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UnfilteredFacts t1_ja7r7ks wrote

Growth may be restricted in some areas, at least for a while. The fan is pretty much fully developed, and the "historical" factor already makes it difficult to change anything there. Although it could get more crowded if more houses are converted into apartment buildings.


RVAPerson804 t1_ja8j524 wrote

There is actually LESS housing in the fan, It used to be run down and every mansion was chopped up into apartments, now those are turning back into single houses. What used to house 10 students now houses a family


xRVAx t1_ja98m3b wrote

Yes, all the Grace Street flop houses became fancy pants mansions again


UnfilteredFacts t1_ja8py44 wrote

You think it's going back in the direction of single family homes? Maybe. I expect there will be companies or individuals buying properties to convert into apartments, and hold as an investment , but I guess some of the market is also composed of people wanting the whole house to themselves.


Charlesinrichmond t1_ja8voip wrote

no that's a money loser these days, not happening. It's the reverse, multi unit buildings going back to single families.

Also illegal under zoning, but that's not really what's stopping it


RVAPerson804 t1_ja9kxr9 wrote

The last census showed this trend as well, and the fan population actually went down. the only new multi fam in the Fan is tear downs of crappy stuff on the edge of the fan, plus the rich NIMBYS


Charlesinrichmond t1_ja87m1f wrote

Pretty much, yes. Fully? No. You could put a tower on each gas station.... as was done by lowes. No need to tear anything down and all of a sudden that's a whole lot more housing. There have always been scattered towers in the fan and it hasn't hurt anything


UnfilteredFacts t1_ja8p6mf wrote

Could you give me an example of a "tower on a gas station" in the fan? Not saying you're wrong. I just don't know what you're talking about.


Charlesinrichmond t1_ja8vfd8 wrote

new apartments by lowes


xRVAx t1_ja98p1o wrote

They took a dumpy corner gas station and turned it into a 16-story apartment complex