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grem111 t1_j44ub81 wrote

I would try calling the main city hall number if you haven't already to try and force the complex to get bins. Given the city says they don't collect trash from residences without recycling bins that'd get your landlord to shape up quick, if you were ever able to get through to someone. Idk how much effort you want to go to but you could always try showing up in person, sometimes that's the only way that works


the_falconator t1_j4529kr wrote

If they live in an apartment complex it's probably not town trash pickup, it's a private contract. I know in Providence the city only provides trash pickup to buildings up to 3 (or 4 maybe) units in size.


shotgun_riding t1_j454g3o wrote

This is correct. In most municipalities, anything over 4 units falls outside of the city or town’s responsibility to collect trash and recycling.

That being said, they are required by law to contract with a recycling company. If they don’t offer this option to you, they are in violation. You can call DEM to report it. I’d also call the town as suggested.


grem111 t1_j46p1wy wrote

Huh the more you know. Thank you both for enlightening me!