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fins4ever t1_iu3yh0o wrote

Manchester, Best: It's big enough to have everything you need while being small enough to have real community around you

Worst: all the heroin


BigEnd3 t1_iu41yl3 wrote

That real community kinda wrecked it.


fins4ever t1_iu426ff wrote

Well I mean like church community, not the needles under the overpass kind


GreatGrandaddyPurp t1_iu427y6 wrote

They turn your property into community property whenever they run out of heroin


trolllord45 t1_iu4g8sj wrote


Best: it’s close to Portsmouth

Worst: it’s close to Rochester



irr1449 t1_iu4ssbn wrote

We use to have a saying back in the 80s. “Portsmouth by the sea, Dover by the smell.”

Dover has improved a LOT.


spicytunamac t1_iu4o3yg wrote

Manchester: Best - Decent food and very walkable. Worst - homelessness and open drug use. More sad than it is dangerous. To me anyway.


Hextall2727 t1_iu4sv0h wrote

Best: I absolutely love the opportunities my daughter has in this school district

Worst: the traffic circle, while simple in concept, its designers assumed wrongly that people aren't dumb.


CaptainOverthinker t1_iu535wn wrote


Best: There’s a race track

Worst: There’s a race track

Seriously there’s not much else in the town to talk about


TheGoldenChotskie t1_iu5m6oa wrote

Southern NH

Best: Everything I could need is 15 minutes radius from me.

Worst: It feels a lot like Massachusetts here


Cullen7777 t1_iu40jcx wrote


Best: The people

Worst: The food at Daniel’s by a wide margin


[deleted] t1_iu46viq wrote



Centinel_was_right t1_iu4yawi wrote

Now thinking that putting my tomato plants on my porch and road-facing front stoop was a tactical error.


skudak t1_iu4ac8g wrote

Best: my taxes are dirt cheap cause all the wealthy people with lake houses here pay high waterfront taxes.

Worst: the amount of people here in the summer is annoying and the rising property values are driving out locals


ballen1002 t1_iu4f6uk wrote


Best: lots of things to do outdoors.

Worst: it’s the only way to get to 93 for all the towns to the west, so the traffic on the main roads is pretty bad.


Rolling_Beardo t1_iu46squ wrote

The best and worst thing is that it’s a small town. Living in a small town is great for a number of reasons but it’s also kind of a pain when you have to drive 20+ minutes to most stores, restaurants, etc. in the area it can be a pia.


Open_Analysis_8930 t1_iu4j8hs wrote

Kingston- You can see Russia from here.


TheMobyDicks t1_iu5kpxc wrote

Not from there but:

Best: Cool town greens, good restaurants, proximity to lakes & I love What's the Scoop. Ten times better than Memories or Lagos.

Worst: No infrastructure


queenofswords24 t1_iu4zb1o wrote


Best: Beautiful and also being within a reasonable distance of Everything.

Worst: Paying all the taxes and still not getting town-funded trash pickup.


Ok-Control2273 t1_iu5k70y wrote

Canadian here. Are municipal taxes a huge deal in the States, like they vary a lot? cause I know in general, people say as a state, the tax burden of NH is pretty small, no sales tax and income tax etc.


Key-Gold9547 t1_iu5lmh7 wrote

Due to no sales tax the property taxes are generally higher then other regions (depending on where you live in NH)


lellololes t1_iu6iv47 wrote

It depends on the state.

In some states, education is primarily funded at the state level, so the state collects the taxes earmarked for that.

In NH, education is funded at the local level, so depending on the tax base and budgetary needs, the costs per capita vary significantly.

This also applies to other locality based expenses.

The overall tax burden in NH is below average, but it isn't like it is miniscule compared to other states.

In NH, the overall state/local tax burden is 16th lowest in the country, at 9.6%. The lowest is Alaska (Which receives a disproportionate amount of federal support). The highest local/state tax burden is in New York, and the second lowest is Wyoming. Massachusetts is 11.5%, which is ranked 36th lowest.

Overall, more urban states have a generally higher tax burden, the northeast has a higher tax burden, and then some random states in the midwest fill in the upper echelon that isn't New England, NY/NJ Metro, or California. There is a correlation between more democratic states having higher tax burdens, but it is not as strong as one may think. There are other factors at hand, too. The states with higher tax burdens also tend to ship away a larger percentage of their income to the federal government - and some by very significant amounts.

Outside of the major exceptions to the rule, most states are in the 8-12% range.

This is from the Tax Foundation, a right leaning, fiscally conservative organization:

Regarding donor states versus recipient states, the largest donor state is by far New York. In 2019, NY received $1172 per capita less in federal government money than the state sent to the federal govt. Per capita, Mass. is higher, but NY has been the biggest donor, year over year. Federal spending relative to the states can vary quite strongly on the basis of major expenses like military bases, so it isn't a 100% clean comparison, but generally speaking if a state is getting more federal money per person, its state tax burden is lower.

This report is from the Rockefeller Institue of Government, a nonpartisan but somewhat left leaning entity.

I believe both of these sources are of adequate accuracy to understand the basic dynamic (though the latter is specific to NY and is much more detailed).


woolsocksandsandals t1_iu410yl wrote

Best: it’s quaint, quite, peaceful and the people that live here are among the most pleasant that I’ve ever lived around.

Worst: stupidly high property taxes and lousy schools


MaPosto t1_iu4r2cd wrote



zetterbeauty t1_iu4peza wrote


Best - good beer/food scene. Close proximity to Newmarket and Portsmouth

Worst - driving. Who planned this town out and why?


twosunsyzygy t1_iu57uf5 wrote

Probably when goods and traffic moved along the rivers.


KiloCharlie11 t1_iu3xywy wrote

The worst... That fucking train blowing the horn at 3:30 in the goddamnit. The people are nice.


spyboy70 t1_iu4j0km wrote

I swear that engineer thinks "if I have to work at 3:30am, everyone else should be up too".

He blows the horn like he's doing 300mph.


SamJackson01 t1_iu4rg75 wrote

When the engineer is blowing his horn at 3am he’s thinking, “I sure hope that exhausted guy coming home in the middle of night from his night shift job hears this and doesn’t blow through the crossing because he’s half asleep.”


KiloCharlie11 t1_iu5a0jv wrote

Then why does he do it at 4pm as well? Some blow the horn appropriately, the once or twice approaching an intersection… There’s no fucking reason to hold a 180db horn for a 3 mile stretch in the middle of a city.


SamJackson01 t1_iu5fqf0 wrote

I’ve talked to an engineer. If you plowed your train through a van with a mother and child in it you would make sure everyone knew you were coming.


KiloCharlie11 t1_iu6lo6q wrote

Yeah. Read my last comment. There appropriate and then there’s just being a fucking asshat.


KrissaKray t1_iu4gg6e wrote



Best: It's centrally located but still quiet

Worst: The cell reception is spotty af all over town.


jjmenace t1_iu4idl1 wrote

New Hampton: Best: We have an exit on 93 and are centrally located in the Lakes Region.

Worst: See above.


rabblebowser OP t1_iu5w3yt wrote

Now I have to ask if you like Rossi's?


jjmenace t1_iu5yf53 wrote

Lol, ya know. I have no complaints any time that I've been there it's been good but it's one of those things where it's so close to home that I don't go there. Between there and the Homestead in Bristol I might have eaten there 5 times in 25 years. No complaints, perfectly good just too close to home. I'm dying to hear your thoughts though.

My daughter's dating an Italian boy from New Jersey and he is dying to go there because it gets great reviews...but she's hesitant because she doubts it will NOT meet the "Italian food stamp of approval".


rabblebowser OP t1_iudmp0w wrote

I haven't been!! I assume the food is terrible and people just go for the convenience and social aspect? And the bar. Hahah.


jjmenace t1_iudtp71 wrote

My wife's major complaint is how dark it is inside but I've always told her that some people like that in an Italian restaurant.


smartest_kobold t1_iu50z2f wrote

The best is the chemical waste that causes super powers. The worst is the chemical waste that doesn't cause super powers.


overdoing_it t1_iu403gj wrote


Best - has everything you need in town, small independent hardware and grocery stores, pharmacy, car wash, gas station, auto parts... liquor store until recently moved to Epsom. Lots of old houses, very picturesque.

Worst - most people would say it's a poor slummy garbage town but I don't really experience that since I don't live downtown and there's nothing wrong with it when I go in. I'd say the worst part is just high taxes for the schools (all the way through high school supported by one town without a large tax base). That also keeps growth slow which is fine with me, I like all the old buildings and unused land. From looking through the town's history this used to be a much more significant place, kind of a hub town for the area before they rerouted route 28 to bypass downtown, now you can drive through without noticing it. There used to be a train station and bus service to Concord but both ended by the 60s.

When I first moved here the long commute to Manchester was a downside, 50-60 minutes but without much traffic usually. But now I work remote and don't really go to Manchester so it doesn't matter anymore. Concord is 20-30 minutes depending where you're going. Just far enough you can't "run out" to go do one thing. Which is why its nice we have most amenities in town.


koifishkid t1_iu4qod8 wrote


Best: there’s no one here

Worst: there’s no one here


Dveau3 t1_iu70hn5 wrote

Washington, here. Came to say the same thing.


orcristfoehammer t1_iu65p1y wrote

Epping is a disgusting mistake and should be removed in a biblical manner


99probs-allbitches t1_iu66v4i wrote

Best: access to the outdoors

Worst: above the notch income, no housing


a1234321 t1_iu68ezc wrote


Best: centrally located to get to most of my interests but I can still live in the woods.

Worst: Rochester proper is pretty trashy. The City Beverage has a fantastic selection of craft beer, but the parking lot feels like I'm gonna get tetanus.


Pm_Me_CuteCatPics t1_iu404g2 wrote


Best: Downtown is pretty good with a lot of good restaurants

Worst: The morning traffic on main


bluesflew t1_iu5i7gv wrote

Oh god, I worked on the bay one summer at a shop near baileys bubble (if it’s still called that). The traffic getting in there in the morning was the absolute worst.


urgeybergy t1_iu54q7n wrote

Best: Great scenic area for exploring and day trips.

Worst: Taxes are ridiculous and don’t go to roads or city trash pickup.


ForklkftJones t1_iu3wqfv wrote

Best - very quiet. I can see the stars at night. It's no Arizona/four corners stars, but there's a lot. Very little light pollution.

Worst - the 3-5 stores kind of suck. Just antique stores that never seem to be open. I rather put a spa or a blockbuster in one of them. Lol.

This is a through town so a lot of fast driving maniacs speed through getting to their homes or jobs. I wish there was a bypass road for them to take.


SkipAd54321 t1_iu417u9 wrote

A blockbuster so everyone can rent VHS tapes


ForklkftJones t1_iu4phfd wrote

I went to the last blockbuster and people were having a good time there, I'm sure having a pot shop down the street helps. I miss local movie stores.


SkipAd54321 t1_iu5yogq wrote

Pot shop, blockbuster, convince store - 1995 college drop out trifecta


MysteriousEarth356 t1_iu4bq94 wrote

Worst: no restaurants that serve really good food.

Best: it’s a border town so I can easily drive to Massachusetts when I’m hungry


Thorking t1_iu4mzjx wrote

Madbury- Quaint, pretty, farmland, nice houses overall. Small town feel but super close to Dover, Durham, and Portsmouth. The town itself has no real businesses or community identity really.


rabblebowser OP t1_iu5w24n wrote

This is the only town here I haven't heard of before


Thorking t1_iu60lpa wrote

Fun fact: it's the only Madbury in the U.S and maybe the world.


NHJack t1_iu4ue1d wrote

Hudson Best: … thinking.., Worst: Entitled ignorant neighbors, noise all summer long, town government that loves to spend


thathighwhitekid t1_iu4uizz wrote


Best: quiet, nobody bothers you

Worst: nothing to do for the 20 something’s around here until winter time


Frederick_Foz t1_iu4w2pv wrote

Nottingham: Best- it’s always so peaceful here and the people are all friendly, also we have Liars Paradise Worst- nothing is close by


nhmo t1_iu4ysw3 wrote

Much of the same for Deerfield but also I think the state-level reps we sent to the government are off their rocker. Strangely, the town level government is pretty cooperative and functional.


Frederick_Foz t1_iu54blb wrote

Totally agree, I find it so hard tho to find info on our state level reps


lellololes t1_iu6j584 wrote

I think that in general, we get more dysfunction in legislative positions than in executive positions.

There are certainly big exceptions to that, of course.


lizzybnh t1_iu72muu wrote

I agree about our reps.! How do those guys keep getting elected??


the-quibbler t1_iu52dv5 wrote


Quiet and peaceful where I am.

Decided lack of food delivery. Very severe.


engineered_academic t1_iu5t3lb wrote

What do you mean you can only order from Tremont or Ramuntos?

It cost me more in gas to drive to Taco Bell on Washington St than it did to pay for the meal.


the-quibbler t1_iu5vp49 wrote

And Taco Bell is offline for almost a month due to losing one of the freezers. Not the worst thing about Claremont, but I miss having access to varieties of food, and restaurants open past 8pm.


engineered_academic t1_iu5w2dl wrote

Did Claremont Country Cafe on Washington St ever open back up? Last time I was in town it had closed down indefinitely due to "lack of staff". Coincidentally a new breakfast placed opened up where Dusty's used to be. I wonder if they hired all the staff.


the-quibbler t1_iu5wf3s wrote

Selfish of me, certainly, but global staffing crisis is upsetting my love of food. It's gonna be a few years before that normalizes, between the excess virus deaths and all the early retirements. My predictions say late 2024/early 2025, and places like Claremont will small populations could linger longer.


engineered_academic t1_iu5wr3q wrote

"Nobody wants to work" became "the world experienced a massive job vacuum due to millions of people literally dying" Can you have negative unemployment? Maybe.


Encyclofreak t1_iu5kh4p wrote


Best: The most affordable of the communities along the Spaulding corridor.

Worst: Not as many options for food and entertainment as the other towns on the Spaulding corridor, meaning travel and tolls to go do stuff.


Omelettedufromage14 t1_iu5ri26 wrote

our downtown is really lacking too. compared to other downtowns in the area it really lacks in vibrancy.


rabblebowser OP t1_iu5vvm6 wrote

It looks nice driving through it. You can tell they are trying!


Encyclofreak t1_iu5wtvw wrote

I think it will get better in the future. Portsmouth and Dover are pricing people out and Rochester has the room to grow and rehabilitate downtown.


LaserRedstang t1_iu631h1 wrote

Laconia: Best: the lake, work, some of the neighborhoods, youth sports leagues and some of the other outdoorsy type stuff. The bad: some of the neighborhoods, the homelessness and the school system. Side note: I’m not to usually complain about schools. I know teachers are under funded and under paid. That being said we have lost good people in the school system due to high ups being part of a good ol boys club. I have brought up concerns here and there and am met with snide comments by administrators. Along with high school teachers pushing kids on how to think and how they should vote. Voting to me and how I raised my kids is a private matter that we raised our kids to find what’s important to them and then support whoever best represents that with them.


NinoNino3 t1_iu6pcqw wrote

Rye (Renter)

Overpriced, snooty, hidden secret is many of the homes here are 2nd homes, all of the wealth can actually be depressing (if you are normal like me) and Jesus Christ everyone is a boomer.

Best- Beautiful beach and such a beautiful place to walk and run along Rt 1 A, and the smell of the sea.


ChangeTheGameNH t1_iu74ash wrote


Worst: Traffic on 28.

Best: North Salem is its own little pocket of tranquility.


NicolBolocco t1_iu894q1 wrote

Best thing about Weare: It’s a big town land-wise and you have nice privacy

Worst thing about Weare: Living on a road people like to tear around in on their trucks, not giving a rat’s ass about anybody else


itsMalarky t1_iufy5yu wrote

Concord: you can be in a rural part of town hiking, biking, or swimming one hour and downtown at a brewery or distillery the next.

The cons -- Things tend to get quiet pretty early, and for some reason the town thinks we need 16 mattress stores and 100 banks.


Alternative-Cry-4667 t1_iu9ojdc wrote

Deering Best- Small quit town Worst- We’re next to Hillsboro


Zealousideal_Walk515 t1_iua786a wrote

Windham - good school system, mostly decent people Bad - do gooders from Mass moving in trying to turn our fair land into the hellhole they climbed out of!


jsosborn t1_iuauxvk wrote

Durham best: Close to restaurants, groceries, Amtrak, waterfront, nice people, students. Durham worst: downtown parking.


zeeke42 t1_iubgl5a wrote

Durham : Best : great sense of community, excellent schools, close to a lot of restaurants and shopping, good town services Worst: oh man do we pay for the schools and services


Potential-Village-61 t1_iu5esu7 wrote

I like it's old time beauty I dislike the city leaders turning it into ghetto cement sidewalks-cutting down healthy old trees and allowing a historical park to be intruded upon by a commercial restaurant that built an ugly platform on it . NEWBURYPORT Ma.


TheMobyDicks t1_iu5k59b wrote

Is that where the train comes in?


Potential-Village-61 t1_iu6capf wrote

It is all over the city . Seems as if noone at city hall cares about what their careless decisions is doing to tourism . Without tourism this city is dead . . If this destructive trend keeps up I venture to say within ten years Newburyport will have lost it's tourism charm . Thanks Moby


nopedy-dopedy t1_iu83g2h wrote

This is how I feel about Talkeetna Alaska. I live about 2 hours south of it in a bigger city, but I've spent some good time there.

It used to be a quiet old town of about 800 people. Now it's over 1,000 and the tourism is insane. The tourism is good for them, but you can clearly see how it's changing the dynamic.

Blagh 😔


nopedy-dopedy t1_iu83pak wrote

Wasilla Alaska. Give it another 50 years and we'll be running out of trees for the sake of more residency and bigger roadways. I hate to see it but theres nothing anyone can do. Everyone is moving in from out of town, and those who stay out of town are being creeped up on from the push of higher residency. I fear my secluded lot will be surrounded by neighbors relatively soon (10-20 years).
