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pbsolaris t1_itpk58l wrote

Nah, too violent, not enough profit. I say we make a more lethal demolition derby and just throw these guys at each other. Have the auto motive programs at the jails make the cars and just PPV that shit. All proceeds go to the department of education. Much like the Pittman Robertson act where Hunting and fishing licenses and fines, and 11.5% of every gun and bullet, go to the DEP / EPA which has proven to be super effective restoring many of our countries protected species.

I think we need prison reform, and 90% of the people in there don't need to be in there. Meanwhile there's plenty of garbage on the sides of our highways and in our waterways that should be picked up, in graffiti on our buildings that should be power washed off. That being said I think a lot of these mass shooters or horrific monsters are really committing some irreparable acts against humanity. I don't think any modern prison punitive measures are going to correct or bring justice to these people. Additionally we have too many people on the damn planet so why waste the energy money and resources on these monsters? That said I think it's only best that we sacrifice them in the method I mentioned above for the greater good that being education, and if that is sufficient maybe Medicaid or something. I think putting these events on Pay-Per-view internationally would raise billions that would help us American people and the world get rid of horrific human beings.

I'm not the hero you guys want, but I'm the hero everyone needs.