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Dora_0801 t1_j5qsz1a wrote

I just got back from 5 weeks in New England and have been thrilled with how much sunshine there’s been. It’s all relative!


NorseTikiBar t1_j5qtmlp wrote

New England needs its own time zone, because it is an affront against God and nature for the sun to start setting by 3:45 in December.


Udolikecake t1_j5qw6vf wrote

Having moved from Boston that’s one thing I absolutely don’t miss lmao


Neferknitti t1_j5ry34w wrote

There was talk awhile back about moving the part of Mass that sticks out to the Atlantic time zone. I would make a straight line up the east coast and every part that sticks out past Bal’mer gets booted to the Atlantic time zone.