Submitted by whaletacochamp t3_10z510x in vermont

I don’t know if it’s the gloomy weather or what, but every day this week I’ve witnessed angry antagonistic downright dangerous behavior on I89. I drive 40 miles a day on it so I’m not new to this, but it’s gotten out of hand.

Twice this week I’ve been stuck behind considerable accident related traffic jams when weather was not a factor. Just now I witnessed what looked like two road raging trucks rear end one another to the point where one had their airbags go off. Now the area by the colchester weigh station is a shit show. About ten minutes prior I saw a vehicle angrily flashing their brights at someone who had simply and safely passed them. The flasher proceeded to leap frog and brake check the other car…cmon.

Just chill the fuck out guys. I just want to get my child home safe and not sit behind the consequences of your tantrum for an hour. I guarantee whatever you’re rushing to isn’t that important. Be more like the dudes pulling our Connecticut friend outta the ditch and less like a giant douche canoe



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squawkingood t1_j81xw2h wrote

I was in a really bad car accident a few weeks ago in South Burlington. I was driving to work in the morning, going south on 89, when a car driving in the northbound lane swerved from the passing lane, went across the grass median and hit me head on. Both me and the other driver survived, but they totaled my fairly new Hyundai Kona that I only had for less than a year, and I was in the hospital for a week with a fractured sternum and a fractured pelvis. I'm now recovering at home but it will still be at least another month until I can go back to work.

So people, please do better. Don't drive like assholes on the highway. It's not worth it.


gangbangstripperelf t1_j826tzr wrote

I was about ten cars behind you and holy shit I’m so glad you’re ok. It was horrendously scary to watch. I called it in, but alas i have no useful medical skills and several people who appeared way more equipped to assist stopped to help you. I hope you are doing ok now and will have a full recovery.


squawkingood t1_j82l8cf wrote

Thanks! I'm doing much better than I was but it is going to be a long recovery.


whaletacochamp OP t1_j820ftf wrote

Holy fuck, pretty sure I saw those tire tracks. Really glad to hear you’re ok all things considered.

That’s a perfect example though - you’re minding your business and some asshat in the complete other side of the median made a dumb choice and almost killed both of you.


popquizmf t1_j887da2 wrote

No it's not an example of that. Where in all that description did we read about the other driver making a poor choice? We didn't. All we know is they came from the other side of the highway.

You may well be correct, and probably are. Let's not pretend that mechanical failure, tire failure etc can all cause accidents at no fault of the owner/driver.


whaletacochamp OP t1_j88p2za wrote

Wow you’re a self righteous asshole. I read about this particular accident and they said speed and negligence played a part.


illusivealchemist t1_j82w5ad wrote

Wishing you a speed full recovery! So glad you survived that, how horrific.


squawkingood t1_j82wn3u wrote

Thanks! It was very scary, but I was lucky that I managed to survive the head on collision with minimal injuries.


Embonious t1_j83alv4 wrote

Traumatic injuries are no joke. The beginning of recovery is really intense, and not just physically. I hope you're doing OK and getting the support you need, and getting at least some decent sleep!


squawkingood t1_j83qrdw wrote

Thanks! The first five or so days after getting home from the hospital were rough and I kept waking up in the middle of the night, but I am able to get a full night's sleep now.


bugluvr65 t1_j894ldw wrote

woah i might know the person that hit u lol


philly1750 t1_j84pwjl wrote

Aren’t the ditches made to stop those kind of accidents though


cdrknives t1_j81jaae wrote

I actually stopped driving the interstate for my daily commute. My stress is better and I get better gas mileage driving slower side roads enjoying the scenery


whaletacochamp OP t1_j81lxcw wrote

I do that on days where I’m particularly stressed. Might make it a daily thing now.


Cozziechov t1_j8255g0 wrote

I will take the most direct route I can to get to work. At the end of the day though, there's 3 routes I might take. None of them are quick or direct, but they are good stress relievers. Sometimes the best part of my day is driving home.


whaletacochamp OP t1_j82i75e wrote

People scoff at my 45min drive. I say it keeps me sane (when this BS doesn’t happen)


KingKababa t1_j82zvbb wrote

45 mins is chump change for a commute. I don't get why some people get up in arms about anything over 35 minutes.


whaletacochamp OP t1_j83pa3c wrote

Yeah I did about 30min for years and when I moved out there my parents (both having sub 10min commutes their entire lives) freaked out. When I told them I was moving even further they just couldn’t understand it.

I work in Burlington and I can whole heartedly say that my mental health takes a dig living in like 90% of Chittenden county. I just can’t live in suburbia.


KingKababa t1_j858e2x wrote

I feel that. I grew up in Eastern MA so my tolerance for traffic is probably higher than most, but I hate driving around Burlington at rush hour.


LenVT t1_j83xm6y wrote

Yeah, I skip 89 or 189 and take the long, safer way around if I have to get to Williston or thereabouts. Some people are fukkin’ crazy.


Twombls t1_j82pkyb wrote

Same. Especially in shitty weather


philly1750 t1_j84pybq wrote

I find the 2 lane roads to be even more dangerous because people love to pass and hit others head on


hossCEO t1_j82nmb1 wrote

I’ve been tailgated on 89 while doing 70 in the right lane because I’m not up the ass of the car in front of me doing the same speed. People are getting more unhinged by the day


philly1750 t1_j84q5q3 wrote

See that’s the thing, if you’re in the right lane then people shouldn’t tailgate you


mrgwillickers t1_j84vwpr wrote

>See that’s the thing, if you’re in the right lane then people shouldn’t tailgate you

Fixed that for you


philly1750 t1_j8525i9 wrote

So according to your logic it’s ok to go 50 in the left lane


mrgwillickers t1_j8549sf wrote

Nope. But it's not okay to risk people's lives just because they are also in the wrong


philly1750 t1_j85i07f wrote

The only people risking others lives are those who drive slowly in the left lane

I’m sorry but if you’re doing 50 in the left lane then I am going to tailgate you


mrgwillickers t1_j85int4 wrote

Then you are risking someone's life because you are petty.

I agree they are driving unsafe. That doesn't mean driving at unsafe distance is justified


philly1750 t1_j85rfjn wrote

I’m not petty for wanting to go above the speed limit in the left lane.

This is why American highway’s are so slow because everyone thinks that it’s ok to drive below the speed limit in the left lane

The signs on the highways that say “slower traffic keep right” and “keep right except passing” say it for a reason


mrgwillickers t1_j85rsfx wrote

You're petty for tailgating when they arent going the speed limit.

You're even pettier for arguing about it on the internet.

Just accept that your behavior is also dangerous, and that two wrongs dont make a right


popquizmf t1_j887r9n wrote

You are the problem. Just wanted you to know that. Behaving in escalatory behavior like that just shows the world how emotionally immature you are. You sound just like every road rage bro I've ever dealt with: dumb.


kalitarios t1_j82wbax wrote

This is why i no longer want to drive. I used to love and offer to drive everywhere. Now i have to debate with myself to get out of the house


BooksNCats11 t1_j828817 wrote

I am teaching a teenager to drive. The amount of absolute jackasses we've had to deal with. Yes, he's going slower than is "normal" to make this turn on to a side street...HE'S BEEN DRIVING FOR ALL OF FIVE MINUTES. Fuck off, yo.

We've got the "student driver" sticker but like...that just seems to make some people WORSE.

I knew it always happened but it seems SO much worse in the last couple years.


whaletacochamp OP t1_j82cfot wrote

My dad literally couldn’t help teach me to drive because those types of people piss him off too much. Plus he’s just an impatient teacher but that’s besides the point lol.


VTMike1029 t1_j82ag7j wrote

It isn't only on 89 it is everywhere people are just way more pissed off while driving. I had one younger guy tailgate me all the way off of the Montpelier exit flashing his lights and flipping me off apparently doing the speed limit wasn't fast enough. I don't like confrontation but I was thinking of stopping to say something. My other thought was if I stop I'm probably going to get shot because no one uses their fists to fight anymore they just resort to gun play.


DrSpagetti t1_j82g6fv wrote

Best thing to do is pull off to the side and let them pass. Then go on about your day.


VTMike1029 t1_j82k81m wrote

I usually do if they're in that much of a hurry go ahead I don't care. On that exit ramp there isn't enough room to pull off to let someone go by otherwise I would have


Maleficent_Rope_7844 t1_j83l5yp wrote

I swear aggressive driving has increased in the last couple years. Tailgating, lane weaving, blatantly not paying attention. It's all out of control, especially around Burlington/South Burlington (where I drive most).

Maybe more people here increasing congestion?


fungiyenta t1_j8458k5 wrote

I think it’s displacement of all the early pandemic stress + cost of living rising + climate change + gun violence etc


Maleficent_Rope_7844 t1_j846kho wrote

Probably. What I don't think people realize is it doesn't help anything.

Even if people are stressed in other areas of their lives, getting all bent out of shape because the people in front won't do 20 over the speed limit* only adds to the person's stress. Everybody just needs to chill.

*I'm talking about aggressive drivers tailgating and lane weaving just to make minute advancements in traffic. Don't know what ails the drivers that aren't paying attention.


popquizmf t1_j887yv5 wrote

Come to the upper valley, it's nice here. The only idiot drivers are from the local high school, and of course NH. Obviously that's not entirely true, but highway traffic doesn't exist. My commute to St J takes 30 minutes and I'm lucky if I see more than 20 cars on my side over 25 miles.


Maleficent_Rope_7844 t1_j897ysb wrote

I've been once or twice, it is nice. I grew up in a small town in central Vermont and when it wasn't a busy time tourist-wise the traffic was like that.

For me it's a dilemma. I don't like lots of people and traffic, but I do like living near stores/my job. Can't have it both ways unfortunately.


WingedWheelWins t1_j82rjfo wrote

89 is lunacy. Tailgating assholes out to kill people. I run about 75-80mph. No matter what speed, no matter what weather, there is always someone up my ass.


whaletacochamp OP t1_j83pha4 wrote

Same. I never go above 80 but rarely below 75. Always someone blowing past me or angry that I’m in the left lane (even though I’m passing people no problem).


Umbert360 t1_j83p9r3 wrote

What’s up with that? I’ve lived in NH my whole life and I’ve always had this view of Vermonters as mellow and nice people, but damn! I recently moved close to the Connecticut and the amount of green plates tailgating me and driving like impatient assholes is out of control. I don’t understand what the rush is, we live in a rural area, everyone just needs to relax


WingedWheelWins t1_j83shgk wrote

I wonder the same thing. So many kind souls. I never meet people that you would think would drive like that, yet they are here.


casewood123 t1_j82lb2s wrote

I travel 89 from Saint Albans to Burlington every day for work. It’s a total shit show. Especially from Chimney Corners to any of the Burlington exits.


SemperFuu t1_j83mc3t wrote

Call VSP 844-848-8477 it’s what they get paid to do


casewood123 t1_j83rdms wrote

They very rarely do anything if they don’t see it first hand. They barely showed up at my house after I got broken into. It took them four hours to come. And if you think they got someone at the ready to go pull someone over because they’re driving like an ass during rush hour, you haven’t been around here very long.


SemperFuu t1_j83rjp4 wrote

If enough people complain they will show up and bust some of those stupid people that are being assholes. If not, when something happens and there’s evidence of regular complaints people get reprimanded or replaced. Use the system for our benefit.


casewood123 t1_j83wvv0 wrote

You must be new to the Vermont policing policies.


WCVT13 t1_j84gdna wrote

I drive the same stretch every day too. It’s basically a racetrack from exit 19 to exit 14. Haven’t seen a trooper in the morning in months.


casewood123 t1_j84h75s wrote

You only see them for a day or two after a big crash. Then back to normal.


-_Stove_- t1_j84xgl9 wrote

Any evidence to back this up? I've seen folks fly past VSP at nearly triple digits, with no movement. Their response to my complaints: "If we don't see it, there's nothing we can do".


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j81kkrm wrote

Not on 89 but I was at Best Buy in Williston headed back onto the road. Someone got pissed and break checks the car behind them. Guy didn’t notice and fucking plowed into the car destroying the backend.

I laughed because I assume the break check guy has the mistaken thought being rear ended makes the other person at fault and that is not the case.

The tldr; don’t drive like a dick.


TheArchitec7 t1_j81ncrb wrote

Sadly, the one who got braked checked is often found at fault if there is no witnesses/video. To an outside observer, ignoring pleas of innocence, it looks like they were going to fast and rear ended the braker.

After someone passed me IN THE BRAKE DOWN LANE in order to brake check me on 89, I was motivated to get dash cam. They cost like $40 for a low end one and it’s a good insurance policy.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j81qo8p wrote

I’ve considered a dash cam as well.

Give the number of people who stopped when the accident happened I think the brake check guy got what was coming.


KITTYONFYRE t1_j82ic5w wrote

No. Absolutely not. It is 100% the fault of the following driver, every time. What if a moose runs in the road, or any of a billion situations you can imagine emergency braking being necessary? If you're that far up someone's ass that then slamming on the brakes ends up with you rear ending them, give some more fucking following distance.

3 seconds absolute minimum.


TheArchitec7 t1_j82lqnz wrote

I agree that a lot of people follow way too close. 1 car length per 10MPH is a good rule. So giving at least 100ft on the highway is appropriate. But brake checking is different. The assholes who do it pull in front of you and then slam on their brakes. If they do it too aggressively there is literally no time to adjust to an appropriate distance because they merge into your lane and immediately brake. Causing an accident because of brake checking like this is 100% the brake checkers fault.


epadafunk t1_j83sq19 wrote

At 65 mph 100 feet is only slightly more than 1 second travel time. No way is that a truly safe following distance on the highway


whaletacochamp OP t1_j820odh wrote

I’ve been saying I need one for years, going on Amazon now to get one. I avoid these people like the plague but sometimes you get sucked into it or at least have it in view.

I was a bit back from this incident but to me it looked pretty clear that one guy brake checked the other. But no way I’m stopping on the side of a busy highway in the dark with my kid in the car to make a statement. Theyre both at fault as far as I’m concerned


gangbangstripperelf t1_j827h5j wrote

I was literally run off the road (rt 15 near the fort) a week after I bought my new truck: low curbed median - I was able to get myself out of my lane, let the douche canoe continue to rampage and merge back in. The next day I went to Costco and bought one for each car…

Upside I’ve gotten some great karma points on r/idiotsincars with the footage of all the chucklefucks around here doing stupid shit in front of me.


whaletacochamp OP t1_j827z2n wrote

VT does have a lot of chucklefuck drivers for sure. What gets me is when they do something he wildly dangerous and inconvenient to many I order to feel good about letting one person out into traffic


hamburgerbear t1_j81ti76 wrote

I mean… if you are close enough to someone that you will hit them if they brake check you… it’s definitely your fault. You should never be anywhere near close enough to someone that you wouldn’t have time slow down enough


whaletacochamp OP t1_j820w86 wrote

The only reason I agree with this is because both trucks appeared to be driving like dicks, and therefore BOTH are at fault as far as I’m concerned. The guy following WAS way too close and the guy brake checking shouldn’t have brake checked. Both of their weekends are ruined. Hope they have good insurance.


KITTYONFYRE t1_j82i1qq wrote

If someone brake checks you and you smash into them, it's your fault. You need to leave enough space to safely come to a stop regardless of the situation.

What if a deer runs across the road or some other situation requiring emergency braking? You are 100% in the wrong if you read end someone. Three seconds minimum following distance


whaletacochamp OP t1_j82ilte wrote

Legally if it’s proven that you were brake checked the brake checker is at fault.

It’s just hard to prove.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j83qx96 wrote

You are wrong. Maybe In a place like Rutland where people are uncivilized they automatically revert to some antiquated rule akin to burning witches because ducks float or something like that but in the rest of the world, that is not the case. In fact in The rest of non Rutland Vermont you are considered the victim of road rage and the person who intentionally caused an accident can be charged with reckless driving.

Please, explain how a person charged with reckless driving, accident resulting is not at fault?


KITTYONFYRE t1_j84c7kb wrote

Because what if they slam on the brakes because there's a child running into the road? What if there's an animal? Or any other of a billion reasons to slam on the brakes. You need to give adequate distance to the person in front of you.

> In fact in The rest of non Rutland Vermont you are considered the victim of road rage and the person who intentionally caused an accident can be charged with reckless driving.

in fact in 100% of the world if you rear end someone insurance will place you at fault


samantha802 t1_j85gfts wrote

If you cut someone off and then slam on your breaks, they are not at fault. If they have a dashcam you are screwed and your insurance will have to pay for you deciding to drive like an idiot.


KITTYONFYRE t1_j86a2b9 wrote

sure, if you swerve into their lane and slam the brakes. that's not the premise of 99.99% of brake checks, in which the person you're following is already in your lane. fair enough on swerving in first though

and finally I'm not trying to le reddit you but *brakes


KITTYONFYRE t1_j84ch1z wrote

Because what if they slam on the brakes because there's a child running into the road? What if there's an animal? Or any other of a billion reasons to slam on the brakes. You need to give adequate distance to the person in front of you.

> In fact in The rest of non Rutland Vermont you are considered the victim of road rage and the person who intentionally caused an accident can be charged with reckless driving.

in fact in 100% of the world if you rear end someone insurance will place you at fault. really weird you looked up where I live, too. reddit is creepy


KITTYONFYRE t1_j84cjhx wrote

Because what if they slam on the brakes because there's a child running into the road? What if there's an animal? Or any other of a billion reasons to slam on the brakes. You need to give adequate distance to the person in front of you.

> In fact in The rest of non Rutland Vermont you are considered the victim of road rage and the person who intentionally caused an accident can be charged with reckless driving.

in fact in 100% of the world if you rear end someone insurance will place you at fault. really weird you looked up where I live, too. reddit is creepy


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j84hh07 wrote

I didn't look up where you live. You went off when someone called Rutland shitty and I remembered as I trolled you witch Rutland having the second highest crime rate in the state and you got all in a tizzy. I figured it worked once, may as well try again.

As for you examples, you are describing an accident not reckless driving and your 100% claim is 100% wrong.

Ohhh... And Rutland is shitty.


KITTYONFYRE t1_j869whs wrote

lol ok bud next time someone has to slam the brakes because a moose ran in the road and you slam into them because your dumb ass was following too close, let me know what the insurance agent says


KITTYONFYRE t1_j84btju wrote

Because what if they slam on the brakes because there's a child running into the road? What if there's an animal? Or any other of a billion reasons to slam on the brakes. You need to give adequate distance to the person in front of you.

> In fact in The rest of non Rutland Vermont you are considered the victim of road rage and the person who intentionally caused an accident can be charged with reckless driving.

in fact in 100% of the world if you rear end someone insurance will place you at fault


KITTYONFYRE t1_j84cb8y wrote

Because what if they slam on the brakes because there's a child running into the road? What if there's an animal? Or any other of a billion reasons to slam on the brakes. You need to give adequate distance to the person in front of you.

> In fact in The rest of non Rutland Vermont you are considered the victim of road rage and the person who intentionally caused an accident can be charged with reckless driving.

in fact in 100% of the world if you rear end someone insurance will place you at fault. really weird you looked up where I live, too. reddit is creepy


random_vermonter t1_j826uei wrote

It seems like traffic is either too aggressive or too defensive. I nearly got clipped by a truck rushing straight out of a bar to McDonalds. No one seems to know how to take it easy.


Maleficent_Rope_7844 t1_j83liqp wrote

>too defensive

What do you mean by that? The whole polite thing is annoying (and dangerous)- "no no, you go, even though I have the right of way".

But that isn't defensive. We could use more defensive driving.


kapntug t1_j83phoc wrote

>The whole polite thing is annoying (and dangerous)- "no no, you go, even though I have the right of way".

I hate that just follow the right of way so we can all stop sitting here, you weirdo!


random_vermonter t1_j842ld6 wrote

Does driving 10-15mph below the speed limit count as over-defensive driving? The person is being cautious to the point where they're putting others in danger when trying to drive around.


Maleficent_Rope_7844 t1_j844f63 wrote

That isn't defensive driving, though. Defensive driving is staying alert, anticipating others actions, and not taking risks. I'd argue "going with the flow" is a part of this. Going excessively slow for the conditions can be just as risky as going excessively fast.

Riding motorcycles has taught me more about defensive driving than I've ever learned driving a car. Ride as if nobody can see you, anticipate other drivers actions. That sort of thing.


eddiesmom t1_j854v20 wrote

from..."staying alert, anticipating other's actions, not taking risks" I could tell you were a motorcyclist! 👍


random_vermonter t1_j844uj6 wrote

Regardless of what it is called (I really don't care), I'm describing a situation that is often cited by out of state drivers as one of the worst traits of Vermonters. I usually only slow down for the conditions or when there's a traffic backup.


bowedacious22 t1_j83uoot wrote

Turn off your fucking brights while you're at it please


whaletacochamp OP t1_j84gmb3 wrote

It’s at the point where most low beams are so bright I can’t even tell what’s what anymore.


complex_Scorp43 t1_j84qzj7 wrote

My high beams auto go off when another car is near and I still get flashed as if they are on.


whaletacochamp OP t1_j84rtdn wrote

Yup same with my wife’s car. I’ve also flashed people only for them to turn their brights on….whoops sorry friend 😬

What I hate are the jacked up trucks with LEDs in regular projectors so you have two eyes of Sauron blasting at direct eye level in every single mirror. Bonus points if they aren’t secured well and jiggle over every bump.


Cozziechov t1_j825tm4 wrote

This may sound crazy, but hear me out: what if we just stopped with the road rage bullshit in general? Where tf do you have to be where arriving 30s later is so important that you need to do 80 in a 55 (side note, that's felony speeding territory)?


theGazella t1_j84w1ef wrote

I’m all for stopping road rage that is a hazard to all involved. But if someone wants to go 10-15 over on a highway, move the fuck over and let them.


Faerhun t1_j82ey9v wrote

I fucking dread the highway every day now, you do not know what level of bullshit you're going to run into.

The other day I watched someone try to go between two cars by the Northbound Winooski exit because the guy was taking forever to pass. Dumbest shit I've seen in a while, thankfully nothing came from it. I get that it's annoying as fuck when people take absolutely forever to pass but it never justifies your dumb, dangerous, and selfish bullshit.


whaletacochamp OP t1_j82fb5r wrote

Exactly. In 30 seconds we’re all going to be half a mile down the road just the same.


BudsKind802 t1_j8330hi wrote

I always enjoy that feeling when someone drives like an asshat and passes me in a huge rush, and then I catch up to them at the next traffic light. Shelburne Rd is great for that sort of karma. I usually give them a little hand wave to say "hi again"


whaletacochamp OP t1_j83p5rm wrote

Same! I usually go with a thumbs up, and if they get all bent out of shape I blow a kiss 😘


whiskey_overboard t1_j85psy9 wrote

Ah yes, the ol’ “Canadian middle finger” as taught to me by some friends from up north.

I love a good aggressive thumbs up.


lazylady64 t1_j849r77 wrote

Born and raised in California. Trust me, drivers here are angels. Just wish they'd learn the difference between merge and yield.


ojoe123 t1_j82jept wrote

cough subaru wrx cough cough


BudsKind802 t1_j8333h1 wrote

There's a reason they have the highest insurance rates


CozyCabinsVermont t1_j83szqw wrote

Maybe it’s because I’m originally from a metropolitan shithole and well-versed in the ways of insane drivers, but I’m not really noticing a lot of unhinged driving on I89. I occasionally come across a sassy driver, but it’s usually tame stuff that I can safely roll my eyes at. I usually stick to roads for my morning commute, but I do take I89 in the evening to get home faster and on the weekends to get away from the Burlington area.

Is there a particular time and a different part of the route I should be avoiding?


theGazella t1_j84udot wrote

Same here. Seems to be the same quality of driving as the rest of the northeast


partial_birth t1_j84hrzr wrote

I feel like 90% of the road rage on 89 would disappear if people would just treat the passing lane like a passing lane instead of a second lane to go the same speed as the person next to them. You know, follow the law about "Keep Right Except to Pass"?


whaletacochamp OP t1_j84kqhu wrote

I see a lot of issues arise in the areas where thru traffic should actually be in the left. I think a lot of people don’t realize that these areas aren’t for high speed passing.


-_Stove_- t1_j84y5ql wrote

Yeah the "Keep left if you're passing through" area around Burlington seems to confuse a lot of folks.


MargaerySchrute t1_j8361wr wrote

I swear it seems like the worst offenders are contractors.


Kyzer t1_j83lvfq wrote

If you see a guy in a company vehicle driving crazy call the company up and tell them. Trust me they want to know and 90% of them will take action.

But also Try driving a work van and see how many rich people take offense when you pass them. It's mind boggling. Lexus, Mercedes, BMW, tesla, etc. I have my cruise control on at all times on the highway and the amount of leapfrogging that occurs with these drivers is nuts.. It's like they can't stand that a blue collar worker passes them. Never have this issue with lower end vehicles and trucks.


casewood123 t1_j83rnf2 wrote

S. D. Ireland drivers I noticed are the biggest offenders.


username802 t1_j84uk1a wrote

This and the tailgating fkn everywhere. For tailgaters out there: you’re not getting there any faster. Maybe like half a minute? We are going to be stopped at the same red light down the road so just chill man. Use cruise control if you have to. Frame your expectations around the speed limit+5 mph, maybe +10 in the passing lane on the highway. If you’re tailgating me when I’m going over the speed limit, you can bet I’m clicking cruise control down to the actual speed limit and we’re just going slower.


SlyCooper007 t1_j82i2bn wrote

Driving home today from Burlington and almost got in a few accidents. People are whipping their cars out of streets and people not wanting anyone to be near them in speed. One guy went like 60 just to prove a point on Kennedy. It was weird. Cant tell if its out of staters that moved here or if people are just angry because of the weather but people need to slow the fuck down.


12_Angry_Wombats t1_j82s59d wrote

Douche Canoe is underrated imo
Being a transplant from Mass, it's refreshing to drive someplace in VT on the highway and not have someone in a vehicle putting my life in danger.

But well said, there are few things in life that are important enough to warrant driving like a complete ass and putting other peoples lives in danger.


BtenaciousD t1_j84fm12 wrote

Serious content aside - love the phrase “Giant douche canoe”. Need to figure out now how I can include that in a sentence.


MikeyBros t1_j834d3g wrote

Mandatory IQ tests for drivers licenses when?



bigtimesauce t1_j84dwys wrote

Age limits for sure, the number of old fucks that can’t or won’t get up to speed with the flow of traffic is infuriating.


bigtimesauce t1_j84dxxx wrote

Age limits for sure, the number of old fucks that can’t or won’t get up to speed with the flow of traffic is infuriating.


RandolphCarter15 t1_j83kfc5 wrote

I lived in DC, with some horrible and rude drivers, and Vermont is just worse. It's weird. It's almost accepted here to turn left in front of someone and act shocked when they honk


theGazella t1_j84wgz2 wrote

Someone pulled out in front of me requiring me to lock up my brakes in Williston road. I honked accordingly, she clearly did not give a fuck to LOOK. She then flips ME off multiple times and does 10 mph on the road all the way to home 2 suites or wherever she was staying. Wtf???


kalitarios t1_j82w42j wrote

How did connecticut catch shade lol


Thick-Magician-4651 t1_j8495aq wrote

They just want to make it like the places they moves from.


takecaretakecare t1_j84j22w wrote

Yeah it’s almost like in the face of late stage capitalism, uncontrollable inflation, war in Europe, increased isolation and screen time, people are losing their grip. Who’d have fuckin thought right? Everyone seems one bad minute away from losing it. Not sure it’ll get better until we start helping each other and turn off the echo chambers and see one another as brothers again.


Remarkable_Ad_3627 t1_j84lzv4 wrote

💯 Trickle effect of the trauma humans faced these past few years. Also Covid brain is not helping people make good choices. 🥲🥲


kuz_929 t1_j85t3vl wrote

89 is probably one of the most chill, least crowded highways I've ever used. I don't think you all realize how calm 89 is compared to most other highways in the country... Even in New England


whaletacochamp OP t1_j85xgp4 wrote

Fast and crowded doesn’t necessarily mean that the same stuff is happening to the same degree. The amount of freedom on 89 contributes to the problem. The second someone doesn’t feel free to drive whatever speed they want they flip.


kuz_929 t1_j85xrdp wrote

Have you ever driven 95, 90 or the Merritt Parkway in CT? The amount of road rage and BMWs slipping in and out of traffic is exponentially more than 89. 89 is like a McDonald's play place in comparison


Brilliant_Capital259 t1_j8q55qg wrote

I moved here from Chicago where people literally shoot each other on the highways and I will still say the road rage I’ve seen here is significantly worse than what I’m used to.


sheisagarden t1_j83eitt wrote

I hate 89 and I'm only on it for 4 miles, I can't imagine 40 miles of that nonsense.


Hanginon t1_j8405hn wrote

"...I witnessed what looked like two road raging trucks rear end one another to the point where one had their airbags go off."

Honestly? That would have me laughing at both of them for the rest of the day.


whaletacochamp OP t1_j84gg5u wrote

I was concerned for one of them - not enough to put myself in danger. The other one (the brake checker) pulled over, sat on the guardrail, and just cal made a phone call.

Buncha dinguses


hsrahmas t1_j85pl2e wrote

My biggest issue isn't the highway, it's that people take so long to get going at a light that it turns red. I start every driving session relaxed and it's frustrating having to sit cycle after cycle to get through a light where everyone should've made it the first time.


escobert t1_j85pr3y wrote

I avoid the interstate if I can. Don't need to get boxed in by 3 massholes racing and then going 15 below the speedlimit to then race you when I just want some groceries.


unauthorizednickname t1_j8a66ra wrote

I agree it’s gotten worse over the years. However, I just got back from a few days in New Jersey and boy was I relieved to be back on 89 in Vermont after that.


Northwoods01 t1_j8gpv4z wrote

It's quite sad, but this is how most of the northeast drives. The east cost kamikaze driving is just a form of social contagion that untill recently hasn't affected us in Vermont. In almost all the surrounding states, the accepted style of driving is needlessly abusive, callous, and borderline suicidal. The interstate outside of Boston is regularly 80+ miles per hour, honking and aggressively cutting each other off while tailgating. NJ Turnpike is even worse. I think it was coming here eventually one way or another.


Brilliant_Capital259 t1_j8q5ifv wrote

My very first day living in VT I was on 89 and had, almost back to back, 2 of the most insane road-rage confrontations of my life. One guy literally followed me for like 30 miles while screaming at me. I moved here from Chicago, and used to live in LA, so I’ve seen plenty crazy drivers, but Vermont genuinely takes the cake for most deranged and antisocial drivers.


SemperFuu t1_j83m7dx wrote

Call the state police 844-848-8477 next time.


lantrick t1_j86cqc7 wrote

You've convinced me. I'll chill out from now on. Enjoy the tranquility.

Sorry . My bad.


whaletacochamp OP t1_j86huoi wrote

Imagine thinking a comment like this was cool/funny


lantrick t1_j86js2w wrote

Imagine thinking a post on Reddit will effect your daily commute.


whaletacochamp OP t1_j86jyti wrote

Imagine thinking your comments are worthwhile.



lantrick t1_j86kb2w wrote

I do. Thank you for the encouragement.


philly1750 t1_j84pu54 wrote

I’ve driven 89 so many times and never seen any road rage or bad driving comparing to what I see where I live.

No really if you think 89 is bad then come drive on any rural highway in Quebec or Ontario and you’ll see that they’re total shitshow’s

They’re full of people doing 60mph in the left lane and people merging onto the highway doing 45mph


KITTYONFYRE t1_j82hs6z wrote

wow! you did it! you've solved road rage, congratulations!

everyone who would have acted like an ass on the highway has read this and realized the error of their ways! great job!


whaletacochamp OP t1_j82i31p wrote

Hey thanks I really appreciate it have an excellent night and weekend my friend.