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you_give_me_coupon t1_j9puja1 wrote

> We need to stop living in the days gone by where Vermont can be majority single-family homes and wide open spaces

I agree about the single-family homes, but we absolutely must keep the wide-open spaces.


cpujockey t1_j9vi83y wrote

> I agree about the single-family homes

but I hate hearing my neighbors. I like wood working, running CNC machines, and playing my guitar loud. Can't do that in a giant people box.


kellogsmalone t1_ja2u8yv wrote

I mean, you might just need to ensure complaints :)


cpujockey t1_ja2wqqk wrote

Complaints get expensive and end up pissing off land lords. Ain't no way I can risk that in this housing shortage.


you_give_me_coupon t1_j9vstff wrote

I completely agree. I suppose we should be able to make the dense places denser (if people living there want that) without requiring density, or even worse, making wide-open spaces into people boxes.


ceiffhikare t1_j9qkfl1 wrote

There is more than enough land already locked up forever in trusts and preservation deals,lol. Every town could easily add another 5% in new housing and it would hardly change the landscape. Dont worry it will still look pretty for the damn tourists.