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Kelevracado4287 t1_j684gvr wrote

Reply to comment by ImmobilizedbyCheese in The Night Thread by Asterion7

Yea. Like I KNOW so many people so going out I always run into people (side job is a very popular bar in the city for metal heads/punks/vegans) so I love chilling there with my shift drink.

My problem is I live alone, single, and struggle to find things to do. So a lot of times I just go to a bar I know- but that has ended up in me blacking out at times and being shitty.

But other times it leaves me on adventures I wouldn’t be doing if I was sober.

Also calories/missing the gym is something I’m trying to avoid.


ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j68issd wrote

This is why I don't want anything harder than beer in the house and will focus on getting just one nice mixed drink and hydrating more when going out.


Charlesinrichmond t1_j695wht wrote

blacking out is not good... Maybe stick to beer and wine and see how that goes?

Or give up drinking of course, it's the right solution for many people. Only you know the answer