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DrKnowsNothing_MD t1_j4ph4hl wrote

If you were actually genuinely interested, you’d have googled such a topic a long time ago or at the very least before you commented.

Here you go


_PM_ME_YOUR_FORESKIN t1_j4q4dhy wrote

They are clearly racist. Don’t feed the trolls.


DrKnowsNothing_MD t1_j4r68lb wrote

Gave em the smallest bit of benefit of the doubt since we’re on this sub and didn’t want others who are genuinely interested to not see a response


Kontropoli t1_j4rbox2 wrote

I don't understand why disagreeing with the main narrative = racism, yeah that guy wasn't the most articulate I can see that coming off wrong the way it was worded but to dismiss any dissenting ideas as racist is lazy, unintellectual, and ironically bigoted and I see it all the time it's so ridiculous.


_PM_ME_YOUR_FORESKIN t1_j4rxes9 wrote

Read their comments on this thread. Sometimes racism is just racism. I’m not anti-discourse. But I’m not going to waste my time arguing with people who say blatantly racist stuff.