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Less-Market9641 t1_irvqp43 wrote

Some medical professionals are ridiculously out of touch with obvious things. My friend's dad was 83, had congestive heart failure and dementia so severe that only Haldol kept him from just crazily striking out at nurses and family and going full on psychotic. Then some doctor decided to take take him off the Haldol, because it could make his heart problem worse. The dad went apeshit, nurses couldn't control him, and that sure as hell didn't help his heart. But the doctor refused to put him back on the Haldol, because he felt it negatively impacted this demented, dying man's quality of life. Like somehow being a mindless rage machine flinging his own feces was better? Thank goodness that doc got taken off the case, and the poor old dad was able to be medicated back to calmness for the last few weeks. It was as if the doc couldn't recognize that a mind destroyed by dementia cannot be capable of good quality of life.


LorenzoStomp t1_irw084t wrote

When my client went to the hospital he was running a high fever. The hospital gave him a small amount of aspirin to reduce it but refused to give more because it might hurt his liver, even though we knew by that time he wasn't going to recover. They also argued about giving him ketamine to keep him under even after his mother explained multiple times that he was resistant to milder sedatives and aggressive when upset/confused.