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steelymouthtrout t1_itmx17l wrote

Two junkies have sex and one got pregnant. A precious child that never had a chance. Hey way to go Lawrence family court you did a great fucking job with this poor baby. Yeah let's give her back to her junkie father so he and his junkie wife can get food stamps and other assistance. That's the only reason he wanted her.
Sick effing world. Rest in peace sweet baby. I'm sorry your parents are worthless.


BowTiedAgorist t1_itna1mu wrote

My ex worked in CPS\Child Adoptions in MA.

Some of the horror stories I heard - alot of it is driven by trying to keep the child in the family and in their neighborhood vs displacing them in foster or putting them group homes.


scarletuba t1_itnvdoe wrote

Yup, because the research indicates that most children have worse outcomes when separated from their family. It's pretty devastating... But frankly, we should use that evidence to provide more supports to those families, so they have more of a chance of getting better. I know the narrative is they don't "deserve" help, but their children do.


BowTiedAgorist t1_itnwr4m wrote

I'm not interested in handing junkies more money for junk so they can neglect their kids... The real problem is we punish parents for being poor, having low standards of living, or mental health issues - they deserve slack and support and empathy. Honestly, the all or nothing approach our CPS\Court systems take... is absurd - takes a rational decision out of people who were once paid to make rational decisions.

Dope fiends can kindly fuckoff to back allies and waste their lives on their own dime.


occasional_cynic t1_itqf04h wrote

> provide more supports to those families

Yes, just give them more and more. That will definitely solve the problem.


scarletuba t1_itrpay4 wrote

Giving them less has never worked.

Times are freaking hard, the US' bootstrap approach only works large scale for people who already have tons of innate support and are comfortable letting children suffer for their parents' problems.

Anyone who thinks there's not a causal link between poverty, drug use, child abuse, and mental illnesses is absolutely deluded. You do not solve drug problems by depriving them of more. You do not solve child abuse by drug addicts by punishing the drug users.

I'm not excusing what happened to this poor little girl, I'm not okay with anyone hurting a child, but I am arguing that punishing the adults who are in crisis is the same as punishing the child, and I am never okay hurting a kid.


WapsuSisilija t1_itpxp3f wrote

Thankfully the Executive Council is blocking comprehensive sex ed, so more they'll be more teen parents, which will create more junkies, which will create more abused kids...


poohbear1025 t1_itm7i7v wrote

I grew up with the mother Crystal, she had a bad home life like she gave her daughter. Terrible cycle and all adults in this equation are responsible for this murder.


audreyhorn666 t1_itnhf4k wrote

this is so, so sad. that poor little girl never had a chance


Alternative-Cry-4667 t1_itnpxsx wrote

What mother goes two years with out speaking to their kid


beardmat87 t1_ito15t7 wrote

A shitty junkie one who doesn’t care about their child.


Solid_Information_66 t1_itp45wy wrote

Ask my kids mom. She legit disappeared one day and we didn't hear from her for a year and a half.


occasional_cynic t1_itqf9kd wrote

Drug addicts/mental health issues make it hard to focus on anything besides immediate survival.


Strict_Zebra_3585 t1_itnebqa wrote

I think we all knew this was coming. So very sad. As a father, I cannot imagine how this is even possible.


Azr431 t1_itm8dir wrote

This is absolutely heartbreaking and what most folks assumed. That poor child being born to two degenerates and the protective system failing her at every turn.


grammarGuy69 t1_itm8p01 wrote

I mean the protective system in NH runs on fumes cause of their budget. Live Free or Die is pretty literal here apparently.


juicebronston t1_itmbtzz wrote

It was a Massachusetts judge that gave Adam Montgomery full custody, though.


FromTheTreeline556 t1_itmfln9 wrote

I hope that motherfucker lies awake every night with that failure replaying over and over again.


vorrhin t1_itq32kr wrote

I worked for DCYF for 8 years. They're neoptists and narcissists. The stories I could tell....


BowTiedAgorist t1_itn9raw wrote

Wood chipper.


Mundane-Difficulty55 t1_itnsv9a wrote

Or a vat of acid


BowTiedAgorist t1_ito0a5w wrote

I don't like the harsh chemicals - honestly the disposal is an issue.

Woodchipper basically turns em into composting material.


Mission-Document5257 t1_itpihjm wrote

With very low volume. First time I used a chipper I was amazed - turned a 40' x 40' pile of brush into a strip of chips 8' x 1'.


BowTiedAgorist t1_itpj7rk wrote

they are insanely powerful machines.

I'm also partial to industrial metal shredders... they turn much slower but with way higher torque. those sumbitches can turn a refrigerator into pile of shredded metal you could fit into a target bag.


rabblebowser t1_itm4seb wrote

Who murders a 5 year old? What a piece of shit. I'm sick of seeing his name in the news all the time. Get him outta hereee


gwrthun t1_itm20fo wrote

Poor child. RIP Harmony.


slayursister t1_itm344o wrote

Good. Lock this piece shit up.


Berneraccountbuddy t1_itmfh7g wrote

Is that really such a bad fate when you're already a worthless junkie?


slayursister t1_itmgwph wrote

I know the whole "prison justice" thing is mostly a myth but hope just this one time it happens


ThatAHOLE t1_itmss55 wrote

This guy is probably going to be in Protective Custody for a long while - which is basically from what I understand is solitary. There are plenty of guys in there who can’t see their kids for whatever reason and they’d love to take it out on a complete scumbag like this guy.


11BMasshole t1_itmttlh wrote

No they wouldn’t, Prisoners don’t give a flying fuck about much. They are all fucking degenerate scumbags for the most part. The biggest thing that prisoners fight over is sex. You either fight to not get raped, fight to be the raper or fight another prisoner for their piece of ass. The other things are food, drugs or gang shit.


Highlingual t1_itnx5ok wrote

My best friend’s mother was a nurse at a max security facility growing up so we got to hear a lot of stories. Unless something has changed in the last decade or so, folks who hurt young children were on the top of other inmates’ shit lists.


david98900 t1_itm741f wrote

I just hope the delay was really to make it stick.

It has been pretty obvious for awhile now, at least to anyone with deductive reasoning, that these two murdered her for awhile now, or at the very least caused her to be "gone". This long delay in charging either of them I hope is what is going to make these charges stick and have them pay for the crime.


[deleted] t1_itmch2k wrote



david98900 t1_itmsmil wrote

I didn't say it was reasonable.

I said that it appears that these two were the ones that committed this crime to anyone with deductive reasoning. But in the court of law, you need more than "deductive reasoning" so my hope is that with this long delay and large investigation, the police did their due diligence and can prove that they murdered her in a court of law.


XGothWolfX t1_itm4ht5 wrote

Presumably he beat her to death. Public firing squad when he's found guilty.


carpdog112 t1_itqczbs wrote

The most optimistic scenario would probably be an accidental overdose from pills or other drugs that were left out. But since he had apparently given her at least one black eye on a previous occasion...


Berneraccountbuddy t1_itmf48q wrote

Too bad the death penalty isn't an option


Jean-Paul_Sartre t1_itmzvt3 wrote

tbh a junkie like him would probably have a longer life expectancy on death row than he would if he was walking free


pbsolaris t1_itn46d8 wrote

I'm just gonna say it. The Neck tattoos aren't helping the societal judgement aspect.

Now how can we kill this cunt muffin for profit and send the profits to our state schools?


TurnoverTall t1_ito4vrb wrote

Every time I saw him I thought “what a fine individual. Such terrible things happening to such an obviously well adjusted person.” The wood chipper idea is growing on me.


pbsolaris t1_itpk58l wrote

Nah, too violent, not enough profit. I say we make a more lethal demolition derby and just throw these guys at each other. Have the auto motive programs at the jails make the cars and just PPV that shit. All proceeds go to the department of education. Much like the Pittman Robertson act where Hunting and fishing licenses and fines, and 11.5% of every gun and bullet, go to the DEP / EPA which has proven to be super effective restoring many of our countries protected species.

I think we need prison reform, and 90% of the people in there don't need to be in there. Meanwhile there's plenty of garbage on the sides of our highways and in our waterways that should be picked up, in graffiti on our buildings that should be power washed off. That being said I think a lot of these mass shooters or horrific monsters are really committing some irreparable acts against humanity. I don't think any modern prison punitive measures are going to correct or bring justice to these people. Additionally we have too many people on the damn planet so why waste the energy money and resources on these monsters? That said I think it's only best that we sacrifice them in the method I mentioned above for the greater good that being education, and if that is sufficient maybe Medicaid or something. I think putting these events on Pay-Per-view internationally would raise billions that would help us American people and the world get rid of horrific human beings.

I'm not the hero you guys want, but I'm the hero everyone needs.


Nestormahkno19d t1_itq6ah3 wrote

Just curious, how do you intend to turn a profit off his execution? PPV?


gaygypsy420 t1_itq779f wrote

Do you not know how Pay per view works? It's in the name. I'm not trying to be a dick but a Mayweather fight can generate 1 billion internationally. A demolition violent race I imagine would generate tons of money as well. Not sure the angle you're coming from but if you think humanity doesn't appreciate violence I think you'd be sadly mistaken. Factor in the vengeance and that these people are officially sub human monsters of society I think many people would throw their morals put the window in case of an exciting demolition race.


Nestormahkno19d t1_itq9930 wrote

I was more asking the means of distribution not whether people would pay to see it, that goes without saying. Do you charge $50 per PPV subscription or do you limit it to live, in person viewing and up the price?


gaygypsy420 t1_itqfpsz wrote

That I couldn't tell you. I'd suggest professional promotion managers volunteer work that in exchange for an individual tax break.


SnooPeripherals5969 t1_itpgc2l wrote

The charges are specific enough to imply the found something. “second-degree murder for recklessly causing the death of Harmony; falsifying physical evidence for altering, destroying, concealing or removing Harmony's body; abuse of a corpse for unlawfully removing, concealing or destroying Harmony's body; and tampering with witnesses or informants” They wouldn’t charge him with those things unless they had enough evidence to back it up and not cause a mistrial. I think they are just not releasing the full details until the trial.


vorrhin t1_itq2xed wrote

Yeah from these charges they have to have found the body


Newblivion t1_itmcszm wrote

Did they ever find her?


kpyna t1_itmm7yb wrote

I don't think they ever found a body (if they did, that information hasn't been shared yet) but this summer they pulled a fridge out of his old apartment and did an analysis on the sewer system after someone gave them a tip. A couple months later investigators said they were very confident she was killed in December 2019.

Based on this I am thinking they found her DNA in the fridge and/or septic system. It's grim but I think the way things were carried out, there might not be anything visible to find.


Goodbye11035Karma t1_itmm35h wrote

I am wondering the same thing. The charges are very specific especially the part where it was stated that she was beaten about the head.


the_ricktacular_mort t1_itmmezy wrote

Maybe they got a confession?


ILikeCrabbyRobots t1_itmy41i wrote

I bet they flipped the wife.


Beautiful_Repeat_718 t1_itu1xwl wrote

Yeah, they're gonna cut a deal with the person who knew that girl was dead and didn't say anything for nearly 2 years and then she's not gonna face any repercussions for her role in what happened.


adepssimius t1_itnroyt wrote

The news story states that the search is still ongoing.


ThunderySleep t1_itr4glp wrote

Is this the case where no one knew she was missing for a year or so because of the lockdowns?


Nestormahkno19d t1_itq625f wrote

Sad to say I think we all saw this coming way back when they started the search for her.


swervo246 t1_itr2pw3 wrote

Is he still part of that football club he plays for? Have they issued a statement regarding this?


Cullen7777 t1_itp41xa wrote

Innocent until PROVEN guilty


daymuub t1_itpbhs1 wrote

Yeah in the court of law not the court of public opinion


Solid_Information_66 t1_itqynrd wrote

Didn't we just do this not too long ago with the guy and the motorcycle crash? The court of public opinion was so sure that dude was guilty and then the court of law found him innocent.


daymuub t1_itrfss0 wrote

Yeah but I think this case is a little more straightforward than that


HumanWrangler547 t1_its657f wrote



Cullen7777 t1_ituaeks wrote

I’m not defending him personally. I’m railing against the trials being conducted via social media.

It wasn’t that long ago WMUR and the masses wanted to string the truck driver from the randolph crash up by his neck.

The state bears the burden of proof is all i’m saying. In this case, I hope they have it


Beautiful_Repeat_718 t1_itu1lr2 wrote

None of what you said makes any sense. If he was already proven guilty, then the article would be about his conviction, not him being charged. And I'm willing to bet you have left your own DNA behind in places you've lived and stayed before, so finding her DNA at a home where she used to live isn't going to be all that surprising. Unless they have found her body and can conduct testing, right now all they have is circumstantial evidence and the word of someone who is facing charges of her own and willing to cut a deal to pin this on the father.


HumanWrangler547 t1_iuagq9r wrote

Circumstantial evidence IS EVIDENCE FYI. But I'm not talking about circumstantial evidence here.

They found enough biological DNA evidence to prove that Harmony is no longer alive! - it was found in the floor boards of their old apartment (the one he went back to later on to "air out the smell") & more DNA evidence in the trunk of the car that Adam, Kayla & Harmony were living in.

According to Adams wife, he became enraged and punched Harmony repeatedly in her head with a closed fist and murdered her. - this happened December 2019. He began the slow disposal process of Harmony’s body sometime in March 2020!!

Try doing a bit of research next time you decide to insert your useless opinion.

I've followed Harmony’s case since day 1. Alsooo, the trial has not started yet. Right now he's only being charged but he will be convicted.

He has his firearms trial first. (& a surprise witness on the list is Danielle Dauphinais- the POS also from NH who murdered and tortured her son Elijah Lewis)

Then after the trial for Harmony, he has another case for the 2008 murder of Darlin Guzman in Lynn, Ma.

Btw- a body is NOT needed to be charged & convicted for murder