
metsurf t1_jd7ag8m wrote

Happened with my dad. His facility would call me and say they were going to transport him because he was altered or he fell . My immediate thought was always what are we paying you for. Your supposed to be the experts here. It was usually nothing.


metsurf t1_j9j7lfd wrote

Or since whaling has largely been outlawed there are more of them. Look at seal populations on east coast. Seal hunts have been banned by marine mammal protection act and they are returning to beaches from NJ to Nova Scotia. Cleaner water in shore as well more food sources.


metsurf t1_j936546 wrote

The great whites should be not too far off the beach . Those beautiful seals are yummy fat balls to sharks.


metsurf t1_j8nz0qh wrote

If you mean broken as overly generous you are correct my brother-in-law just turned 58 and has been retired for 10 years. About a third of his time on the force he was a middle school resource officer. Most of his days were totally uneventful a bomb scare once, and kids having fistfights. Only time he actually used his service weapon was to euthanize animals hit by cars. He gets $85K+ pension plus premium health benefits to do nothing. That is unsustainable across the entire sum of all the cops we have.


metsurf t1_j6mz9rp wrote

Under-designed and not funded fully at the federal level. State would have been on the hook for a lot of it. It was going to terminate in the vicinity of the PATH 33rd St station with no definitive plan or funding for the terminus.


metsurf t1_j6mg9fe wrote

In Boonton they tore down alll the buildings, then excavated down about twenty feet and removed all the soil from the old EF Drew Chemical plant. They then backfilled everything and built a Walmart.


metsurf t1_j4w9of5 wrote

The thing that gets me is that even supervisory police officers get paid overtime. I mean for chrissakes in private industry you meet the criteria for being an exempt employee you are not getting OT. Highly compensated, supervisory personnel, with educational background requirements. It isn't like you're a shift leader at McDonald's making 45K that the owner is trying to screw out of OT by calling you an exempt employee.


metsurf t1_j4vum2q wrote

It actually was an item of debate and was increased a little a couple of years back but when cutting it was proposed the motions failed. You know you can only push NJ taxpayers so far. Frankly, I could do with one less overpaid sergeant on the police force but that's me.