was either incredibly low and the really bad stuff was not detected. It’s also very soft water, which will be something new for us as everywhere we’ve lived across the country and overseas had varying levels of hard water, to include Arizona where I swear the water came out of the tap as mineralized chunks with some water embedded in them (exaggeration, but not by much!). We’re still planning on putting an RO filter on it as an extra safety measure just to avoid any potential issues.

It’s been recommended by everyone (the water testing company was silent on the issue) that we still get our water tested annually even though our test came back with the same results as the current owner’s test in 2016.


Baremegigjen t1_jd2zsjp wrote

Most operational satellites do for station keeping in order to maintain the proper orbit and to move them out of the orbit after their useful life so other satellites can take their place. Depending on the orbit some are deorbited and come back to earth; otters are boosted up into orbits that aren’t used.

The issue is everything in orbit is technically a satellite and there’s are tons of junk up there from rocket bodies and formerly operational satellites to debris of all types including from Russia blowing up one of their satellites a year or two ago, leaving hundreds of pieces of various sizes orbiting the earth. All of which need to be tracked to so as to avoid collisions with objects currently in space (ISS and other satellites) or to be launched (you don’t want to lose a $1B satellite by launching into a debris cloud.


Baremegigjen t1_jab5qjp wrote

You can thank Reagan for doing away with those facilities and jdumping everyone out on the street with no programs to support the transition for those for whom it might be possible or other arrangements/facilities for those for whom it wasn’t. At the same time the severely physically disabled, including those with profound developmental issues were also dumped, including those who couldn’t and would never be able to fend for themselves and had physical disabilities that required specialized care.


Baremegigjen t1_j8yyngh wrote

I don’t know about the particular report (there have been hundreds if not thousands), but water has been an issue in Arizona and definitely Tucson, since the mid-1970s if not earlier (we moved there when I was a kid in 1974 and water conservation was big back them and that was with only about 10 years left of ground water available; the city has grown dramatically since). They’re out of ground water and the vast majority of the state relies on the Colorado River water shipped down in open aqueducts from northern AZ (just imagine the evaporation in 100 degree temps which is just a standard summer day temperature) and that water is reliant on the availability of water in the Colorado River west of Lake Mead, which is at a dangerously low level. It’s so law that in large areas of the Colorado, rafting is no longer done as the water levels are dangerously low. On top of that the farmers with orange and almond groves, vast cotton fields, farmers, and alfalfa growers (IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DESERT!) generally get access to the water first so the shortage is magnified by growing water thirsty plants in the middle of the desert. And the alfalfa is for export to Saudi Arabia for horse feed. The temperatures are climbing, water is scarce, and the place is overflowing with people. About the only decedent sign is in many areas everyone has changed from their overwatered lush green lawns to more native landscaping, but the state is dotted with bright green golf courses that are watered year round.