
AussieJeffProbst t1_j3mvx1s wrote

The only reason they didnt is because they only gave the homeless guy $75k. He found out they made over $400k and turned their asses in.

Its entirely possible if they had given him a bigger chunk they would have gotten away with it.

In case you're wondering the homeless guy was in on it too...

Edit: Here you go:


AussieJeffProbst t1_iycle56 wrote

Another good reason to ditch cable.

When I had it I was paying like $50 a MONTH in broadcast fees, regional sports fees, and taxes that were all related to TV.

Edit: Just looked at an old bill. It was $67.24 a month if you include the rental fees for two cable boxes as well. Insane.


AussieJeffProbst t1_iycl7c7 wrote

I also live near an airbase and the water table is totally fucked from PFAS from the firefighting foam.

It was so bad that the air force had to spend about $15 million to create a water treatment plant.

The groundwater is still fucked though. There's no way to get the PFAS out without extracting the water.


AussieJeffProbst t1_ixu9fd4 wrote

I think the bigger takeaway from that is that 77% of people making under $100k are living paycheck to paycheck.

It's hard to get an exact figure but somewhere around 95% of Americans make less than $100k.

There are about 160,000,000 working Americans.

95% of working age Americans = 152,000,000

77% of that = 117,040,000

So about 117 MILLION Americans making under 100k live paycheck to paycheck. That number is insane.


Edit: Lol why is this downvoted so hard? You guys hate facts?