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doterobcn t1_iy426t2 wrote

I'm positively surprised about this.


charliespider t1_iy4ambk wrote

IKR! Had to read the title a couple of times to make sure I was interpreting it right


wefeelgood t1_iy4ethc wrote

this goes to show where the us of a stands with respect to that.


shutz2 t1_iy5277o wrote

Except in states with for-profit prisons that use prison (slave) labor.


tnick771 OP t1_iy5arn7 wrote

Boring, stale and half-honest talking point.

Comparing it to actual slave labor is such an American thing to do.


isawagoose t1_iy5jzii wrote

Slavery comes in many forms. Dismissing some of them because they don't seem "as bad" is incredibly ignorant and shitty.


1001001in_distress t1_iy7ycbh wrote

His response felt really Trump-y. "Boring"?? Sorry you weren't entertained...