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AsphaltEardrum t1_j4ecqnk wrote

That's embarrassing. Do you think you'll lose your job? I'm not sure how something like this works for women, but for men there's a really good chance of getting written up, possibly losing their job, and possibly have a sexual harassment charge that follows them forever.


escalinci t1_j4fm6tx wrote

Maybe they'll find a welcome home in the police if it does come to the worst.


BrettsSubconscious OP t1_j4eg2vi wrote

Come on, who would report this. Even for a guy


AsphaltEardrum t1_j4erm3i wrote

I'm not saying I agree with it. Just saying it happens. Some people are very sensitive, and HR usually errs on the side of protecting the company... which means people get fired.


picklefluffer t1_j4krln2 wrote

Don’t say anything unless brought into a meeting about it. At that point say “I didn’t mean to, I was unfortunately experiencing a symptom from a medical condition I have and I wasn’t aware anyone could see me. It won’t happen again” and hopefully that’s enough. You can also offer to give an apology to those who saw and take whatever sensitivity training the company wants you to.