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AussieJeffProbst t1_j3mvx1s wrote

The only reason they didnt is because they only gave the homeless guy $75k. He found out they made over $400k and turned their asses in.

Its entirely possible if they had given him a bigger chunk they would have gotten away with it.

In case you're wondering the homeless guy was in on it too...

Edit: Here you go:


Strificus t1_j3mxksg wrote

Did he lose the $75k?


AussieJeffProbst t1_j3myze4 wrote

Oh yeah. He got lucky though, in that he's the only one out of the three who didn't get sent to jail.


CandidEstablishment0 t1_j3n6ewn wrote

I hate paying to read


crazypyro23 t1_j3ps5ra wrote

And this is why you always make sure the terms are equitable beforehand. Come on, this is like Heist 101!


AussieJeffProbst t1_j3qlj43 wrote

Well the OG fundraiser was for $10k. I think it blew up and greed got the better of them.