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AlexRenquist t1_j2zz0ul wrote

The 'We explain' seems to boil down to "she's a mad fucking liar".


Jeraimee t1_j3007xr wrote

Thanks, I really didn't want to open another tab ...


PerNewton t1_j30pniy wrote

I heard George Santos just hired her as a consultant.


Unique_Anywhere5735 t1_j32ljae wrote

No, she's been working for him for a while. Who do you think wrote his campaign bio.


Rosebunse t1_j30i0xn wrote

Why would you do this? I get it that she needed to take a break and get help, OK, but then just, well, go away and get help. Hire someone to manage to accounts or ma age them yourself.

My God, all of these people are insane for thinking this was OK.


Deiwos t1_j30pf48 wrote

For money, people bought her book out of sympathy.


hydrogenbound t1_j33pw8w wrote

And donated to her funeral. I can’t wait for the fraud charges. I’ve lost people I really loved to suicide and this was painful for a lot of us.


Devi1_May_Cry t1_j33nzhd wrote

So I read the excerpt for Love to Last a Lifetime on Here's the first paragraph:

>From the moment I laid eyes on Greta, I knew she was meant to be loved by me for a lifetime. She'd been talking to my best friend's girlfriend and her smile drew me in like a moth to a flame. Who would have ever guessed our story would be one for the ages?

That is, without a doubt, the single worst opening paragraph I've read in a long time. There are so many issues with it, I don't know where to begin.


jwm3 t1_j3fi5t3 wrote

May I introduce you to the Bulwer-Lytton fiction contest? It is a contest to write the worst opening paragraph of what would be an awful novel.

It was named after the penner of this famously bad opening paragraph.

"It was a dark and stormy night; the rain fell in torrents—except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which swept up the streets (for it is in London that our scene lies), rattling along the housetops, and fiercely agitating the scanty flame of the lamps that struggled against the darkness."


YoungToySoldier t1_j361ex3 wrote

I rolled my eyes no less than 5 times reading that single paragraph. I think they would fall out if I tried the book.


Individual_Poet2978 t1_j31j5qo wrote

Aren't mysterious disappearances and faked deaths a little cliché for writers? No? Don't fix what ain't broken? Got it.


demon9675 t1_j31p85a wrote

Wouldn’t be surprised if someone sues over this, especially if she made money off of the fraud. Is faking one’s own death to make money, especially from donations to a supposed funeral, illegal?


ddr1ver t1_j2zzito wrote

Did she collect the insurance money?


mrszoomby t1_j30ecjc wrote

There was fund-raising for her funeral, so she certainly received something


Deiwos t1_j30pdbn wrote

People bought her book to support her family.


DeaDGoDXIV t1_j30a5r1 wrote

I thought insurance didn't pay out for suicides? Maybe that's just a popular plot device and has little basis in reality that I just accepted as truth.... but I'm drunk on Reddit so I won't bother researching...


That_Guy_Brody t1_j30cal4 wrote

It does so long as you don't buy it intending to suicide, policies will often exclude suicide for 1-2 years as well.


DeaDGoDXIV t1_j30ezkn wrote

That sounds believable, thanks


YouCanCallMeVanZant t1_j333763 wrote

Many states have statutes that actually prohibit denying life insurance benefits if it’s been a certain amount of time after the policy was purchased. Usually a year or two.


[deleted] t1_j3v4r2s wrote



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Majestic-Prune-3971 t1_j32u1vr wrote

She has the same accountant as Hotblack Desiato.


GatoradeNipples t1_j34gk04 wrote

This is a niche joke, but I appreciated it.


Majestic-Prune-3971 t1_j34iemt wrote

Ooooo. That's a nice way to put it. I shall be telling my wife that the jokes she rolls her eyes at are "niche". Thank you!


bulgarianlily t1_j3120gw wrote

So did the daughter know she was still alive?


MadeFromNews t1_j3184kz wrote

Finally got the attention she needed after so long.


Ksh1218 t1_j33q6r9 wrote

Agatha Christie called and said “hold my drink”


Jump_Like_A_Willys t1_j33337f wrote

Did she not leave her house? Did her neighbors or acquaintances never see her.


CStew8585 t1_j3lq10c wrote

I think she just did it online. She was in some kind of online fb group and her "daughter" posted saying she had passed. I don't think the other people/authors in the group knew her in person.


PlotinusTheWise t1_j34rhyq wrote

Somehow... Meachen has returned


[deleted] t1_j3kyvtd wrote



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lupuscapabilis t1_j33al3w wrote

This article just makes the whole situation more confusing and opens up a thousand questions. I give it a D.