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Wuyley t1_iv8qjek wrote

That mattress king guy in Texas must be over the moon right now.


oknowhim t1_iva97pe wrote

He bet on the team and won $75 million. So yeah, I'm guessing he is.


Nopengnogain t1_iv8t96k wrote

Philly loses two championship games in one day, and they had lead late in both games. The ups and downs of being a sports fan.


Hero_Charlatan t1_iv8qwas wrote

Happy for Dusty Baker


ricegator t1_iv8zkax wrote

Dusty Baker is the manager America needs right now. Congrats to Dusty and his Astros!


BobLoblaw_BirdLaw t1_iv8z43k wrote

Same. Only silver lining to astros winning. Other than that The city of Houston and astros organization in general gfy


SimpleGalaxy17 t1_iv8t5oe wrote

So when should we start the investigation? /s


DrBunzz t1_iv8pb0n wrote



taqiyya t1_iv8q7nk wrote



JJ4prez t1_iv8sckc wrote

"We want Houston"


IAmBecomeTeemo t1_iv92zyv wrote

Shit, I knew that was going to end up biting the Yankees in the ass as soon as I heard it. Houston trounced the Yanks all year, and while barely scraping through the ALDS, the fans at the Stadium chanted that. They were just asking for the big bad wolf to come blow their house down. Now Astros fans have ammo (on top of the actual postseason success) on the Yankees for a while.


JJ4prez t1_iv9vsts wrote

We have knocked the Yankees out of the playoffs multiple times the past handful of years. They have to get through us to get to world series, and haven't had any luck.

Philly also chanted we want Houston.


[deleted] t1_iva6stj wrote

Yes, your franchise OWNS the Yankees right now. Wish they’d all own up to the cheating and be banned from the game, but baseball is the ultimate cheater’s game. Fans eat that shit up.


JJ4prez t1_ivac18l wrote

They owned up to the cheating in 2017. Same with Boston in 2018 too. Yankees stole signs in 2015-2016 You probably still think they cheat now. Doesn't dismiss the fact that the Yankees simply can't get passed the Astros right now. Swept them 4-0 this year in the playoffs.

Give it a rest and hope to be better.

"We Want Houston"


[deleted] t1_ivad2ay wrote

Lol you think I watch baseball? The whole sport cheats and are proud of it 🤣


JJ4prez t1_ivahirw wrote

Why do you participate in baseball talk if you don't watch baseball? What sport you watch?


RubberPenguin4 t1_iv90z0j wrote

Happy for Peña the most. Kids a rookie and an absolute stud. Played out of his mind the entire playoffs.


Majestic_Moosestache t1_iv8nwzk wrote

Before everyone calls them cheaters remember the Dodgers, Red Sox, and Yankees were doing the same thing but the MLB choose not to punish them. The MLB is a joke and doesn’t have the backbone to punish the teams that make them the most money.


finchylols_bro t1_iv8thb7 wrote

What proof is there the dodgers were stealing signs?

And the Red Sox and Yankees were caught stealing signs electronically, but the huge difference between what they did and what Houston did was Houston had a system to relay the signs in real time to the hitter at the plate. Yankees and Red Sox weren’t relaying the signs to the hitter in real time.

Make no mistake, Houston cheated their way to the 2017 title


Valiantheart t1_iv9ysz7 wrote

"Our team cheated, but we did it with less sophistication so its fine!" - Every other teams fans in MLB


jimboNeutrino1 t1_iv8uar0 wrote

Proof or STFU


Majestic_Moosestache t1_iv8urys wrote

Brewers and Mets accused the Dodgers of sign stealing in 2018. A few former players have stepped out and stated they were participating in sign stealing as well.

Red Sox had the mastermind behind the 2017 sign stealing as their coach in 2018. Pretty obvious evidence for them.

The MLB admitted they had proof of the Yankees cheating when they sent them a strongly worded letter saying you did a bad thing.

Literally pulled from an ESPN article... "A years-old letter sent by Major League Baseball to the New York Yankees and obtained by ESPN on Tuesday details illicit use of technology during the 2015 and '16 seasons that was relatively benign within the context of the sign-stealing scandals that occurred around the game at the same time."


finchylols_bro t1_iv8wl8j wrote

No former dodger players have said the dodgers were cheating. A player who was on the 2018 brewers accused the dodgers of sign stealing. Coincidentally, the 2018 brewers lost to the dodgers in the NLCS that year. So I’m sure his comments were totally unbiased and not tinged with spite or anything…

To date, the only team that has been proved to be relaying signs in real time was the 2017 Astros. Hopefully the 2022 Astros weren’t cheating again this year.


Majestic_Moosestache t1_iv8z2at wrote

I don’t see how the MLB sending a letter to the Yankees telling them to stop stealing signs isn’t proof…


OneCore_ t1_iv90alu wrote

nah the astros won by top-notch pitching this year


lobosrul t1_iv8qn5i wrote

Houston was fined 5mil, and lost their 1st and 2nd round picks for 2 seasons and still managed to be the best team in baseball. Pretty incredible really. And there are only 3 hitters left from 2017 still on the team.


Majestic_Moosestache t1_iv8r8vc wrote

The broadcast showing only 5 players from that 2017 team with 2 of them being pitchers still on the team. 90% of the team/organization are new. If only my Rookies could figure out how they do it.


TakeCareOfYoChickens t1_iv8rr7g wrote

As someone who has no clue what you’re talking about, what’d they do?


Majestic_Moosestache t1_iv8sedi wrote

Astros were caught and punished for stealing signs electronically. Almost every team in the MLB was participating in sign stealing of some kind during the same time frame. It’s like the steroid scandal where basically everyone was cheating but a few people were punished.

The biggest money makers in baseball are the Yankees, Dodgers, and Red Sox. Even though the MLB had evidence all 3 teams were cheating none were punished. Embarrassingly the MLB sent the Yankees a strongly worded letter as “punishment”. The MLB couldn’t tarnish their already dwindling reputation by damaging the reputation of the teams that make them the most money.


moochs t1_iv8wrv8 wrote

This is being downvoted but it's absolutely right. People have already accepted the narrative and aren't willing to accept sign stealing has been a part of the sport since the 1800's, much less the modern era.


willistillam t1_iv8xw17 wrote

Again, a 2nd baseman physically signaling signs to their hitter is different than an elaborate scheme with technology to alert the hitter. One is outside of the game, absolutely unfair, and should've been punished much more than it was.


moochs t1_iv8yfgv wrote

You don't know much about baseball then.

So, fuck the Phillies?


willistillam t1_iv8zudq wrote

Your point is irrelevant and the article is trash. I found more articles on that event and it is very interesting. While it wasn't punished, it was a huge scandal that affected the team. 1951 yanks was never discovered till the 22 century so that doesn't count.

None of this detracts from my point, cheating on this scale was always a big deal. Using outside influences to swing games is dangerous for professional sport's future and sets a precedent that this can happen again.


moochs t1_iv902xg wrote

If it was such a big deal, then you would take heed to the AT LEAST 3 other teams that cheated during the same years as the Astros using cameras and technology. They went unpunished, and the Astros became the scapegoat. Anyone with a brain and two eyes understands this.

If you follow back up this comment thread, the point was always that the Astros were the scapegoats, they weren't the architects.

Also, I love how you dismiss the Philadelphia inquirer as trash, kinda hilarious if you ask me.


willistillam t1_iv907ku wrote

Prove it.


moochs t1_iv90ai8 wrote

Don't be a bottom feeder dude. You can do your own web searches.


jgiffin t1_iv94l36 wrote

You made a claim, and they’re asking for evidence. Now provide that evidence or stfu.


jgiffin t1_iv94unu wrote

You’re making a tired argument that has been debunked several times over.

Sign stealing is a part of baseball, but using technology is illegal. It really is that simple.


Cazking t1_iv9diva wrote

"Its absolutely right". As a Dodger fan I've tried to look up actual evidence or stats that would even look suspicious and found nothing. Look at the 2017 Astros Home/Away whiff %, they were an anomaly. The Dodgers have no stats like this and no proof.


lonekthx t1_iv9155a wrote

The thing is: all the teams were told to stop by the commissioner. The Astros continued to use the illegal sign stealing methods and got caught. That’s why they were punished. But you still have the cheaters in the league so was anything really accomplished?


Viron_22 t1_iv9j44s wrote

Thats fine I'm pretty sure most people would be okay with referring to those teams as cheaters anyway. Hell they overspend most other teams anyhow, why should I have any respect for them?

But the Astros, and their players from that time especially, seem so indignant about the whole thing that I can't respect them at all. They got the most weak ass punishment possible and they couldn't even pretend to act like they felt bad about it. They didn't get their championship taken away, they weren't barred from the post-season, it most likely won't even be held against those associated with it if they are inducted into the Hall of Fame. And the best part was that they probably didn't need to cheat anyway.

So fuck em, they could have won this ring in the cleanest most legitimate way possible against teams that were cheating against them, it don't matter they'll still be the *'s. If you can't even demonstrate a little bit of guilt even after you are essentially let off the hook, why should anyone ever believe that you won't do it again?


rumblinstumblin8 t1_iv8s5vv wrote

O's fan, I couldn't root for the Astros but Trey Mancini deserves every moment of this. Happy for him


Sleepy_One t1_iv8wihn wrote

He was struggling so hard all postseason, and then he had a GREAT play last game, followed up by a fantastic game 6. Every play he made at first base was stellar.


[deleted] t1_iv8sc9d wrote

World Series shouldn’t go past Halloween.


WaynneGretzky t1_ivan98f wrote

But surely a "world" series should go past america/canada atleast.


m0nk3y42 t1_ivb45m6 wrote

i dunno about that. the astros have players from all over the world and they aren't the only team. the angels have the japenese phenom, ohtani.

so it kinda IS the world series, it's just that the rules state you must be good enough for 1 of 30 teams to put you on their roster to compete for the WS.


Old-AF t1_iv8sieo wrote

See, cheaters do prosper.


Sjrtx t1_ivbgucw wrote

I was there last night, and it was wild to say the least. May not ever get to experience that again. Glad I took my 16 year old son to it.


DFHartzell t1_ivad3s8 wrote

Leaning in to pitches in the 9th inning for the win!


devnoid t1_iv9zaba wrote

Congrats on their first WS win, but we’ll see.


Nuonorp t1_iv96wo9 wrote

With a no hitter in Game 4 and Justin Verlander's first World Series pitching win in Game 5 along the way. Go 'Stros!


OceanEarthling t1_iv9qrs6 wrote

AND no one cares.


Burgerkingsucks t1_iv9xgsv wrote

I mean, tons of people really care.


mrhijack13 t1_iv8v3x9 wrote

Nick Castellanos caused a mass shooting and should be in jail


DC_KIll t1_iv97dmf wrote

I watched the final game game here in Canada. Though I did go to grad school in the US pre-2010, I had no idea who Justin Verlander was in the later years. That knowledge only came to me in the 2014 Fappening incident. He was just some jock fucking the hottest celebrity in the world at the time, ie Kate Upton, a dude that was both sending nudes and taking nudes of her. How the world moves! 😁


[deleted] t1_ivas6n4 wrote

You need therapy if you think people want to hear this story that only yourself would find amusing. You're not a stand up comedian


MACh518 t1_ivb2dn1 wrote

No one gives a fuuuuuck lol


JediTrainer42 t1_iv9p6hd wrote

Good things happening to bad people. Altuve cheated,


jtthom t1_iv9dkql wrote

Is this the first one where they haven’t cheated?


IAmTheClayman t1_iv8ymrg wrote

And we (LAFC) kicked the Union’s ass in the MLS Finals. Gonna be a lot of burning cars in Philly tonight


jgiffin t1_iv955tb wrote

Ya’ll scored the latest equalizer in MLS history. Amazing game, but you did not kick their ass lol


lonekthx t1_iv90wpn wrote

There are 3 admitted cheaters on the team from the 2017 season. They shouldn’t be in the league. It’s a disgrace to the game.


Admiralporkchops587 t1_iv91wan wrote

A lot of teams cheated at the same time. Astros were just the only ones who got punished. If you kicked out all the cheaters you’d have no players left.


lonekthx t1_iv924c8 wrote

Yes. They were doing similar things. The Astros didn’t stop after the league told the teams to stop.


Admiralporkchops587 t1_iv92dor wrote

I’m not saying they shouldn’t have been punished. Cheating is cheating. But to say the players that are still on the team (which is very few) shouldn’t be in the league is absolute non-sense. 90% of this team players and coaches were not there in 2017. This team deserves the win and it’s a disgrace that fans are just blanket name calling a team when they are just flat out wrong.


lonekthx t1_iv92qd6 wrote

When you benefit from having cheaters still on the team, you deserve the criticism. Cheaters should be out of the league. Full stop. The players were not punished for their actions and it’s a disgrace that people are defending them.

Don’t care what team they play on. If you cheat, you should be gone to try and keep what little integrity the game has left.


Admiralporkchops587 t1_iv938mz wrote

By that logic get rid of 90% of the pitchers in the league. Oh wait, you can’t because then no one would watch the sport.

What you are suggesting is a fools pipe dream. It’s all about money and it’s the same reason the Yankees dodgers and Red Sox didn’t get punished. You say cheaters are cheaters. So the MLB should have punished them at first notice along with the Astros. But instead they told everyone to stop, Astros got caught and everyone else came out unscathed.

What you are suggesting for the ‘integrity’ of the game is just plain dumb.


lonekthx t1_ivgnx0q wrote

Then let the game die if it can’t exist without cheating. Especially with the advent of legalized sports gambling. They should be straining to keep the game clean rather than just laying on the bullshit line of “everyone cheats.”


De_chook t1_iv9g98o wrote

Who else in the world played?


DaveVsShark t1_iv9zpqs wrote

How they didn't receive any kind of multi year postseason ban is beyond me. But congrats to them on their first WS title.


pmp412 t1_iv8xj87 wrote



skobuffaloes t1_iv9mvbl wrote

Okay guys you won, now show me where you hid the cameras this time


JackedTurnip t1_iv9rrrs wrote

Congrats to the Astros on winning their first world series!


LOLatVirgins t1_iv8wgn7 wrote

Congratulations to your World Series Champions, The Houston Astros 2017* and 2022*


captainmcfuckface t1_iv8yj0t wrote

Fuck Philly! Yay!

(can’t bring myself to say “Go Astros!”)


burnheartmusic t1_iv977sg wrote

Fuck the astros. Any guys on the team that were on the cheating team get zero respect from me.


nigechadameda t1_iv9k7vc wrote

Spoiler alert: every team cheats, and every pitcher cheats twice. Baseball is a cheater's sport, from pro level to the higher levels of little league.


[deleted] t1_iv8s387 wrote



Sleepy_One t1_iv8wrbb wrote

Found the Rangers fan.


el-cuko t1_iv8z8c2 wrote



namnle t1_iv8yvnw wrote

The Houston Thrashos have won the World Series.


[deleted] t1_iv8nsxx wrote



supersaiyan336 t1_iv8os71 wrote

That takes some time to determine.Thats about 90% of what you'll hear about it though, regardless if they did or not.


mas826 t1_iv8ojwo wrote

Kinda? Martin Maldonado used an illegal bat in game one. But by all counts it was an honest mistake and the bat was a gift from Albert Pujols. So in a super broad sense, yes. But it’s not that big of a deal and the MLB didn’t suspend him or anything. Just made him use a legal bat


AwesomeWhiteDude t1_iv8pftw wrote

Important note: it was illegal for the sake of player safety, it didn't give Maldonado a competitive advantage


mas826 t1_iv8plt2 wrote

Thanks for the clarification. I’m a very casual baseball fan, so I definitely missed that detail!


MuldartheGreat t1_iv8qmjs wrote

The bats of that material are more likely to shatter, but do not give any extra lift to the ball.

Pinole could keep using it because he took at least at bat with it before they were banned. Weird to keep something unsafe alive with a loophole like that


Ummyeaaaa t1_iv8u6c5 wrote

And to clarify this one so there’s not further speculation from your comment…

  • Pujols (and many other players) have historically used a bat of a certain wood that, performance wise is deemed no different than any other wood type, but recently was decided was too dangerous versus other types of wood because of the way they splintered when broken.
  • anyone using that bat before the decision would be grandfathered in and allowed to continue to use that wood, but no one could begin to use that wood who hadn’t before
  • Pujols was included in the list of players exempted because he had been using it before the ban
  • Martin was in a slump at some point this season and Pujols sent him a bat saying it helped him break his slumps, so essentially sending good luck
  • Martin used this bat

So there’s no story here. Pujols didn’t realize Martin couldn’t use the bat, Martin didn’t realize either he couldn’t use it or what it’s wood type was, and it was called out and corrected. Non-story.


IAmBecomeTeemo t1_iv949de wrote

From what I read, it wasn't even a type of wood that was banned. It's a maple bat, which is legal, but it's illegal if it's not dense enough. Maldonado would have had no way of knowing, because maple is one of the popular wood types in MLB and wouldn't have stuck out as different.

Lower density maple allowed for a bigger barrel profile while keeping it from swinging too heavy. This is just a preference. It's not an actual advantage because as long as you're using quality solid wood, every possible factor has a tradeoff. Players just swing what's comfortable and what compliments their approach at the plate.


[deleted] t1_iv8rvfo wrote



[deleted] t1_iva1b6f wrote

10 years ago, they weren’t even Houston’s team.


[deleted] t1_iv8ppyt wrote



Raeandray t1_iv8rjk2 wrote

Everybody knew they were good before the cheating.

They're still scumbags for cheating.


astonv t1_iv8rru8 wrote

Those are not mutually exclusive. They have always been a good baseball team…that are complete scumbags for cheating. Zero respect for the organization personally, congrats on the win.


[deleted] t1_iv8s6zi wrote



Ummyeaaaa t1_iv8t7jv wrote

Oh buddy, as much as I also want to call out racism, you’re gonna have to unfortunately get outta sports if this is your line. It’s everywhere.


jeebucus t1_iv8w6wu wrote

Tbh, since they weren't punished, i would imagine cheating is more rampant now.


nigechadameda t1_iv9kcp7 wrote

Cheating is rampant in Major league baseball, has very little to do with the Astros. The only thing that changes is the flavor of the week.


buttonions89 t1_iv8oknl wrote

I’d be embarrassed to be part of this franchise. Once a cheater always a cheater.


sentientgorilla t1_iv8pcjj wrote

Champions. Now and forever.


Raeandray t1_iv8rnhf wrote

Funny, that goes for cheating too.


sentientgorilla t1_iv8s2nw wrote

They proved something today. They proved the haters wrong.


jeebucus t1_iv8whx8 wrote

I would think, since they never got punished, they probably never stopped cheating. I would also think that due to them not being punished, more teams are currently cheating since there is no repercussion. They kinda took the game down a peg.... everyone loses.


Raeandray t1_iv8t8qj wrote

They cheated, that doesn’t go away because later they win without being caught cheating lol. They didn’t prove anything today.


sentientgorilla t1_iv96hzs wrote

Yep. They sure did. Other wise you wouldn’t be here crying about it. Go Astros! Space City!


zet191 t1_iv8rdip wrote

Lol this guys gotta be a Phillies fan.