Submitted by grandadsfearme t3_10d57v7 in washingtondc

I know that they’re doing construction or whatever but holy shit… the metro station smells sooooo fucking bad. I have to commute and transfer trains at this stop to get to work. How long is this renovation going to take place? The stench is so horrific oh my fucking god, it’s ridiculous. It smells worse than gallery place and mt. Vernon square combined.

I have to wait like 10-15 minutes to catch the train towards Branch and everyday it’s a struggle to breathe. I’m a DC-native and the stench is worse than trash day pickup on 16th street; does anyone know how long it’ll be before it starts to smell like brakepads and cigarettes again?



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scotch_please t1_j4jrddi wrote

I don't have an answer for you but recommend wearing a face mask with a drop or two of essential oil on the outside while you wait for the train if you can't stand ignoring it. Or you could try smearing some Vicks Vapo on the inside.


What_the_mocha t1_j4l5460 wrote

And it will cure you of COVID /s


mdtransplant21 t1_j4mr167 wrote

Weird as it sounds, the essential oils will actually work here if concentrated enough. I know some who works in an OR and there's a bottle of peppermint oil stashed for extremely odorous cases. The mint basically overpowers pretty much anything else (like, for example, human fecal matter or necrotic tissue). You'll hate the smell of mint for a day or so afterwards but it beats the alternative.


Okie_Muddy_30 t1_j4k38u5 wrote

It does... Not sure if it has anything to do with the construction but I feel you. I don't think it will get fixed in the foreseeable future


dctribeguy t1_j4l7yta wrote

There are a few signs in the station explaining that the smell is because of the work on the Yellow Line. The work is supposed to be done in May.


__mud__ t1_j4ldo6w wrote

I'm not sure if it's just L'Enfant. Everywhere in SW I'll pick up random whiffs of open sewer smell. It's been going on for months.


HawkerFokker t1_j4lsvh0 wrote

Prob April/may when the yellow line is supposed to open back up


layzie77 t1_j4nhs5d wrote

I think they found the elephant in L'Enfant plaza.