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TheRealThordic t1_jdvispt wrote

That's a chunky fella considering its the spring.


Jsnooots t1_jdyedmp wrote

That fatty didn't go to bed.


TheRealThordic t1_jdyereb wrote

"Ha they're all going to sleep, I'm gonna stay up and eat ALL the garbage all winter"


Stacksmchenry t1_jdvcd8y wrote

Spring is nice and all but I've wasted much more time than was necessary practicing being big and loud in case of encountering a bear on a trail.

I won't get my time spent doing that back and you won't get your time reading this comment back. We've all lost.


Fishmike52 OP t1_jdvd6k2 wrote

Don’t sell yourself short… this comment was a good read 👍🏼


CarLover014 t1_jdw3jed wrote

Me and a couple of my friends encountered one last week in Norvin Green State Forest. Right in the middle of our trail. Just kept a distance, stayed quiet and after a couple minutes, it looked at us once an walked off the trail. My friends nearly shit their pants


Stacksmchenry t1_jdw8zrx wrote

that's crazy. Then again you're talking to someone that gets a little nervous when a deer is close by


sonofsochi t1_jdy1hiw wrote

Im not tryna catch ticks bro. You right to be scared


TheRealThordic t1_jdyex54 wrote

When it comes to hazards in the woods, ticks are way worse than black bears.


SmeemyMeemy t1_je1qjhm wrote

Honestly I am more frightened of the deer! They are MEAN. Black Bears just want to live their lives.


john_browns_beard t1_jdwdgb2 wrote

I know you're generally better off safe than sorry, but black bears are really not something to worry about. They almost always run away well before you see them, and if they do stick around, they are usually just curious and leave shortly after they get a good look at you. The exception is a mother with cubs, but the cubs are usually very vocal and it's hard to just walk up on them for that reason.

A can of bear mace will serve you better than just randomly yelling the whole time you're hiking.


metsurf t1_jdwyr98 wrote

Bear mace is illegal to purchase in NJ. The little cans available are not suitable for a bear.


Whats_A_Rage_Quit t1_je0e1l9 wrote

regardless of whether is "illegal" or not... they sell it at Costco.. they sell it at Ramsey outdoor.. and as an avid hiker/backpacker/outdoorsman I will tell you that i am always carrying it when i go (deep) into the woods. No cop is going to give a shit.

It's a backup that you 99% will never have to use. Bears, especially deep in the woods, do not want to interact with humans. Only time you ever might have an issue is if you have food on you. Regardless, as long as you don't spray a person, you're never going to have to answer to the law about it.


Batchagaloop t1_jdvjfpl wrote

I'm right by there...better keep an eye on my bird feeder!


6Emptybottles t1_jdwrf5o wrote

Wow!!! I've enjoyed your pictures and comments about the area. I just came in from some garden work and the deer helpfully removed all the hyacinth. I'm glad no bears...yet.


Fishmike52 OP t1_jdxzrqt wrote

These guys are like big racoons. They want sweets and LOVE bird seed.


tinyelefants t1_jdw87na wrote

Well, I guess it's time to start bringing the garbage out 15 minutes before pickup time again.


GetOffMyLawn_ t1_jdwju8a wrote

This is why I gave up on bird feeders. We have a bear or two in the neighborhood and there are usually cubs every spring.


SoupGod228 t1_jdxg4cv wrote

I genuinely thought that the birdfeeder was a bag with cocaine in it for a second.


shywicklow t1_jdvwyzv wrote

"Greetings! Please toss me out a nice big piece of meat, I'm not that picky"