Submitted by Cinnamoke t3_yrgsvz in tifu

So there was this girl in my class and she would make it very apparent that she liked me. Staring at me in the middle of class, and the thing I noticed a lot was she would direct her feet at me almost every class.

This was a class that was right before lunch, and one day she followed me from one end of the school (where I picked up my bag and coat) and to the other side when I went outside to leave home for lunch

When I was in front of the school she asked for my snapchat, my response was "I'll give it to you tomorrow" and the next day was a Saturday.

I had no idea that the next day was Saturday and I was just focused on going home to eat,

I did not think much of it but then I noticed she stopped showing up to the class, and I later heard that she dropped the class.

Anyway, had a few people tell me it was my fault she dropped the class and wanted other opinions, was it my fault?

tl;dr: told a girl in school id give her my snap tomorrow (on Saturday) and was told she dropped the class I was in with her



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Oylex t1_ivu6avr wrote

everyone should know that when speaking to a coworker or school mate that tomorrow on a Friday means Monday


Shyam09 t1_iw0likj wrote

Hijacking top comment because I have a question:

> the thing I noticed a lot was she would direct her feet at me almost every class.

What does this even mean?


LumberghFactor t1_iw34r7d wrote

I’ve seen this said before. Apparently people read into this because the direction being pointed toward you means they’re open and or interested in you or at least the conversation you’re having.

Hell of a reach haha


Shadow_Galecross t1_ivu2e51 wrote

I don't know much about love but I don't think about this as a FU.

I think you dodged a bullet , I wouldn't be able to trust someone who just leaves her future because someone didn't gave her attention when she wanted. Also , your colleagues blaming you for this is absolutelly lame.


yumirow t1_ivubxy7 wrote

Yeah, someone who doesn't even inquire to clarify if something she doesn't understand happens ? Would've been a lot of trouble down the road.


bebbs74 t1_ivvd39s wrote

But imagine the enthusiastic BJ...


acidic_tab t1_ivvhusw wrote

These comments are absolutely bizarre. Chances are, she was already planning to drop the class, and decided to ask you for your snap because she didn't want to lose touch and knew it was her last day. It's a shame, she definitely should have told you if that were the case, but it may have taken her a lot to muster up the courage to ask to begin with. It feels incredibly unlikely that she would have left over that, though.


Sunflower_dream85 t1_ivu6p28 wrote

If this girl dropped an entire class because you didn't give her your Snapchat, she either didn't want to be in the class and was only there to hound you, or she is not very stable, either way, you did probably dodge a bullet there so I don't think it is an FU


AcrobaticSource3 t1_ivufc4r wrote

You didn’t give her your snap

you missed getting the clap

Sonow all you can do is fap


RRoyale57 t1_ivu81ou wrote

Sounds like you dodged a clinger anyway


WhiteK1t t1_ivuq0p2 wrote

Dodged a bullet there, everyone has the right ro reject a person for any reason, she's crazy for dropping a class just because a boy didn't give her his snap


999uts t1_ivv0tar wrote

Maybe ask around for her number, and explain? This isn't a movie bro, just make things clear and go to bone town.


Neuromantul t1_ivueowh wrote

Your loss.. she was probably a freak in bed


Joe_Wer t1_ivujzll wrote

11th commandment: never sleep with crazy


Interesting_Put_33 t1_ivvbn7o wrote

Unfortunately there is always a price to pay for sex like that but yes, I am sure she was


Joske1995 t1_ivv2kr3 wrote

Seems like an overreaction from her side to me


Forseti555666 t1_ivx78da wrote

you dodged a bullet.
If she went all Meryle Streep because you said you'ld give it to her tomorrow and so she started dropping classes, this is NOT someone you want to mess around with. The first time you forget some weekly anniversary or got her the wrong color of flowers or just flat out misunderstands what you are saying(which she just did already) will turn into Pearl Harbor on you. You'll never see it coming and you won't realize it happened until everything around you is on fire.
Count your blessings and run away and hide.


ProfessorGreen420 t1_ivwa31n wrote

Tf? No one has ever said “I’ll give it to you tomorrow” people on this sub always be lying and people eat it up as usual


eye_spi t1_ivvosbr wrote

What do her feet have to do with anything?


Mamajess89 t1_ivw2yvv wrote

Body language


eye_spi t1_ivw3bgs wrote

Because a woman flirts by "directing her feet at" someone?


dartz1011 t1_ivwsiri wrote

No it is because people and not just women usually will point their feet at someone they like when in conversation or around them, it is exactly as the person above said, it’s a body language thing


Princessena t1_ivvw3qk wrote

Lol she stayed in that class just to be around you, it's not your fault.


rde42 t1_ivuzq51 wrote

Next thing, she'd be asking you to play Misty for her.


Malevolent_Mangoes t1_ivvxdfg wrote

A person gotta be real sensitive to drop an entire class and disrupt their education just because someone didn’t give them their number in a timely manner lmao.
