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SkiThe802 t1_jbsx56t wrote

She broke the record at the site of her very first World Cup win, which happens to also be in the same country as the nationality of the previous record holder, Ingemar Stenmark. Truly remarkable.


Goldtec317 t1_jbt8afu wrote

She won 87 World Cups? That's pretty good


Criticalhit_jk t1_jbua1l8 wrote

This may be a joke but I was a bit confused at first myself; 87 world cup wins is neither 87 world cups nor 87 world cup wins, but 87 wins in different events over several world cups. She's only 27 afterall


Max-Powah t1_jbu6kfq wrote

I hope she can stay on top long enough to shine at the next Olympics to shut up the idiots. To all the overweight, type 2 diabetic couch dwellers saying she "chokes in the biggest moments," World Championships are just as impressive as Olympic Medals. You're still literally beating the best athletes in the world (hence the name, World Championship). Having her one off year the same year as the Olympic Games was just bad luck. She was dominant before and she's been dominant since.


arn_g t1_jbvq9k6 wrote

She's a 7 time world champion and 2 time olympic champion. She doesn't have to prove anything to anyone and all those fuckers can stfu.


ediblearrangement t1_jbw3ez6 wrote

Well thankfully the next Winter Olympics is in a place that actually has real snow. It clearly affected her skiing along with a bunch of other world class skiers. Just sad that it had to be in the event that most of the world tunes in for bringing out the neckbeards and their sage opinions (not a knock on world cups, but obviously not as watched as the Olympics)


buerglermeister t1_jbwsim6 wrote

That‘s still just wrong. I think it was a travesty, that Beijing of all places hosted winter olympics. But the conditions on those slopes were perfect. The slopes the pros ski on are all made with lots of „artificial“ snow. If anything, the snow was quite aggressive, as it often is in Colorado, where Shiffrin is from.

The slopes in Cortina 2026 will be made with man made snow as well.


GiddyUp18 t1_jbv98jw wrote

She is arguably the most dominant athlete in the world.


rockstar_not t1_jbw52c4 wrote

That’s just crazy impossibly great!


urkldajrkl t1_jbtea8v wrote

Beast mode dominance, congrats babe!


winnipeg-lemon t1_jbwk980 wrote



urkldajrkl t1_jbxfbll wrote

Interesting, using the word “babe” is sort of like using the word “stud” when referring to a guy who performs well athletically, while also inferring affection for her being a good person.

I’ve watched the Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel interview/story with her from a couple years ago, and everything she has been through, particularly with the death of her mentor father.

I’m impressed with her ability to get back to the top, and simply dominate the sport.

I would say that your reaction to my wording is modern age creepy. You be you, bye.