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zuzg t1_j803hqh wrote

>The search comes after the FBI and the Justice Department’s National Security Division launched a review of the documents and how they ended up in Pence’s house. It is not yet clear what the documents are related to or their level of sensitivity or classification. > >The Pence team, in talks with the Justice Department ahead of the search, expressed that they wanted to completely cooperate.

And that's the reason why it's only a search and not a raid unlike with Trump who not only refused to cooperate but also lied.


rods_and_chains t1_j80ceqp wrote

The only reason anyone knew about the search/raid/investigation (whatever you want to call it) at Trump's place is because Trump himself shouted about it. If he had kept quiet, we might never have known. The FBI handled the situation as tactfully as they could. A lot more tactfully than they would have if he hadn't been a former president.

Trump truly is how he was described in that joke of a hearing the other day.

Meanwhile, good on Pence for acting like an adult. It's probably the fact that anyone in high federal office ends up with documents where they shouldn't be. That's why it isn't a crime in itself. It's only a crime when you lie about them to the authorities and then try to obstruct their recovery.


EvlMinion t1_j80r5hu wrote

Yeah, intent and all. As the news for this stuff has come in, I've been considering Biden and Pence's searches to be roughly the same level of bad: Not great, but both teams are working to get anything they might have returned. Part of me wishes it wasn't newsworthy at all, but it's also comforting to see it being handled without any theatrics. Trump's situation was, as he typically is, just exhausting.


Aazadan t1_j80s7yv wrote

The way Pence has handled this search is the second good thing I’ve had to say about him, the first being his conduct on January 6th.

I disagree with him to basically the greatest extent possible on his politics and I probably always will, but at least from Jan 6th onwards I can’t say that he has acted in bad faith.


Specialist-Put6367 t1_j80xzkn wrote

I’ll say third. He also admonished the Republican Party if they banned abortion it was also their responsibility to open their homes to all the unwanted babies that’d suddenly be in the foster system. At least he’s consistently pro-life, not just anti-abortion


tcmart14 t1_j80zj57 wrote

Yea. Him wanting to ban abortion sucks. But at least he follows it up with, "it is our responsibility to take alternatives to abortion seriously for unwanted kids."


One-Guilty-Finger t1_j8146li wrote

He needs to put his money where his mouth is, then, but we all know that’s hard for a Cosplay Christian to do. When they come to a fork in the road, they prefer to go to the cruel side.

PS I can’t understand why more than half of our national budget goes to the military. Just way too much.


Specialist-Put6367 t1_j86hv81 wrote

Majority of our budget (~73%) is locked up in "mandatory spending", which is majority Social Security and Medicare. Almost half of our discretionary spending is defense. Overall it's ~14% of our overall budget. That said, it's still obscene, and still ~6x what the feds pay for education.


Aazadan t1_j80zuq8 wrote

I get where you’re coming from, but I don’t see that as even being a pro life position, it’s just telling women that a babys life is more valuable than their life. Additionally, even thought he told Republicans that, he didn’t favor expansion and funding to government programs to make the care for those people possible.


WisdomInTheShadows t1_j811x87 wrote

Right, because the expansion of government spending is not consistent with his views on smaller, leaner government and that private citizens and civil organizations should have that responsibility. His statement was specifically that those people that wanted to ban abortion should open their homes and their money and their time to provide these alternatives because they were the ones that outlawed abortion. He's saying put your money where your mouth is.

You may never agree with him on much, and I don't agree with him on a lot of things, but in this age of inconsistency and MTG insanity, Pence has been very consistent in his views and that includes his views on this topic.


Painting_Agency t1_j81wi86 wrote

> Pence has been very consistent in his views

A lot of Republicans, as far as I can tell, believe in nothing except power. But Mike Pence, I think he really is a true believer. I think he's the real deal. It's just that what he truly believes in is Christian hegemony.


Panchorc t1_j82hq2r wrote

>but in this age of inconsistency and MTG insanity

The hell did Magic The Gathering do now?


WisdomInTheShadows t1_j82mlfe wrote

Card quality hald that of my HP printer, going down to 7 card packs for $7 per pack, magic 30th being $1000 for 4 booster packs of low quality proxies, the assasination of the local gaming store, should I go on?

But..... In this case, I meant Marjorie Taylor Greene, someone who condenses more crazy into a human body than I ever thought possible.


mvw2 t1_j81a0v2 wrote

Pence is a very good politician. He could do great if...he wasn't so religiously extreme.


Aazadan t1_j81be8g wrote

I don’t know about that. He has a political base that supports him, but this is also a guy who killed a bunch of his own constituents with an AIDS outbreak, with knowledge that his policies would cause that very thing, based purely on ideology. Because he didn’t like tax dollars going to needle exchange programs (even though this then lead to exponentially more tax dollars going to treating AIDS after the fact).

That’s not being a good politician.


mvw2 t1_j81bqsn wrote

Nope. But it fits his religious side. He's remarkably driven by that component of himself.


Aazadan t1_j81o633 wrote

Sure, but even Christianity generally says that people have a duty to uphold their community and not ruin it. It even supports the idea of people changing their minds based on new information. And if we want to take the idea that he’s a Bible literalist, there’s still abortion instructions given in there.

Edit: I can give him points for ideological consistency I suppose, but I’m not sure how that actually rates a positive, either by the teachings of his religion or by the metrics of what makes for a good politician.


hyouko t1_j81lhee wrote

Ah yes, I forgot about the Bible verse castigating needle exchanges. One of those bonus commandments they only teach you about in Advanced Christianity 301.


ScienceLivesInsideMe t1_j8168od wrote

Meanwhile in healthcare there's nurses losing their license if it's found they accidently came home with patient information. The discrepancy is insane


Guarder22 t1_j81iush wrote

You should see the discrepancy in how Conflict of Interests are handled.


somme_rando t1_j817afl wrote

> anyone in high federal office ends up with documents where they shouldn't be.

From what I've read, notes on a post-it taken by people in some meetings can be classified. That'd take a fair bit of discipline to manage correctly.


bk15dcx t1_j8045jb wrote

Maralogo was a search as well


OrangeJr36 t1_j806pr9 wrote

Cooperation is the difference between being a search and a "raid". The FBI basically did everything they could to get Trump's legal team and Secret Service team to understand the need to handle things quickly and quietly, but they flatly refused to cooperate or coerce Trump into cooperating.

Trump and the GOP jumped in on the "Raid" part to misdirect the public on the background of what happened.


buchlabum t1_j80ec68 wrote

The GOP, the party of "They should have just complied with the law" showing they really feel above the law.


Acronymesis t1_j80jknf wrote

“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."

-Michael Scott-


zuzg t1_j806k0y wrote

Ffs I forgot that it was Trump who called it a raid.


HiImDan t1_j808iei wrote

I can't believe they raided Melania's bedroom! Everyone knows that room's off limits to Trump!


gravescd t1_j80yro6 wrote

Trump's wasn't a raid. It was a normal search. They didn't break down doors and run in with guns pointed


Kodi_Yak t1_j810ekm wrote

Right! It's such a shame that so many people are referring to a normal, calm search warrant as a "raid", simply because it's been repeated so often and so loudly by Trump and his cronies. The same people that are constantly telling me I don't know what's really going on.


trollinDC t1_j81vy4a wrote

And he’s still a fucking free man, somehow.


kalitarios t1_j82xx6i wrote

Oh to be a fly on the wall for that. Or hair


mjh2901 t1_j844mb2 wrote

Sounds like the Pence family went on vacation and a key and a note for the FBI. "Search for the documents, feed the cat, lock up behind yourselves"


Kevinmc479 t1_j809bj7 wrote

Leave Mothers underwear drawer alone.


[deleted] t1_j81jhos wrote



Merky600 t1_j81mhew wrote

Only the catalogs.


ilikeme1 t1_j88wjhg wrote

With it being Pence, old Sears catalogs are basically porn, so it’s probably them.


plipyplop t1_j82ve2k wrote

I dare say, please do not mention her unmentionables! It will cause me to catch the vapors.


OccludedFug t1_j7zw871 wrote

I don't expect they'll find any intelligence there.


Siegfoult t1_j80gpse wrote

Just a bunch of unread bibles.


Loggerdon t1_j81mesw wrote

I was in Singapore recently in a hotel room. It had a room safe so we opened it and, surprise, a bible. I was a little weirded out.


fakerjohn t1_j82fzfb wrote

This intelligence is need to know only, not want to have.


ddubyeah t1_j80bu6n wrote

Well they let him know they were about to search the place for over a week, so...


AffenMitWaffen2 t1_j80cr5g wrote

They didn't let him know, he invited them.


ddubyeah t1_j80jvwt wrote

Im sure that the talks that were between DOJ and Pences lawyers that we read about eight days ago were just working out the details of their agreed upon visit and rsvp-ing the invitation.


black_flag_4ever t1_j7zwki1 wrote

How upsetting for Mother!


Lucius-Halthier t1_j7zxwaj wrote



imnotsoclever t1_j808x77 wrote

jump cut to an orgy


Mydickradiates t1_j80fgkd wrote





(beat drops)

(jump cut to an orgy)


morphballganon t1_j838key wrote

If she's close in age to her husband, those agents probably wouldn't touch that if you paid them


unluckycowboy t1_j7zz585 wrote

They’re looking for his spine, the CIA claims he doesn’t have one but the NSA says he’s been talking about having one.


Sunflower_After_Dark t1_j7zzx7b wrote

Well now the trifecta is complete. Trump can’t say he was targeted and call it a witch hunt anymore. Now, can we just get on to his indictment(s) for 1/6?


NlightenedSelfIntrst t1_j804rfd wrote

>Trump can’t say he was targeted and call it a witch hunt anymore.

Wanna bet?


SpiderMama41928 t1_j80xeja wrote

Yeah. He's going to run that into the ground and keep on digging.


parker0215 t1_j82v5kg wrote

Dude could legit say the raid is a secret cannibal vampire plot to steal his soul and millions of Americans would believe it. Just, like, think about that for a minute lol


Red-eleven t1_j800dwm wrote

I wish but that’s probably not going to happen


EvlMinion t1_j80scgq wrote

Jack Smith's team subpoenaed Mike Pence, so that'll be something to follow. He can't ignore that like he can a request from Congress. He may try invoking the 5th a lot, though.


The8thHammer t1_j80ushu wrote

He actually has been ignoring this subpoena as he is not the target of the investigation. His legal team has been working out the terms of the subpoena for months now.


Howard_Campbell t1_j80lvsv wrote

Can we make confidential document searches mandatory for departing executive branch members from now on?


Specialist-Put6367 t1_j80ytfn wrote

Why stop at executive branch? Congressmen and senators get classified briefings too!


Schnort t1_j844ol3 wrote

Like Biden did, and took home?


Schnort t1_j844ns5 wrote

Like Biden did, and took home?


Stahrk t1_j862h3t wrote

Uh, yes, exactly. Why is it you dorks think we don't want it to apply to democrats, too? Projection much?


mjh2901 t1_j8442zo wrote

All we need is for the National Archive to search each box as it leaves the White House. Hell they could just be a paid moving service. Everything goes in the truck, truck goes to national archive, boxes searched then transported to final destination at not cost to the official who is moving.


gimmeluvin t1_j808d0x wrote

I'm assuming they will uncover a secret room loaded with the kinkiest porn known to man.


Thenerdy9 t1_j80ac3x wrote

nah, I think he's probably just into some tame leather bondage with a little light S&M. Or some vanilla romantic heteroflexibility. Nothing too crazy, but enough to cause him deep shame in his judgmental relationship with the Lord.


fakerjohn t1_j82gl1u wrote

Nah dude I heard he’s smoov like a Ken doll, mother grew him in a lab or some shit


Senior-Sharpie t1_j804mhu wrote

I hope there were no female agents otherwise he would have had to leave the room!


TheCrowsSoundNice t1_j805lwx wrote

SEARCH. IVANKA. TRUMP'S. GRAVE. Perfect place to hide stuff.


iAmTheHYPE- t1_j80mxhm wrote


Kinda hard to search a living woman's grave...


Rickk38 t1_j815pan wrote

Easy mistake to make. Ever seen a corpse prepared for an open casket? Waxy sheen on the face and too much makeup? Well...


RealTheDonaldTrump t1_j80segi wrote

Fun fact: That golf course that she is buried at got reclassified as a cemetery after that. For tax reasons of course.


00notmyrealname00 t1_j80akob wrote

Yo. No doubt that coffin has more inside than a body in gaudy clothing. No. Freakin. Doubt.


CaptainMiserable t1_j80inga wrote

that would legit be the dumbest place to hide documents. How do you expect him to retrieve any documents?


CoughingLamb t1_j80p2dk wrote

I know, I can't believe people are still peddling this stupid conspiracy. They always use "the pallbearers were struggling too much for the coffin to only have ashes in it" as their evidence, when it's like, do they not realize how much a coffin alone weighs?


Zolome1977 t1_j80o9ha wrote

I am a bit disappointed with the elected officials from either party still having government documents in their possession after their stint.


Jessica65Perth t1_j81ewyt wrote

With Pence, Biden and Trump being found in posession of Classified Documents they should not have, set aside the legality aspect, it shows a weakness in Americas control of secret Documents. No one be it former Presidents, VPs or the Whitehouse cleaner should be able to accidently or intentionally end up with such Documrnts in their posession after leaving Office. They shpuld have to sign for them Doc XY 123 Date and year, sign back in with Secured Document staff having to be informed where documents are that are on loan and take them back. Like a Library set a return date. Based on Security importance some never to be removed from secured building.


greenweenievictim t1_j80f7yj wrote

The only thing we found was a shit load of play girl magazines.


Quick1711 t1_j80t0kc wrote

That's the Lindsey Graham search. Stay tuned.


ifallsmn218 t1_j81dyrn wrote

Sarah Huckabee Sanders is the one sitting on the toilet masturbating to the newest copy of ‘Juggs’.


MrKahnberg t1_j80goki wrote

Even Mother's delicates?


nooshaw t1_j80pia4 wrote

Yes even if they are in Pence's drawers.


Illustrious_Seat2914 t1_j80oq4t wrote

YOU get an FBI investigation, and YOU get an FBI investigation, and YOU get an FBI investigation…


Picture-unrelated OP t1_j80syth wrote

Looks like they found classified documents, per breaking news


bluuuuurn t1_j80ucki wrote

Pence desperately trying to stay relevant by copying the cool kids.


acuet t1_j804uza wrote

Seems a bit of pressure honestly seems odd. Unless Justice Dept really does feel they have something but need someone huge to come forward to validate.

UPDATE 2:55 PM EST: The Hill is now reporting the FBI have official found additional Secret Docs at Pence home this afternoon.


Chippopotanuse t1_j80ienq wrote

So it is rare that’s the FBI would conduct a search like this. But the FBI is run by a super conservative Trump appointee (Chris Wray) and the FBI isn’t going to search the property of a former Vice President unless they absolutely have the goods.

It is notable that Pence isn’t fighting this.

This has no indications that it is a fishing expedition and every indication the FBI knows what it is looking for.


gravybang t1_j80jbyt wrote

The FBI searched Biden's home on Wednesday and walked away with nothing. Sounds like they absolutely DIDN'T have the goods and were just trying to level the playing field to prevent cries of "DEEP STATE ONLY HASSLES REPUBLICANS!"


Chippopotanuse t1_j80k0g5 wrote

  • The FBI has not commented on the search.

  • Biden’s lawyer made a statement that no classified documents were found.

That does not equal “FBI found nothing” or that they were just doing it for optical purposes.

But I can see why you’d press that angle so hard with your obvious bias. Feel free to keep doing so.


gravybang t1_j80lfa7 wrote

> Biden’s lawyer made a statement that no classified documents were found.

Fair enough. How about "the FBI took for further review some materials and handwritten notes that appear to relate to his time as Vice President, but no documents with classified markings were found."

Is that better? I mean, that statement from Biden's lawyer was checked and was corroborated by at least one senior law enforcement official.

So does that mean the FBI was looking for handwritten notes to review? They knew Biden had handwritten notes and, rather than ask for them, decided to search for them?

Unbiased enough?


Slatedtoprone t1_j80t9cu wrote

Yeah, not very interesting. He asked him team to review his records, provided some and the FBI, which he cooperated with, found a couple more pages that were not marked. A big nothing of a story but I do wonder how many more people will have to look in their desk drawers for papers.


GuppyGirl1234 t1_j80mrvx wrote

Genuine question and not sticking up for Pence (or Trump) by any means:

Did the FBI conduct a search of Biden's home when they initially found classified documents? Or is this due to the number of classified documents found in Pence's possession? Location of where the documents were found? From what I read, both Pence and Biden gave up the documents immediately so I'm curious as to why Pence SEEMS to be getting harsher treatment.

Before anyone downvotes me, I feel strongly that all politicians need to be held equally accountable regardless of political leanings. Good on Pence and Biden both for turning everything over. I just don't like how one side is seemingly reported to be treated better/worse than the other.


LimitedSwimmer t1_j80x8we wrote

Looks like they found some more classified documents.


Jeep_Girl_2000 t1_j81hrtb wrote

A-Oh... the FBI is going to find his hidden stash of dirty mags that even mother didn't know about.


Hwy39 t1_j805eo2 wrote

Giving advance notice of a search somewhat defeats the purpose


DropC t1_j8078hy wrote

Maybe. But if you're caught moving anything after you've been given notice, it's extra paddling.


redditperson987 t1_j80eleo wrote

If it’s truly innocent clumsiness, I’m sure it’s fine. All I know is if I was purposely hiding something nefarious, and I had a heads up someone was coming to look for it, and I was 100% sure they didn’t already know where I was hiding it, it wouldn’t be there when they show up. Especially if it’s paper which is ridiculously easy to destroy.


PregnantFlannel t1_j80qh1t wrote

Prediction: They are going to find an aging portrait of a geriatric Mike Pence.


BrakeFade1 t1_j80vi8r wrote

He looks like Christian Bale with white plaster on his head


Unlucky_Narwhal3983 t1_j819gz6 wrote

I hope mother is there to oversee all of this. Could you imagine if he got stuck in a room with a female FBI agent, alone!? Oh the horror.

Edit: grammar


4Mag4num t1_j81as1z wrote

Thought that was a picture of Leslie Nielsen


[deleted] t1_j81ut51 wrote

I wonder how long until they find his collection of little shoes.


OldCheeseMeister t1_j81y3bi wrote

All these dudes will get away with only bad press. Meanwhile some 18 yr old kid who signed up to serve his country will be hammered to the wall for miss handling any type of secret materials.


macsogynist t1_j82y8y6 wrote

Mike will be fine. He has the gun toting, gay hating white Jesus on the side.


ThaxReston t1_j83k7sn wrote

Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a Republican. But I repeat myself. —Harry S. Truman


Kittydander503 t1_j8136mo wrote

His mom said it was ok to search his room.


OpeningOnion7248 t1_j81848p wrote

I wonder how and where “Mother” is in all of this?


psyper76 t1_j81907e wrote

How did he lose his home!?


Th3seViolentDelights t1_j81sc8c wrote

How did Biden's beach house get searched before Pence's house? Sigh.


fakerjohn t1_j82ft0o wrote

Good luck trying that shit at Cheney’s house.


BreakingtheBreeze t1_j82pq5d wrote

Times you wish the FBI had an elite all Female team for just this.


Scp-1404 t1_j8azfhn wrote

He lay down with a dog and he got up with fleas.


Fragrant_Spray t1_j816f2p wrote

I suspect they’re all going to get this. Obama, Bush, Cheney and maybe even the Clinton’s will get visits. If they want to make a case against Trump, they need people to understand that this is an issue that matters and they do take it seriously. It also enables them to demonstrate that others didn’t handle it the same way Trump did.


ifallsmn218 t1_j81dj47 wrote

The entire Trump administration should be searched. Especially those press secretaries who lied to us about damn near everything the entire time they were there.

If these people were willing to lie & tank their reputations for Trump they’re also desperate enough to hide boxes stuffed with classified documents at their homes for a few bucks.


Secure_Cake3746 t1_j81n9sm wrote



gregs1020 t1_j7zywwo wrote

our gov't at war with itself.

sure, i'm confident they're all fighting for us... /s


TheDadThatGrills t1_j800zrs wrote

Transparency & oversight.

You're rooting for corruption if you have an issue with government agencies holding one another in check.


gregs1020 t1_j805jdh wrote

no not at all. i have a problem with two parties that are supposed to be "for the people" but all they do is attack each other.

it's not a gov't, it's complete stagnation of rule.

and lets face it, they only care about the doners and lobbyists. why i get downvoted I will have no idea, but i don't care.

believe what you want to believe, this is a show.


p_larrychen t1_j810tdw wrote

You’re too lazy to do the work of actually understanding the issues so you’d rather just pretend both sides are the same


Chippopotanuse t1_j80jfkn wrote

  • Mike Pence was Trump’s VP.

  • Chris Wray runs the FBI. He was appointed by Trump.

How is this “two sides” attacking itself?

It’s one conservative Trump appointee (Wray) overseeing a search of another conservative Trump appointee (Pence) in relation to classified documents and other evidence of potential crimes.

And Trump said he would be “tough on crime” and “drain the swamp” of “Washington insiders” who were “corrupt”.

Are you not satisfied that Trump’s FBI appointee is trying to do EXACTLY THAT by searching Pence’s property?

Biden and the Dems have ZERO to do with what Chris Wray decides to do.

And unlike Trump (who fired the former FBI director James Comey when Comey wasn’t doing Trump’s bidding) Biden isn’t going to fire the FBI director just because that director is a lifelong Republican who was appointed by a prior administration.

So it’s exactly how you’d want it to go.

There is no “government war” here (despite the empty rhetorical claims that you and numerous other idiots on Fox News and Facebook claim).