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TakeCareOfYoChickens t1_iv8rr7g wrote

As someone who has no clue what you’re talking about, what’d they do?


Majestic_Moosestache t1_iv8sedi wrote

Astros were caught and punished for stealing signs electronically. Almost every team in the MLB was participating in sign stealing of some kind during the same time frame. It’s like the steroid scandal where basically everyone was cheating but a few people were punished.

The biggest money makers in baseball are the Yankees, Dodgers, and Red Sox. Even though the MLB had evidence all 3 teams were cheating none were punished. Embarrassingly the MLB sent the Yankees a strongly worded letter as “punishment”. The MLB couldn’t tarnish their already dwindling reputation by damaging the reputation of the teams that make them the most money.


moochs t1_iv8wrv8 wrote

This is being downvoted but it's absolutely right. People have already accepted the narrative and aren't willing to accept sign stealing has been a part of the sport since the 1800's, much less the modern era.


willistillam t1_iv8xw17 wrote

Again, a 2nd baseman physically signaling signs to their hitter is different than an elaborate scheme with technology to alert the hitter. One is outside of the game, absolutely unfair, and should've been punished much more than it was.


moochs t1_iv8yfgv wrote

You don't know much about baseball then.

So, fuck the Phillies?


willistillam t1_iv8zudq wrote

Your point is irrelevant and the article is trash. I found more articles on that event and it is very interesting. While it wasn't punished, it was a huge scandal that affected the team. 1951 yanks was never discovered till the 22 century so that doesn't count.

None of this detracts from my point, cheating on this scale was always a big deal. Using outside influences to swing games is dangerous for professional sport's future and sets a precedent that this can happen again.


moochs t1_iv902xg wrote

If it was such a big deal, then you would take heed to the AT LEAST 3 other teams that cheated during the same years as the Astros using cameras and technology. They went unpunished, and the Astros became the scapegoat. Anyone with a brain and two eyes understands this.

If you follow back up this comment thread, the point was always that the Astros were the scapegoats, they weren't the architects.

Also, I love how you dismiss the Philadelphia inquirer as trash, kinda hilarious if you ask me.


willistillam t1_iv907ku wrote

Prove it.


moochs t1_iv90ai8 wrote

Don't be a bottom feeder dude. You can do your own web searches.


jgiffin t1_iv94l36 wrote

You made a claim, and they’re asking for evidence. Now provide that evidence or stfu.


jgiffin t1_iv94unu wrote

You’re making a tired argument that has been debunked several times over.

Sign stealing is a part of baseball, but using technology is illegal. It really is that simple.


Cazking t1_iv9diva wrote

"Its absolutely right". As a Dodger fan I've tried to look up actual evidence or stats that would even look suspicious and found nothing. Look at the 2017 Astros Home/Away whiff %, they were an anomaly. The Dodgers have no stats like this and no proof.