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GaimanitePkat t1_j0vexbq wrote

I don't think 1950s-style gender and relationship dynamics will translate well into 2022, and since we're seemingly incapable of viewing things as "of the times" there will almost certainly be an effort to update its sociopolitical messaging.

In short, we don't need this.

Also, I really love how one of the songs is misnamed as "Grease Lightning". Journalistic standards!!


Cornualonga t1_j0vr66n wrote

One of the actresses is Asian. I appreciate trying to be inclusive but a girl gang in 1954 high school would not only be racist as fuck but the school would be probably segregated.


GaimanitePkat t1_j0vt950 wrote

The article also mentions that they're going to make sure to include characters of color (who were left out of the 70s movie) and tell stories of "social justice".

Once again we have to hit that sweet sweet nostalgia g-spot while also acknowledging that the time periods and media we're so rabidly nostalgic for had some pretty unsavory aspects.

Pick one. Either accept that you can't make a 1950s show with 2022 morals, or stop clinging to outdated properties for recognition.


tomservo88 t1_j0wjpot wrote

> The article also mentions that they're going to make sure to include characters of color (who were left out of the 70s movie) and tell stories of "social justice".

Is that not just Hairspray?


OneGoodRib t1_j0woloy wrote

There's a time and place for both. Like, Hallmark has a movie set in the 50s about the Rockettes that features a few black actresses when the first black Rockette didn't join until 1987 but the point of the movie is just about following your dreams, so it not being totally historically accurate in regards to there being women of color in the group in the 50s is fine - because it's a tv romance movie.

But if you're specifically making a show about "social justice" that's mean to have a message beyond "follow your heart" then you need to try to be historically accurate or else the story doesn't make sense.


Cornualonga t1_j0wsyr7 wrote

But as some have pointed out rightly, you do face the problem of making things in the 50s seem much more progressive and better than they were. People already wax nostalgic about how great things were in the 50s. People aren’t great with subtlety and context.


DonQOnIce t1_j0w5n8q wrote

I think this series looks cheap and lazy, and this comment is not me assuming this series will be any good. But I feel like pushing back slightly on the idea that you can’t make something like this with a 2022 lense. You can certainly examine both social justice issues and the unsavory elements of the time together. In fact, you probably have to look at one to get into the other. This is also less than 70 years ago, not hundreds. There were plenty of people with progressive views at the time.

But, like I said, I don’t think this particular series will do that well at all and this is more of a general comment.


armless_tavern t1_j0whe4h wrote

I agreed with you mostly, then agreed entirely with your last sentence. I think the attempt could be made to have an engaging theatrical story mixed with relevant social analysis… but this is GREASE we’re talking about.


DonQOnIce t1_j0yh7jk wrote

Absolutely. This just isn’t it (I assume, I’ll eat my words if they actually come out swinging). But generally it’s possible.


erinraspberry t1_j0wkov2 wrote

I agree. Instead of making an origin story in 2022, why not make a new era of pink ladies in 2022? Theres so much you could explore there in addition to cameos by former Grease stars


GaimanitePkat t1_j0wlu9g wrote

If you want to include people of color, why not have it take place in Cuba, Jamaica, Bangladesh, Columbia, Nigeria, Korea... I think it would be very interesting to see a Grease-like story retooled to fit a different culture rather than yet another "American High School for Hot People".


DaftFunky t1_j10d3hy wrote

Why does every show need to preach about social injustices and problematic issues in society? Especially ones that take place in time periods like the 50s


rhinosyphilis t1_j0x7vtc wrote

At the point that we’re at, I think we’re mostly looking for stories that aren’t in the MCU.


methodwriter85 t1_j0x1kqj wrote

I mean, California did/does have a high Asian population so that feels like a nod to that.


jumanjiijnamuj t1_j0w3gtd wrote

They could still do this, and keep all the stuff from the 50s and make it like a heavy noir social commentary piece.


Darcsen t1_j0y5mg9 wrote

Didn't Grease take place in LA? There was a sizeable Asian population at that time. It's not like every little thing was racist and segregated then either.


tilla18 t1_j0vzw2n wrote

That's why this website is identified as EW!


apextek t1_j0znjoq wrote

this was something my mother pointed out about the original film, as the sock hop was integrated.


Mowensworld t1_j0x944r wrote

Then people will vocally complain that it's inaccurate to have the changes, then others will vocally complain that those first people are racist, then there will be 1000 click bait articles and YouTube videos on whatever side they feel will get them more clicks, and that will become the entire discourse about the show.


schleppylundo t1_j11rpu4 wrote

1950s style gender and relationship dynamics didn’t translate well in the 1970s either. Which is why the musical Grease is a satire of the sort of cultural values expressed by the parents of the contemporary youth and of their hypocrisy. Sandy changing everything about herself to be a better partner for Danny is meant to be seen by the audience as a sad and self destructive thing to do for a relationship. The way they treat sex and pregnancy scares is a shot at adults in the 70s who were railing against promiscuous teenagers while pretending they weren’t exactly the same but with worse education about it. We’re supposed to on some level be disgusted by the characters and their choices by the end of the musical, because it’s a send up of 50s nostalgia rather than an uncritical celebration of it.


BiggusDickus- t1_j0wexna wrote

They known that we don't need this, and on some level they know that it is going to suck.

It is a well known cinematic universe that is guaranteed to get viewers for at least a season or so.

It is vastly easier to get viewership for something established than for something new. That is why every old "hit" show and movie is being reborn. Most stink it up also, but they make money.


Maninhartsford t1_j0xw1lc wrote

It's going to be that kind of historical revisionism where a character makes a speech about how things should be more just and then everyone just kind of goes "oh, I never thought of that" and society becomes more just


undead77 t1_j0xw38c wrote

Oh gosh, when watching bits of that League of their own tv show, it's doing this exact same thing, its insane.


Ryu2388 t1_j0ybts5 wrote

I don't understand why we can't use aesthetics from a certain period of time and leave out its political issues, as well as not shoehorn in modern day issues.


OIWantKenobi t1_j0w2ony wrote

Agreed. The whole point of the musical was “change yourself and people will like you.” It’s gross.


Darcsen t1_j0y5x6v wrote

Maybe that's the analysis of the kids who think they're deep in High School, but the actual Grease is very clearly satire. FFS, they take off in a flying car and teen pregnancy is just waved away with veiled allusion to abortion. The last song is about a bunch of High School kids singing about how they're not going to lose touch with each other after they all graduate.


Lozzif t1_j0ympfr wrote

They have an Angel fly down and tell one of the main charachters that she’s terrible at her dream job, that only hookers would use her and that she should give up and join the steno crew.

How do people not understand this is satire?


GaimanitePkat t1_j10vwip wrote

I mean, according to this article, one of Rise of the Pink Ladies' creators apparently thinks that the theme of Grease was "defy gender stereotypes!" So the actual point of the source material seems to be entirely irrelevant to what's going to be produced.


Darcsen t1_j115f03 wrote

> It's funny to then have been working on Grease and see how the culture of the 1970s affected the way they told the story of Grease. Grease is about breaking out of the expectations of your gender role, both for Sandy and Danny. That's a very '70s story.

Is that the line you were referencing? I don't completely agree with it, but it doesn't seem as outlandish as your claim given context.


GaimanitePkat t1_j1161du wrote

Grease has next to nothing to do with "gender roles". Sandy's makeover is still feminine, just sexual, and Danny's transformation is.... doing sports. Ah, the very non-male thing to do, sports!


Darcsen t1_j118gkm wrote

That's why I said I don't completely agree. Danny doesn't really break out of the expectations of his gender role, just takes up different aspects of it. Sandy, however, by being more outwardly sexual is breaking out of the expectations of a 50's feminine gender role.

It was by no means the focus of the movie, and if anything, Rizzo was the most defiant of her expectations, which is probably why the line is buried so far into the article. It didn't even register it until I doubled back.


OIWantKenobi t1_j0yqjqd wrote

But if that’s the main audience (a lot of high schools do this musical) then satire would be sort of above their heads. The kids that don’t need the message of “change and you’ll be liked” are getting that message because they don’t comprehend satire. I didn’t as a high schooler, though I do now.


Darcsen t1_j0yrkfw wrote

It originated as a musical, the intended audience for musicals isn't mainly high school aged kids.

> I didn’t as a high schooler, though I do now.

Then why did you say, "The whole point of the musical was “change yourself and people will like you.” It’s gross."?


OIWantKenobi t1_j0yxmux wrote

Because that was my experience with it, and I did a lot of musicals in high school. I guess I was wrong in my analysis.


MrBlueW t1_j0ykf4j wrote

The movie was satire, that was the joke


Korvun t1_j0vvj36 wrote

You're funny if you think they're going to use 1950s gender dynamics in this show.


GaimanitePkat t1_j0vvq75 wrote

That's the point of the comment.


Korvun t1_j0w59oy wrote

It was? Because was you typed is the opposite of my point. You said it 50s dynamics wouldn't translate well and they'd try to update sociopolitical messaging... none of that says it's going to use 2022 gender dynamics. Maybe I misunderstood your meaning?


GaimanitePkat t1_j0wj5hk wrote

2022 target demographic won't want to see 50s dynamics, so the show creators won't do that, and instead will update the messaging to be more current. That was the point of my original comment.


Korvun t1_j0wn9rl wrote

Thank you for clarifying! I think the confusion was your use of 'messaging' when you were talking about character interaction/behavior.


Pikesmakker t1_j0vawxf wrote

>Thing: Rise of the Other Thing

Jesus fucking Christ


Rhoterz t1_j0vbddv wrote

Thought you were referencing The Thing (1982) for a second and was confused


NickNash1985 t1_j0w6dtr wrote

No, they're actually referring to the sequel.

It's called Thing: Rise of the Other Thing. Not many saw it.


mistercartmenes t1_j0vvp51 wrote

Cannot fucking stand that “rise” is used so damn much in titles. Lazy assholes can’t come up with anything else.


MzOpinion8d t1_j0xf7f1 wrote

They need to use “Electric Boogaloo” a lot more.


yoaver t1_j0yuzt0 wrote

This could be another Addams Family spin off


richardparker85 t1_j0v883t wrote

Honestly thought #3 in the photo was Aubrey Plaza


Desperate-Risk t1_j0v95qe wrote

Wait you’re telling me it’s not? Lol


casting123 t1_j0vb3j8 wrote

It isn’t! Apparently her name is Cheyenne Isabel Wells. Looks like Aubrey at first glance though!


Tombstone_Shadow t1_j0vbgvw wrote

Good to know. I thought it was Aubrey and that they were sticking to the tradition of teenagers portrayed by folks in their 30s.


Vince_Clortho042 t1_j0xbo26 wrote

Honestly they should just bring Stockard Channing back as Rizzo and just play it completely straight.


HarryCallahan19 t1_j0wrrs1 wrote

Zero creative or original ideas. Spin offs, reboots and sequels.


ndoty_sa t1_j0zy369 wrote

I only read the comments because of this!


Pithecanthropus88 t1_j0v8u6o wrote

Jesus Christ. Not every fucking thing needs an origin story.


TheBSisReal t1_j0veqph wrote

You’re not looking forward to the Grease Cinematic Universe’s Phase 1?


tilla18 t1_j0w03by wrote

The Grease Multiverse of Madness is coming!


typewriter6986 t1_j0xl4qb wrote

But in this Universe, Danny is the blonde girl from Australia and Sandy is the tough Greaser from America.


Sleeper____Service t1_j0zv0n6 wrote

We could do a show about that rival gang. A show about like a bad ass mechanic. There’s a million ways to go here


[deleted] t1_j0v67yx wrote



ABunchOf-HocusPocus t1_j0vy7j2 wrote

I got excited when I read the title, then I read the article and I became less excited. They're totally going to use modern storylines that wouldn't have happened in the 50's. They're going to use every race and creed under the sun in order to be inclusive... which we know is exactly what the 50's was.


WordsAreSomething t1_j0v6lbo wrote

I'm not interested in this, but I absolutely hate this line. People don't ask for stuff that turns out worth it all the time.


[deleted] t1_j0v6xrs wrote



testingtor t1_j0v9ju3 wrote

If it was about demographic research wouldnt that mean someone literally DID ask for this?


EverybodyLovesTacoss t1_j0vm2sr wrote

Did anyone ask for Wednesday? It ended up being one of the better shows that Netflix produced this year. This kind of thought process is so asinine in my opinion. If you don’t like something that’s being produced or that’s on tv, just don’t watch it lol. You don’t have to complain about everything that bothers you.


yoaver t1_j0yvr8u wrote

People have been wanting a new live-action Addams Family for years, and people really liked the "adult Wednesday Addams" series on youtube and wanted it to be adopted by a network, so yeah people have been asking for it.


WordsAreSomething t1_j0v8ih1 wrote

Yeah I'm sure they came up with a Grease prequel series because their market research.


[deleted] t1_j0v9j9y wrote



WordsAreSomething t1_j0va2ah wrote

I'm not saying they didn't do any research, I'm saying that research would tell them more broad things and that combined with a pitch, combined with the feeling that IP is what sells things is how you end with this show.


OneGoodRib t1_j0wou0b wrote

Yes we all know that every single aspect of entertainment has always gone through extensive market research beforehand. I know plenty of people were definitely clamoring for a workplace comedy about an SNL-style show according to market research. People should only ever make shows after years and years of census taking to decide if a show is worth making.


aw-un t1_j0vyzk2 wrote

I didn’t ask for it, but I’m excited for it anyway


ohwhatj t1_j0vfhpd wrote

But we still can’t get a Dredd sequel?


laziestmarxist t1_j0x6csh wrote

This is r/television, this post is talking about a tv show. Which isn't even made by the same studio.

This is like complaining that Ford won't remake the Pinto on a Honda subreddit.


aliceroyal t1_j0vz44l wrote

This is so unnecessary. We already have Grease 2, a perfect film.


anasui1 t1_j0w69a8 wrote

let me see: asian, probably jewish, black, white. Indian and mexican in season 2, if we're lucky. Native Americans? lol get lost once again. White girl is a closeted lesbian in a toxic relationship with the greaser leader, will fall in love with black girl, who is also a closeted lesbian, and both will become strong and empowered ladies who will turn the patriarchal sexist and racist and homophobic society of the 50s upside down. Can't wait, yummy !


Nv1023 t1_j0xu17z wrote

So just like every other show


J_House1999 t1_j0zhjjg wrote

This guy definitely watches The Quartering. Pathetic.


AgentQV t1_j0v9nu7 wrote

Did anyone ask for Grease to be a franchise?


HRJafael t1_j0vacuv wrote

I know! Although to be fair there is a Grease 2...which was something.


TheBSisReal t1_j0vewuk wrote

Hey, that movie had a lot to offer, like a girl for all seasons, cool riders and an answer to that age-old question: where does the pollen go?


laziestmarxist t1_j0x6lhc wrote

Also the bowling dance. An incredible amount of repressed sexual energy condensed into a cheesy song about bowling. It's so great


Whipstich-Pepperpot t1_j0voyqs wrote

I can't ever see Maxwell Caulfield as any character other than Rex Manning from Empire Records.


TheBSisReal t1_j0w1xdp wrote

And even if others disagree, remember this great and true quote: “everybody out there thinks that you’re a star.”


galaxystars1 OP t1_j0vcon9 wrote

I have a soft spot for grease 2 like I thought it was okay lol


nouseforausernam t1_j0w8tu1 wrote

I like Grease 2 way more than the first Grease. This prequel looks like cash in crap no one is looking forward to.


OneGoodRib t1_j0wp70v wrote

They planned to make a Grease tv show back in like the 80s.

Also joke's on you, I did want a Grease franchise. They could really easily do it as an anthology series - each season is about a different year with a different lead romance, with every romance consisting of people who are too different but learn to make it work. This would also cover changing attitudes towards "gangs" and would address the school becoming less white over time in addition to the goofy musical numbers.


TheElectricPineapple t1_j0vd693 wrote

I thought this was going to say Grease: Rise of the Pink Panther and I was like is Inspector Clouseau going to go undercover as a 1950s greaser?


NickNash1985 t1_j0w6psk wrote

I'm already more interested in this than whatever is in the article.


Count_Dongula t1_j0x88rh wrote

The Bottom: Rise of the thing We're Scraping.


BigDaddyCoolDeisel t1_j0w0xr9 wrote

Great! Let's chisel the bottom of that fucking barrel!

"Three Stooges: Rise of Shemp"

"Roundhay Garden Scene: Return to the Garden"


Into-It_Over-It t1_j0vtcos wrote

This probably could have been its own TV show, and it may have even been quite good, but instead they slapped the name "Grease" on it so it would sell. The irony of it all is that the constraints of putting this into an already established franchise are probably going to make it a worse show that, by the looks of this comment section, could potentially garner more criticism than viewership. I truly do not understand why networks and studios believe that new IP is somehow not marketable, when by all accounts consumers are ready for something new.


HRJafael t1_j0v92p2 wrote

I'm curious what vibe and tone they're going with this: a 1954 Mean Girls, Heathers, or something else entirely?


TheBSisReal t1_j0vpad9 wrote

Oh, damn, when you put it that way, this could be a great concept. I mean, that’s not what it’ll end up being, but good concept.


yoaver t1_j0yvuk9 wrote

They should do something with Heathers.


laziestmarxist t1_j0x5xk4 wrote

This is going to be fucking stupid and will probably have the same level of story telling as Riverdale and I'm going to watch it until it gets cancelled.

Admittedly, nothing could be worse than the Fox live version.


Dewshbag41 t1_j0wv684 wrote

Goddamn Hollywood sucks these days


constantino675 t1_j0w4mtj wrote

"Oakes was initially skeptical about creating a prequel to Grease for television."

And then she saw the salary and said "Lets do this!"

People are baboons, they hate that they love all the sexist stereotypes that the 50's embraced.

Its going to be a random teen drama with empowered women. While wearing pink jackets.

it will be boring.


jsakic99 t1_j0vj4ig wrote

Did we completely run out of original ideas already?


PornoPaul t1_j0wuxwl wrote

The worst part is, mocking stuff like this my friends and I have created original ideas far better than what Hollywood is making. The ideas are out there, it's just that none of them make it to these studios.


J_House1999 t1_j0zhfao wrote

We haven’t run out of original ideas. Artists are coming up with original ideas all the time, and they always will. The problem is that it’s generally more profitable to base something on an established IP.


OneGoodRib t1_j0wp92n wrote

Yeah the earliest known plays weren't original ideas either, so... yeah.


nkduke t1_j0vdz7q wrote

No one under 60 actually gives a fuck


lightsongtheold t1_j0vm37d wrote

This is airing on Paramount+. It will be fine. Over 60s are the target audience!


nkduke t1_j0vv04c wrote

Oh ok then that’s 100% fair. Honestly, I would have guessed MeTV lol.


VrinTheTerrible t1_j0vwsv2 wrote

I watched the original Grease a hundred times as a kid. One of my favorites.

This….is an abomination.


bobbyvision9000 t1_j0w9her wrote

Can anyone come up with anything new anymore? I’m shocked how commonplace and acceptable it’s become to just rehash shit over and over again. Especially some of the crap I hear on the radio, just taking a hook from an Elton John hit and babbling over it is top 40 material now?


Daveywheel t1_j0wtspp wrote

Diversity based on reality!!


citoloco t1_j0wu6gy wrote

What's the #WOKE score on this one?


AttorneyNo6862 t1_j0we05g wrote

How much "revisionist" history will be forced upon us??


mitch8893 t1_j0v801x wrote

Another female-focused reboot? What could go wrong?


Archamasse t1_j0v8u2c wrote

Damn, the Grease audience's famously overwhelming hardcore of straight males will be absolutely devastated.


OneGoodRib t1_j0wpf3k wrote

Sssh don't remind reddit's overwhelmingly male 18-45 demographic that not every tv show has to be made specifically for them.


StringTheresa t1_j0v8e3w wrote

Way better than learning about the masochistic men characters in thatworld


cjboffoli t1_j0vr21t wrote

More great talent wasted on old, rehashed ideas.


Ntrusive_light-- t1_j0wnesc wrote

Is nothing sacred anymore? Please stop with the remakes and reboots and revisitings.


beardedjack t1_j0x4gr6 wrote

Everyone is mad at the historical accuracy and the lack of need for a sequel, but I’m just fucking sick of every 80’s IP being turned into a fucking teen drama show. We’ve got Willow, Wednesday, Chucky, Ash vs Evil Dead(good but young adult drama) Boba Fett had the gang of teenagers, the list goes on. Can’t something be made for us instead of using our nostalgia to sell shit teen drama to young kids?


Puffman27 t1_j0xld3w wrote

This cast is NOWHERE near the originals…


missy3030 t1_j0y44yu wrote

NO!! Grease is sacred. I will never ever watch this prequel.


HtownSamson t1_j0vesfe wrote

As with most of these nostalgia grabs, who wants this?


DrSeuss19 t1_j0vg1k6 wrote

Oh this is going to be an absolute cluster fuck.


FrogOnABus t1_j0wkfcj wrote

What culture death does to a mofo…


ECKohns t1_j0x07so wrote

Broadway Musicals should be self contained.

No sequels or prequels or spin offs. They’re never good


TheBigIdiotSalami t1_j0yca5i wrote

Hilarious they made it multi racial when the school they went to probably was the most segregated ass school in movie history. They were not rocking with the current day liberalism. Shit was set in the fucking 1950's.


apextek t1_j0zo8kq wrote

So Cal is still low key racist. They believe black people should live south of the 10 freeway and if a black woman dresses too risque in parts of town, She's stopped and questioned by LAPD about prostitution.


5littlewhitevicodin t1_j0yj25j wrote

If it's centered around 4 girls and made in 2022 it's almost certainly going to be shit


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Jahidinginvt t1_j0vdyu2 wrote

Wow. I’m actually interested in this. Some of y’all are really cynical. Lol


Shower_caps t1_j0whnrn wrote

Another reason why I’m liking streaming services less and less…


fiercetankbattle t1_j0wk9e3 wrote

“And the award for the most anti-Reddit show of 2023 goes to… drum roll … Emily in Par… no! Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies!”


AsanoSokato t1_j0xwxl1 wrote

In what way is this a "look at"?


[deleted] t1_j0yjnsr wrote

Hollywood is legit running out of franchises to reboot or sequelize.

Still can’t believe this year we got a sequel to A Christmas Story and Enchanted. From the 70s to 2000s, major films are no longer safe from destroyed legacies.


apextek t1_j0znsoy wrote

After seeing the shitshow that was Grease2 I have no interest in revisiting this story accept the original bc Travolta and John made it what it was.


C_IsForCookie t1_j0zsvdo wrote

Calling it now. It’ll be cancelled within the first season.


Euphorium t1_j0zuqnr wrote

What’s next, an origin story on Damone from Fast Times?


PinocchioWasFramed t1_j0wnaj9 wrote

At least its on Paramount+, the same network that gave us Yellowstone. Hopefully that means the story telling and character development will be front and center, rather than pushed to the back in favor of some nonsense political agenda.


happy_halloweenie t1_j0w3qzn wrote

Admit it, everyone complaining that this exists wouldn't want to watch a "girl show" anyway. Not everything is made for the reddit gamer bro demographic.
